pocketbase 0.14.0+2 copy "pocketbase: ^0.14.0+2" to clipboard
pocketbase: ^0.14.0+2 copied to clipboard

Multi-platform Dart SDK for PocketBase, an open source realtime backend in 1 file.

0.14.0+2 #

  • Run dart formatter.

0.14.0+1 #

  • Updated the examples in README.

0.14.0 #

  • Added new generic RecordModel.getDataValue<T>(key, [default]) data value getter to support retrieval of any value type. We now also allow accessing nested json object values via dot-notation. For example:
    final record = RecordModel(data: {"a": {"b": [{"b1": 1}, {"b2": 2}, {"b3": 3}]}});
    record.getDataValue<int>("a.b.1.b2", 2); // 2
    record.getDataValue<int>("a.b.c");       // 0 (no explicit default)
    record.getDataValue<int>("a.b.c", -1);   // -1 (explicit default)
    The old RecordModel getters are aliased to use getDataValue.
    getStringValue(field)   is the same as  getDataValue<String>(field)
    getBoolValue(field)     is the same as  getDataValue<bool>(field)
    getIntValue(field)      is the same as  getDataValue<int>(field)
    getDoubleValue(field)   is the same as  getDataValue<double>(field)
    getListValue<T>(field)  is the same as  getDataValue<List<T>>(field)

0.13.0 #

  • Added new AsyncAuthStore helper class that could be used with any external async persistent layer (shared_preferences, hive, local file, etc.). For example:
    final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
    final store = AsyncAuthStore(
     save:    (String data) async => prefs.setString('pb_auth', data),
     initial: prefs.getString('pb_auth'),
    final pb = PocketBase('http://example.com', authStore: store);

0.12.0 #

  • Require Dart 3.0 or later.

0.11.0 #

  • Added skipTotal=1 query parameter by default for the getFirstListItem() and getFullList() requests. Note that this have performance boost only with PocketBase v0.17+.

  • Added optional download=1 query parameter to force file urls with Content-Disposition: attachment (supported with PocketBase v0.17+).

0.10.3 #

  • Explicitly disable BaseRequest.persistentConnection since it is ignored anyway when using the default dart-lang/http.Cient on Web and it is causing issues with the alternative fetch_client package.

0.10.2 #

  • Modified the original http.MultipartRequest to support List field values (pocketbase#2763).

0.10.1 #

  • Exposed the internal PocketBase.httpClientFactory constructor option to allow users to provide their own http.Client implementation as workaround for the realtime events on Flutter Web (#11).

0.10.0 #

  • Added fields optional parameter to the crud services to limit the returned API fields (available with PocketBase v0.16.0).

  • Added pb.backups service for the new PocketBase backup and restore APIs (available with PocketBase v0.16.0).

  • Added filesystem optional parameter to pb.settings.testS3() to allow specifying a filesystem for test - storage or backups (available with PocketBase v0.16.0).

0.9.1 #

  • Fixed RealtimeService._connect() completer not properly resolving.

0.9.0 #

  • Added simplified authWithOAuth2() version without having to implement custom redirect, deeplink or even page reload:

    await pb.collection('users').authWithOAuth2('google', (url) async {
      await launchUrl(url);

    Works with PocketBase v0.15.0+.

    This method initializes a one-off realtime subscription and will call urlCallback with the OAuth2 vendor url to authenticate. Once the external OAuth2 sign-in/sign-up flow is completed, the browser window will be automatically closed and the OAuth2 data sent back to the user through the previously established realtime connection.

    Site-note: when creating the OAuth2 app in the provider dashboard you have to configure https://yourdomain.com/api/oauth2-redirect as redirect URL.

    ! The "manual" code exchange flow is still supported as authWithOAuth2Code(provider, code, codeVerifier, redirectUrl).

  • Adde new pb.files service:

    // Builds and returns an absolute record file url for the provided filename.
    🔓 pb.files.getUrl(record, filename, queryParams = {});
    // Requests a new private file access token for the current auth model (admin or record).
    🔐 pb.files.getToken(queryParams = {});

    pb.getFileUrl() is soft deprecated and acts as alias calling pb.files.getUrl() under the hood. Works with PocketBase v0.15.0+.

