pixelbin 1.0.4 copy "pixelbin: ^1.0.4" to clipboard
pixelbin: ^1.0.4 copied to clipboard

Real-time image transformations with automatic optimization, image URL and storage for efficient image organization

Pixelbin #

Pixelbin Dart library helps you integrate Pixelbin with your Dart/Flutter Application.

Usage #

Install using Pub Package Manager #

Run this command:

  • With Dart:
dart pub add pixelbin
  • With Flutter:
flutter pub add pixelbin


  • This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get):
  pixelbin: ^latest_release_version

Creating Image from URL or Cloud details #

import 'package:pixelbin/pixelbin_dart_sdk.dart';
final PixelBinImage? imageFromUrl = PixelBin.shared.imageFromUrl(
// Create Image url from cloud, zone and other details
final PixelBinImage imageFromDetails = pixelBin.image(
          imagePath: imageFromUrl.imagePath, cloud: imageFromUrl.cloudName, transformations: imageFromUrl.transformations, version: imageFromUrl.version);

Applying Transformations and Getting Transformations #

import 'package:pixelbin/pixelbin_dart_sdk.dart';
// Create Image url from cloud, zone and imagePath on cloud (Not local path)
final image = PixelBin.shared.image(imagePath: "example/logo/apple.jpg", cloud: "apple_cloud", zone: "south_asia");
      debugPrint(imageFromDetails.encoded); // https://cdn.pixelbin.io/v2/apple_cloud/south_asia/original/example/logo/apple.jpg
final eraseTransformation = Transformation.erasebg(); // Creating Erasebg Transformation
final resizeTransformation = Transformation.tResize(height: 200, width: 200); // Creating Resize Transformation
image.addTransformations([eraseTransformation, resizeTransformation]); // Applying multiple transformations with list(keep passing all transformations in list)
// OR
image.addTransformation(resizeTransformation); // Applying transformations one by one
final outputUrl = image.encoded; // https://cdn.pixelbin.io/v2/apple_cloud/south_asia/erase.bg()~t.resize(h:100,w:100)/example/logo/apple.jpg

Uploading Image and getting url object #

// Signed Url and Field can be generated via using Backed SDK for pixelbin or API to generate signed url for upload
// Assume imagePath: "example/logo/apple.jpg", cloud: "apple_cloud", zone: "south_asia" & generate details
final signUrl = "SIGNED_URL";
final fields = {// Key: Value}; // META_DATA in value
final signedDetails = SignedDetails(url: signUrl, fields: fields)
// file is local picked file, other fields chunkSize: Int = 1024, concurrency: Int = 1
try {
     final signedDetails = SignedDetails(url: signUrl,fields:fields);
     final PixelBinImage? uploadResponse = await PixelBin.shared
          .upload(file: file, signedDetails: signedDetails);
     debugPrint("Response:=> ${uploadResponse?.encoded}");
    } catch (e) {
     debugPrint("Error:=> ${e.toString()}");
Parameter Type Description
file (File) File File to upload to Pixelbin
signedDetails (SignedDetails) Object Signed details generated with the Pixelbin Backend SDK
chunkSize (Int) Integer Size of chunks to be uploaded in KB (default value is 1024)
concurrency (Int) Integer Number of chunks to be uploaded in parallel API calls
  • Resolves with Image object on success.
  • Rejects with error on failure.

List of Supported Transformations #

DetectBackgroundType #

1. dbtDetect()

Classifies the background of a product as plain, clean or busy

let t = Transformation.dbtDetect(


Artifact #

1. afRemove()

Artifact Removal Plugin

let t = Transformation.afRemove(


AWSRekognitionPlugin #

1. awsrekDetectlabels(maximumLabels, minimumConfidence)

Detect objects and text in images

Parameter Type Default
maximumLabels integer 5
minimumConfidence integer 55
let t = Transformation.awsrekDetectlabels(
    maximumLabels: "5",
    minimumConfidence: "55"

2. awsrekModeration(minimumConfidence)

Detect objects and text in images

Parameter Type Default
minimumConfidence integer 55
let t = Transformation.awsrekModeration(
    minimumConfidence: "55"

BackgroundGenerator #

1. generateBg(backgroundPrompt, focus, negativePrompt, seed)

AI Background Generator

Parameter Type Default
backgroundPrompt custom YSBmb3Jlc3QgZnVsbCBvZiBvYWsgdHJlZXMsd2l0aCBicmlnaHQgbGlnaHRzLCBzdW4gYW5kIGEgbG90IG9mIG1hZ2ljLCB1bHRyYSByZWFsaXN0aWMsIDhr
focus enum: Product, Background Product
negativePrompt custom N/A
seed integer 123
let t = Transformation.generateBg(
    backgroundPrompt: "YSBmb3Jlc3QgZnVsbCBvZiBvYWsgdHJlZXMsd2l0aCBicmlnaHQgbGlnaHRzLCBzdW4gYW5kIGEgbG90IG9mIG1hZ2ljLCB1bHRyYSByZWFsaXN0aWMsIDhr",
    focus: "Product",
    negativePrompt: "",
    seed: "123"

