pitch_detector_dart 0.0.7 pitch_detector_dart: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard
A dart library for pitch detection. It implements the yin algorithm port from the tarsosDSP library by Joren Six.
class PitchCubit extends Cubit
final AudioRecorder _audioRecorder; final PitchDetector _pitchDetectorDart; final PitchHandler _pitchupDart;
PitchCubit(this._audioRecorder, this._pitchDetectorDart, this._pitchupDart): super(TunningState(note: "N/A", status: "Play something")) { _init(); }
_init() async {
final recordStream = await _audioRecorder.startStream(
const RecordConfig(
encoder: AudioEncoder.pcm16bits,
numChannels: 1,
bitRate: 128000,
sampleRate: PitchDetector.DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE,
var audioSampleBufferedStream = bufferedListStream(
recordStream.map((event) {
return event.toList();
//The library converts a PCM16 to 8bits internally. So we need twice as many bytes
PitchDetector.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE * 2,
) ;
await for (var audioSample in audioSampleBufferedStream) {
final intBuffer = Uint8List.fromList(audioSample);
_pitchDetectorDart.getPitchFromIntBuffer(intBuffer).then((detectedPitch) {
if (detectedPitch.pitched) {
_pitchupDart.handlePitch(detectedPitch.pitch).then((pitchResult) => {
note: pitchResult.note,
status: pitchResult.tuningStatus.getDescription(),
} }
extension Description on TuningStatus {
String getDescription() => switch(this) { TuningStatus.tuned => "Tuned", TuningStatus.toolow => "Too low. Tighten the string", TuningStatus.toohigh => "Too hig. Give it some slack", TuningStatus.waytoolow => "Way too low. Tighten the string", TuningStatus.waytoohigh => "Way to high. Give it some slack", TuningStatus.undefined => "Note is not in the valid interval.", }; }