  • Removed deprecated SchemaField.unique field.

0.8.0 #

  • Added CollectionModel.indexes field for the new collection indexes support in the upcoming PocketBase v0.14.0.

  • Added pb.settings.generateAppleClientSecret() for sending a request to generate Apple OAuth2 client secret in the upcoming PocketBase v0.14.0.

0.7.3 #

  • Improved the realtime autoretry handling (added infinity and stepped retries timeout duration).

0.7.2 #

  • Added support for handling non-json response when calling pb.send().

0.7.1+1 #

  • Removed version install constraint from the README.

0.7.1 #

  • Added check for the collection name before auto updating the pb.authStore state on auth record update/delete.

0.7.0 #

  • Allowed sending the existing valid auth token with the authWithPassword() calls.

  • Minor docs improvements.

0.6.0 #

  • Added pb.health.check() that checks the health status of the PocketBase server (available in PocketBase v0.10.0)

0.5.0+1 #

  • Updated the realtime examples in the README.

0.5.0 #

⚠️ Please note that this release works only with the new PocketBase v0.8+ API!

See the breaking changes below for more information on what has changed.

Non breaking changes:

  • Added new crud method getFirstListItem(filter) to fetch a single item by a list filter.

  • Added optional named expand argument to all crud functions that returns a RecordModel (with v0.8 we now also support indirect expansion).

  • You can now pass additional account createData when authenticating with OAuth2.

  • Added AuthMethodsList.usernamePassword return field (we now support combined username/email authentication; see below authWithPassword).

Breaking changes:

  • For easier and more conventional parsing, all DateTime strings now have Z as suffix, eg. 2022-01-01 01:02:03.456Z.

  • Moved pb.records.getFileUrl() to pb.getFileUrl().

  • Moved all pb.records.* handlers under pb.collection().*:

    pb.records.getFullList('example');              => pb.collection('example').getFullList();
    pb.records.getList('example');                  => pb.collection('example').getList();
    pb.records.getOne('example', 'RECORD_ID');      => pb.collection('example').getOne('RECORD_ID');
    (no old equivalent)                             => pb.collection('example').getFirstListItem(filter);
    pb.records.create('example', ...);              => pb.collection('example').create(...);
    pb.records.update('example', 'RECORD_ID', ...); => pb.collection('example').update('RECORD_ID', ...);
    pb.records.delete('example', 'RECORD_ID');      => pb.collection('example').delete('RECORD_ID');
  • The pb.realtime service has now a more general callback form so that it can be used with custom realtime handlers. Dedicated records specific subscribtions could be found under pb.collection().*:

    pb.realtime.subscribe('example', callback)           => pb.collection('example').subscribe('*', callback);
    pb.realtime.subscribe('example/RECORD_ID', callback) => pb.collection('example').subscribe('RECORD_ID', callback);
    pb.realtime.unsubscribe('example')                   => pb.collection('example').unsubscribe('*');
    pb.realtime.unsubscribe('example/RECORD_ID')         => pb.collection('example').unsubscribe('RECORD_ID');
    (no old equivalent)                                  => pb.collection('example').unsubscribe();

    Additionally, subscribe() now return UnsubscribeFunc that could be used to unsubscribe only from a single subscription listener.

  • Moved all pb.users.* handlers under pb.collection().*:

    pb.users.listAuthMethods();                                                         => pb.collection('users').listAuthMethods();
    pb.users.authViaEmail(email, password);                                             => pb.collection('users').authWithPassword(usernameOrEmail, password);
    pb.users.authViaOAuth2(provider, code, codeVerifier, redirectUrl, createData: ...); => pb.collection('users').authWithOAuth2(provider, code, codeVerifier, redirectUrl, createData: ...);
    pb.users.refresh();                                                                 => pb.collection('users').authRefresh();
    pb.users.requestPasswordReset(email);                                               => pb.collection('users').requestPasswordReset(email);
    pb.users.confirmPasswordReset(resetToken, newPassword, newPasswordConfirm);         => pb.collection('users').confirmPasswordReset(resetToken, newPassword, newPasswordConfirm);
    pb.users.requestVerification(email);                                                => pb.collection('users').requestVerification(email);
    pb.users.confirmVerification(verificationToken);                                    => pb.collection('users').confirmVerification(verificationToken);
    pb.users.requestEmailChange(newEmail);                                              => pb.collection('users').requestEmailChange(newEmail);
    pb.users.confirmEmailChange(emailChangeToken, password);                            => pb.collection('users').confirmEmailChange(emailChangeToken, password);
    pb.users.listExternalAuths(recordId);                                               => pb.collection('users').listExternalAuths(recordId);
    pb.users.unlinkExternalAuth(recordId, provider);                                    => pb.collection('users').unlinkExternalAuth(recordId, provider);
  • Changes in pb.admins for consistency with the new auth handlers in pb.collection().*:

    pb.admins.authViaEmail(email, password); => pb.admins.authWithPassword(email, password);
    pb.admins.refresh();                     => pb.admins.authRefresh();
  • To prevent confusion with the auth method responses, the following methods now returns 204 with empty body (previously 200 with token and auth model):

    Future<void> pb.admins.confirmPasswordReset(...)
    Future<void> pb.collection("users").confirmPasswordReset(...)
    Future<void> pb.collection("users").confirmVerification(...)
    Future<void> pb.collection("users").confirmEmailChange(...)
  • Removed UserModel because users are now regular records (aka. RecordModel). This means that if you want to access for example the email of an auth record, you can do something like: record.getStringValue('email'). The old user fields lastResetSentAt, lastVerificationSentAt and profile are no longer available (the profile fields are available under the RecordModel.data property like any other fields).

  • Since there is no longer UserModel, pb.authStore.model can now be of type RecordModel, AdminModel or null.

  • RecordModel.expand is now always Map<String, List<RecordModel>> and it is resolved recursively (previously it was plain Map<String, dynamic>). Please note that for easier and unified record(s) access, the map value is always List, even for single relations. When calling RecordModel.toJson() it will output the expand in its original format.

  • Removed lastResetSentAt from AdminModel.

  • Renamed the getter CrudService.basePath to CrudService.baseCrudPath.

  • Replaced ExternalAuthModel.userId with 2 new recordId and collectionId props.

  • Renamed SubscriptionEvent to RecordSubscriptionEvent.

0.4.1 #

  • Stop sending empty JSON map as body (thanks @rodydavis) [#7].
  • Changed the default ClientException.statusCode from 500 to 0.

0.4.0 #

  • Added UserService.listExternalAuths() to list all linked external auth providers for a single user.
  • Added UserService.unlinkExternalAuth() to delete a single user external auth provider relation.

0.3.0 #

  • Renamed LogRequestModel.ip to LogRequestModel.remoteIp.
  • Added LogRequestModel.userIp (the "real" user ip when behind a reverse proxy).
  • Added SettingsService.testS3() to test the S3 storage connection.
  • Added SettingsService.testEmail() to send a test email.

0.2.0 #

  • Added CollectionService.import().
  • Added totalPages to the ResultList<M> dto.

0.1.1 #

  • Fixed base64.decode exception when AuthStore.isValid is used (related to dart-lang/sdk #39510; thanks @irmhonde).

0.1.0+4 #

  • This release just removes the homepage directive from the pubspec.yaml.

0.1.0+3 #

  • No changes were made again. This release is just to trigger the pub.dev analyzer tool in order to test dart-lang/pub-dev #5927 but this time with ICMP enabled for the homepage domain.

0.1.0+2 #

  • No changes were made. This release is just to trigger the pub.dev analyzer tool in order to test dart-lang/pub-dev #5927.

0.1.0+1 #

  • Added RecordService to the library exports for dartdoc.

0.1.0 #

  • First public release.
pub points


verified publisherpocketbase.io

Multi-platform Dart SDK for PocketBase, an open source realtime backend in 1 file.

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http, json_annotation


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