VariationGenerator #

1. vgGenerate(generateVariationPrompt, noOfVariations, seed, autoscale)

AI Variation Generator

Parameter Type Default
generateVariationPrompt custom N/A
noOfVariations integer 1
seed integer N/A
autoscale boolean true
let t = Transformation.vgGenerate(
    generateVariationPrompt: "",
    noOfVariations: "1",
    seed: "",
    autoscale: "true"

EraseBG #

1. eraseBg(industryType, addShadow, refine)

EraseBG Background Removal Module

Parameter Type Default
industryType enum: general, ecommerce, car, human, object general
addShadow boolean N/A
refine boolean true
let t = Transformation.eraseBg(
    industryType: "general",
    addShadow: "",
    refine: "true"

GoogleVisionPlugin #

1. googlevisDetectlabels(maximumLabels)

Detect content and text in images

Parameter Type Default
maximumLabels integer 5
let t = Transformation.googlevisDetectlabels(
    maximumLabels: "5"

ImageCentering #

1. imcDetect(distancePercentage)

Image Centering Module

Parameter Type Default
distancePercentage integer 10
let t = Transformation.imcDetect(
    distancePercentage: "10"

IntelligentCrop #

1. icCrop(requiredWidth, requiredHeight, paddingPercentage, maintainOriginalAspect, aspectRatio, gravityTowards, preferredDirection, objectType)

Intelligent Crop Plugin

Parameter Type Default
requiredWidth integer N/A
requiredHeight integer N/A
paddingPercentage integer N/A
maintainOriginalAspect boolean N/A
aspectRatio string N/A
gravityTowards enum: object, foreground, face, none none
preferredDirection enum: north_west, north, north_east, west, center, east, south_west, south, south_east center
objectType enum: airplane, apple, backpack, banana, baseball_bat, baseball_glove, bear, bed, bench, bicycle, bird, boat, book, bottle, bowl, broccoli, bus, cake, car, carrot, cat, cell_phone, chair, clock, couch, cow, cup, dining_table, dog, donut, elephant, fire_hydrant, fork, frisbee, giraffe, hair_drier, handbag, horse, hot_dog, keyboard, kite, knife, laptop, microwave, motorcycle, mouse, orange, oven, parking_meter, person, pizza, potted_plant, refrigerator, remote, sandwich, scissors, sheep, sink, skateboard, skis, snowboard, spoon, sports_ball, stop_sign, suitcase, surfboard, teddy_bear, tennis_racket, tie, toaster, toilet, toothbrush, traffic_light, train, truck, tv, umbrella, vase, wine_glass, zebra person
let t = Transformation.icCrop(
    requiredWidth: "",
    requiredHeight: "",
    paddingPercentage: "",
    maintainOriginalAspect: "",
    aspectRatio: "",
    gravityTowards: "none",
    preferredDirection: "center",
    objectType: "person"

ObjectCounter #

1. ocDetect()

Classifies whether objects in the image are single or multiple

let t = Transformation.ocDetect(


NSFWDetection #

1. nsfwDetect(minimumConfidence)

Detect NSFW content in images

Parameter Type Default
minimumConfidence float 0.5
let t = Transformation.nsfwDetect(
    minimumConfidence: "0.5"

NumberPlateDetection #

1. numplateDetect()

Number Plate Detection Plugin

let t = Transformation.numplateDetect(


ObjectDetection #

1. odDetect()

Detect bounding boxes of objects in the image

let t = Transformation.odDetect(


CheckObjectSize #

1. cosDetect(objectThresholdPercent)

Calculates the percentage of the main object area relative to image dimensions.

