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This library provides easy access to the PodcastIndex API to find podcasts feeds & episodes.

PodcastIndex Library for Dart/Flutter #

ℹī¸ This library provides easy access to the PodcastIndex API to find podcasts feeds & episodes.

📱 This library can be used in Flutter apps, too!

Features #

Only the most important part of the PodcastIndex API has been implemented (for now). For terminology, please refer to the official API Docs.


⚡ Current Progress: 15/40 endpoints implemented.


A feed represents a podcast in its totality; an episode represents a single episode of a specific feed.

PodcastIndex uses feed and podcast interchangeably. Albeit confusing, we do the same here.


Pay attention to the use of singular/plural in method names. For example, findFeedById returns a Future<Feed>, whereas findFeedsByTerm returns a Future<List<Feed>>.


All methods return a Future<...>, as HTTP call are asynchronous. Just use await in front of the method call, and mark the calling method as async.

void f() async {
List<Feed> results = await feedService.findFeedsByTerm("some term"); 

// Notice that the return type is not wrapped in a Future, because we called 		the method with await


Endpoints in the Search category use both the FeedService and the EpisodeService! It's always better to instantiate both at the same time.

Name Implemented? Endpoint Method
Search (podcasts) by term ✅ /search/byterm FeedService.findFeedsByTerm
Search podcasts by title ✅ /search/bytitle FeedService.findFeedsByTitle
Search episodes by person ✅ /search/byperson EpisodeService.findEpisodesByPerson
Search Music Podcasts ✅ /search/music/byterm FeedService.findMusicFeedsByTerm

Podcasts (Feeds) #

Name Implemented? Endpoint Method
By Feed ID ✅ /podcasts/byfeedid FeedService.findFeedById
By Feed URL ✅ /podcasts/byfeedurl FeedService.findFeedByUrl
By iTunes ID ✅ /podcasts/byitunesid FeedService.findFeedByItunesId
By GUID ✅ /podcasts/byguid FeedService.findFeedByPodcastGuid
By Tag ❌ /podcasts/bytag -
By Medium ✅ /oodcasts/bymedium FeedService.findFeedByMedium
Trending ❌ /podcasts/trending -
Dead ❌ /podcasts/dead -


The GUID is a unique, global identifier for the podcast. See the namespace spec for guid for details. (from PodcastIndex API Docs).

Episodes #

Name Implemented? Endpoint Method
By Feed ID ✅ /episodes/byfeedid EpisodeService.findEpisodesByFeedId
By Feed URL ✅ /episodes/byfeedurl EpisodeService.findEpisodesByFeedUrl
By Podcast GUID ✅ /episodes/bypodcastguid EpisodeService.findEpisodesByPodcastGuid
By GUID ✅ /episodes/byguid EpisodeService.findEpisodeByGuid
By iTunes ID ❌ /episodes/byitunesid -
By ID ✅ /episodes/byid EpisodeService.findEpisodeById
Live ✅ /episodes/live EpisodeService.findLiveEpisodes
Random ❌ /episodes/random -


Do not get confused! Podcast GUID != GUID. The first one is the GUID of the feed the episode is part of; the latter is the GUID of the single, specific episode.

Finally, ID is the PodcastIndex internal ID (an int).

Other Endpoints #

The PodcastIndex API exposes many more endpoints! Following categories hasn't been implemented at all:

  • Recent
  • Value
  • Stats
  • Categories
  • Hub
  • Add
  • Apple Replacement

Please note that you can manually call not-yet-implemented endpoints using


from this library, where endpoint is of the form /some-endpoint. This function will take care of authentication for you. A standard Future<Response> will be returned.

Getting started #

  1. Install the library as usual:

    dart pub add podcastindex_dart

    or, if using Flutter:

    dart pub add podcastindex_dart
  2. If you don't have one already, create a .env file at the root of your project.

    Paste following content:



You can get these two values by signing up > for a free PodcastIndex account here.

  1. Import the library in your files:
     import 'package:podcastindex_dart/src/entity/episode.dart';
     import 'package:podcastindex_dart/src/service/episode_service.dart';
     import 'package:podcastindex_dart/src/service/feed_service.dart';

Usage #

There are essentially two services that deal with the two fundamentals type returned by the API: FeedService and EpisodeService.

Simply instantiate the desired service:

var feedService = FeedService();
var episodeService = EpisodeService();

On these objects, method names reflects that of the PodcastIndex API's endpoints and are pretty self-explanatory.

As usual, please refer to the official API Docs.

Example #

Let's suppose we want to match all podcasts (feeds) with a given word (a typical usage for a search bar!).

This is how I'd do it:

String term = searchBarInput.value; /*Dumb code, just for you to get the idea!*/

List<Feed> searchResults = feedService.findFeedsByTerm(term);

To limit the search at the first 10 results, we can modify the code to include the max optional parameter:

List<Feed> searchResults = feedService.findFeedsByTerm(term, max: 10);

Additionally, to let explicit contents out of the results, we can set the clean flag:

List<Feed> searchResults = feedService.findFeedsByTerm(term, max: 10, clean: true);

To play an episode (in reality, to get the stream URL of a specific episode), we would write the following:

  int episodeId = 16795089; // found with some other calls.
  Episode episode = await episodeService.findEpisodeById(episodeId);
  String playbackUrl = episode.enclosureUrl.toString();

  audioplayer.play(playbackUrl); // Dumb code, to get the idea!


The name of parameters and fields reflects those of the official API.



verified publisherncavallini.ch

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This library provides easy access to the PodcastIndex API to find podcasts feeds & episodes.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


GPL-3.0 (license)


collection, convert, crypto, dotenv, http, json_annotation


Packages that depend on podcastindex_dart