Parameter Type Default
objectThresholdPercent integer 50
let t = Transformation.cosDetect(
    objectThresholdPercent: "50"

TextDetectionandRecognition #

1. ocrExtract(detectOnly)

OCR Module

Parameter Type Default
detectOnly boolean N/A
let t = Transformation.ocrExtract(
    detectOnly: ""

PdfWatermarkRemoval #

1. pwrRemove()

PDF Watermark Removal Plugin

let t = Transformation.pwrRemove(


ProductTagging #

1. prTag()

AI Product Tagging

let t = Transformation.prTag(


CheckProductVisibility #

1. cpvDetect()

Classifies whether the product in the image is completely visible or not

let t = Transformation.cpvDetect(


QRCode #

1. qrGenerate(width, height, image, margin, qRTypeNumber, qrErrorCorrectionLevel, imageSize, imageMargin, dotsColor, dotsType, dotsBgColor, cornerSquareColor, cornerSquareType, cornerDotsColor, cornerDotsType)

QRCode Plugin

Parameter Type Default
width integer 300
height integer 300
image custom N/A
margin integer N/A
qRTypeNumber integer N/A
qrErrorCorrectionLevel enum: L, M, Q, H Q
imageSize float 0.4
imageMargin integer N/A
dotsColor color 000000
dotsType enum: rounded, dots, classy, classy-rounded, square, extra-rounded square
dotsBgColor color ffffff
cornerSquareColor color 000000
cornerSquareType enum: dot, square, extra-rounded square
cornerDotsColor color 000000
cornerDotsType enum: dot, square dot
let t = Transformation.qrGenerate(
    width: "300",
    height: "300",
    image: "",
    margin: "",
    qRTypeNumber: "",
    qrErrorCorrectionLevel: "Q",
    imageSize: "0.4",
    imageMargin: "",
    dotsColor: "000000",
    dotsType: "square",
    dotsBgColor: "ffffff",
    cornerSquareColor: "000000",
    cornerSquareType: "square",
    cornerDotsColor: "000000",
    cornerDotsType: "dot"

2. qrScan()

QRCode Plugin

let t = Transformation.qrScan(


RemoveBG #

1. removeBg()

Remove background from any image

let t = Transformation.removeBg(


Basic #

1. tResize(height, width, fit, background, position, algorithm, dpr)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
height integer N/A
width integer N/A
fit enum: cover, contain, fill, inside, outside cover
background color 000000
position enum: top, bottom, left, right, right_top, right_bottom, left_top, left_bottom, center center
algorithm enum: nearest, cubic, mitchell, lanczos2, lanczos3 lanczos3
dpr float 1
let t = Transformation.tResize(
    height: "",
    width: "",
    fit: "cover",
    background: "000000",
    position: "center",
    algorithm: "lanczos3",
    dpr: "1"

2. tCompress(quality)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
quality integer 80
let t = Transformation.tCompress(
    quality: "80"

3. tExtend(top, left, bottom, right, background, borderType, dpr)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
top integer 10
left integer 10
bottom integer 10
right integer 10
background color 000000
borderType enum: constant, replicate, reflect, wrap constant
dpr float 1
let t = Transformation.tExtend(
    top: "10",
    left: "10",
    bottom: "10",
    right: "10",
    background: "000000",
    borderType: "constant",
    dpr: "1"

4. tExtract(top, left, height, width, boundingBox)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
top integer 10
left integer 10
height integer 50
width integer 20
boundingBox bbox N/A
let t = Transformation.tExtract(
    top: "10",
    left: "10",
    height: "50",
    width: "20",
    boundingBox: ""

5. tTrim(threshold)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
threshold integer 10
let t = Transformation.tTrim(
    threshold: "10"

6. tRotate(angle, background)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
angle integer N/A
background color 000000
let t = Transformation.tRotate(
    angle: "",
    background: "000000"

7. tFlip()

Basic Transformations

let t = Transformation.tFlip(


8. tFlop()

Basic Transformations

let t = Transformation.tFlop(


9. tSharpen(sigma)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
sigma float 1.5
let t = Transformation.tSharpen(
    sigma: "1.5"

10. tMedian(size)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
size integer 3
let t = Transformation.tMedian(
    size: "3"

11. tBlur(sigma, dpr)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
sigma float 0.3
dpr float 1
let t = Transformation.tBlur(
    sigma: "0.3",
    dpr: "1"

12. tFlatten(background)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
background color 000000
let t = Transformation.tFlatten(
    background: "000000"

13. tNegate()

Basic Transformations

let t = Transformation.tNegate(


14. tNormalise()

Basic Transformations

let t = Transformation.tNormalise(


15. tLinear(a, b)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
a integer 1
b integer N/A
let t = Transformation.tLinear(
    a: "1",
    b: ""

16. tModulate(brightness, saturation, hue)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
brightness float 1
saturation float 1
hue integer 90
let t = Transformation.tModulate(
    brightness: "1",
    saturation: "1",
    hue: "90"

17. tGrey()

Basic Transformations

let t = Transformation.tGrey(


18. tTint(color)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
color color 000000
let t = Transformation.tTint(
    color: "000000"

19. tToformat(format, quality)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
format enum: jpeg, png, webp, tiff, avif, bmp, heif jpeg
quality integer 75
let t = Transformation.tToformat(
    format: "jpeg",
    quality: "75"

20. tDensity(density)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
density integer 300
let t = Transformation.tDensity(
    density: "300"

21. tMerge(mode, image, transformation, background, height, width, top, left, gravity, blend, tile, listOfBboxes, listOfPolygons)

Basic Transformations

Parameter Type Default
mode enum: overlay, underlay, wrap overlay
image file N/A
transformation custom N/A
background color 00000000
height integer N/A
width integer N/A
top integer N/A
left integer N/A
gravity enum: northwest, north, northeast, east, center, west, southwest, south, southeast, custom center
blend enum: over, in, out, atop, dest, dest-over, dest-in, dest-out, dest-atop, xor, add, saturate, multiply, screen, overlay, darken, lighten, colour-dodge, color-dodge, colour-burn, color-burn, hard-light, soft-light, difference, exclusion over
tile boolean N/A
listOfBboxes bboxList N/A
listOfPolygons polygonList N/A
let t = Transformation.tMerge(
    mode: "overlay",
    image: "",
    transformation: "",
    background: "00000000",
    height: "",
    width: "",
    top: "",
    left: "",
    gravity: "center",
    blend: "over",
    tile: "",
    listOfBboxes: "",
    listOfPolygons: ""

SoftShadowGenerator #

1. shadowGen(backgroundImage, backgroundColor, shadowAngle, shadowIntensity)

AI Soft Shadow Generator

Parameter Type Default
backgroundImage file N/A
backgroundColor color ffffff
shadowAngle float 120
shadowIntensity float 0.5
let t = Transformation.shadowGen(
    backgroundImage: "",
    backgroundColor: "ffffff",
    shadowAngle: "120",
    shadowIntensity: "0.5"

SuperResolution #

1. srUpscale(type, enhanceFace, model, enhanceQuality)

Super Resolution Module

Parameter Type Default
type enum: 2x, 4x, 8x 2x
enhanceFace boolean N/A
model enum: Picasso, Flash Picasso
enhanceQuality boolean N/A
let t = Transformation.srUpscale(
    type: "2x",
    enhanceFace: "",
    model: "Picasso",
    enhanceQuality: ""

VertexAI #

1. vertexaiGeneratebg(backgroundPrompt, negativePrompt, seed, guidanceScale)

Vertex AI based transformations

Parameter Type Default
backgroundPrompt custom YSBmb3Jlc3QgZnVsbCBvZiBvYWsgdHJlZXMsd2l0aCBicmlnaHQgbGlnaHRzLCBzdW4gYW5kIGEgbG90IG9mIG1hZ2ljLCB1bHRyYSByZWFsaXN0aWMsIDhr
negativePrompt custom N/A
seed integer 22
guidanceScale integer 60
let t = Transformation.vertexaiGeneratebg(
    backgroundPrompt: "YSBmb3Jlc3QgZnVsbCBvZiBvYWsgdHJlZXMsd2l0aCBicmlnaHQgbGlnaHRzLCBzdW4gYW5kIGEgbG90IG9mIG1hZ2ljLCB1bHRyYSByZWFsaXN0aWMsIDhr",
    negativePrompt: "",
    seed: "22",
    guidanceScale: "60"

2. vertexaiRemovebg()

Vertex AI based transformations

let t = Transformation.vertexaiRemovebg(


3. vertexaiUpscale(type)

Vertex AI based transformations

Parameter Type Default
type enum: x2, x4 x2
let t = Transformation.vertexaiUpscale(
    type: "x2"

VideoWatermarkRemoval #

1. wmvRemove()

Video Watermark Removal Plugin

let t = Transformation.wmvRemove(


ViewDetection #

1. vdDetect()

Classifies wear type and view type of products in the image

let t = Transformation.vdDetect(


WatermarkRemoval #

1. wmRemove(removeText, removeLogo, box1, box2, box3, box4, box5)

Watermark Removal Plugin

Parameter Type Default
removeText boolean N/A
removeLogo boolean N/A
box1 string 0_0_100_100
box2 string 0_0_0_0
box3 string 0_0_0_0
box4 string 0_0_0_0
box5 string 0_0_0_0
let t = Transformation.wmRemove(
    removeText: "",
    removeLogo: "",
    box1: "0_0_100_100",
    box2: "0_0_0_0",
    box3: "0_0_0_0",
    box4: "0_0_0_0",
    box5: "0_0_0_0"

WatermarkDetection #

1. wmcDetect(detectText)

Watermark Detection Plugin

Parameter Type Default
detectText boolean N/A
let t = Transformation.wmcDetect(
    detectText: ""


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Real-time image transformations with automatic optimization, image URL and storage for efficient image organization



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