pit_components 0.4.3 pit_components: ^0.4.3 copied to clipboard
Our customized material components. (Padimas Inovasi Teknologi)
0.4.3 #
- Fix Adv Row / Column / List for its divider that causes expanded width
- Fix AdvIncrement's measureText not working
0.4.2 #
- AdvLoadingWithBarrier now need builder arguments instead of widget for its contents
0.4.1+1 #
- minor fix
0.4.1 #
- Loading With Barrier now added processing content, it will be displayed if it's on processing, if it's not specified, will use content instead
- Add Adv Text Field Clear widget to be suffix icon to clear text instantly
- Add textCapitalization to Adv Text Field, with default TextCapitalization.sentences for all except TextInputType.emailAddress
0.4.0+1 #
- Applying all 1.0.0 changes to 1.5.4
0.4.0 #
- Flutter upgrade to 1.5.4 second trial
0.3.1+1 #
- Pick from Increment result added
0.3.1 #
- Rollback to Flutter 1.0.0 and increment error fixed
0.3.0+1 #
- Fix TextField multiline error
0.3.0 #
- Flutter upgrade to 1.5.4 trial
0.3.3 #
- Now AdvButton has argument to be bold or not (both for small and large)
- AdvTextField will no longer convert empty space to zero if the keyboard is number
- This case raise when i use number keyboard for Credit Card Number Input
0.3.2+1 #
- minor bug fixed
0.3.2 #
- AdvDatePicker selection range now is fixed to be more convenient to use
0.3.1+1 #
- Pick from Increment result added
0.3.1 #
- Rollback to Flutter 1.0.0 and increment error fixed
0.3.0+1 #
- Fix TextField multiline error
0.3.0 #
- Flutter upgrade to 1.5.4 trial
0.2.11+2 #
- advtextfield bug fixed
0.2.11+1 #
- thousand number formatter, advtextfield integration with thousand number formatter, pickFromIncrement bug fixed
0.2.11 #
- Add thousand number formatter, now increment has message generator instead of just message
0.2.10 #
- AdvDatePicker added toogle to enable / disable, and remove every null coalescing operator on copyWith inside Controller value
0.2.9 #
- Adv State now can show full-screen loading while doing process
0.2.8+1 #
- Minor glitch fix
0.2.8 #
- Add global parameter for loading barrier color, width, and height
0.2.7 #
- Now AdvRadioGroup's title Style can be edited
- Now added AdvCheckbox
- Fix Increment doesn't trigger valueChangeListener when typing
0.2.6+2 #
- AndroidX Migration
0.2.6+1 #
- Single Inputter fixes and centering text
- AdvTextField and AdvTextFieldPlain now have numberAcknowledgeZero, if true, there'll no parsing to number datatype
0.2.6 #
- Single Inputter now has error and label argument, as well as margin
0.2.5+3 #
- Change Adv Text Field Controller maxLines default value to 1 instead of null
0.2.5+2 #
- Group Check delay's has been reduced to 300
- All delay (Pick from increment and CalendarPage) has been taken out
0.2.5+1 #
- Calendar style fixes, now next and previous month days is the same color as this month days, except, they are lerp to white with 80% value
- Calendar Previous & Next Icon, is now adjustable via PitComponents.datePickerIconPrevious & PitComponents.datePickerIconNext
- Adjust PickFromIncrement's infoMessage padding
- Group Check delay's has been taken care of, that it will not be clicked anywhere on the screen, because i push a transparent page on the top of it
0.2.5 #
- All editable now have margin argument, its default is 8 vertically and adjustable via PitComponents.editableMargin
0.2.4 #
- Date Picker now has min date and max date for its argument, and some fixes
0.2.3 #
- Increment fix and Group check fix
0.2.2 #
- Text Field theme color changed
0.2.1 #
- Minor issues fixed
0.2.0 #
- Refactor to Flutter 0.1.0 stable channel
0.1.0+3 #
- Bug fix several fixes
0.1.0+2 #
- Changes were made (chooser and pick from chooser now will use GroupCheckItem to be its argument to support icon in each items), and bug fix (some warnings and bugs)
0.1.0+1 #
- Bug fix (some warnings and bugs)
0.1.0 #
- Date Picker and Adv State improved while Loading with Barrier's changed
0.0.36+2 #
- Bug fix (all AdvTextField text length issue regarding selection changing)
0.0.36+1 #
- Bug fix (AdvTextFieldPlain maxHeight issue)
0.0.36 #
- New component added AdvChooserPlain
0.0.35+2 #
- Bug fixes AdvTextField, AdvTextFieldPlain, AdvTextFieldWithButton
0.0.35+1 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.35 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.34 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.33+3 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.33+2 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.33+1 #
- Adv Loading with Barrier bug fixes
0.0.33 #
- Adv Loading with Barrier added
0.0.32 #
- Adv Image Preview added
0.0.31+2 #
- Adv Future Builder remake trial
0.0.31+1 #
- Adv State first trial
0.0.31 #
- Text Field controller bug fix
0.0.30 #
- Single Digit Inputer bug fix
0.0.29 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.28 #
- Row, Column and ListView now can have null as children, will be ignored if it is null and will despise the divider
0.0.27 #
- Text Field's null icons error fixed
0.0.26 #
- Text Field's line expansion improved, Text maxLines improved (not only constraint to maxLines, but also maxHeight from LayoutBuilder)
0.0.25 #
- Text Field excess padding fixed
0.0.24 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.23 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.22 #
- Bug fixes and more component added (Increment, TextField with Button)
0.0.21 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.20 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.19 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.18 #
- More component added (RatingBar)
0.0.17 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.16 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.15 #
- More component added (InfiniteListView)
0.0.14 #
- Pick date & Pick from Chooser now can be used independently
0.0.13 #
- Bug fixes and more component added (ScrollableBottomSheet)
0.0.12 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.11 #
- Bug fixes and more component added (Chooser)
0.0.10 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.9 #
- Bug fixes
0.0.8 #
- Bug fix for ExpansionPanel and more component added (TextWithNumber)
0.0.7 #
- Bug fix for ExpansionPanel
0.0.6 #
- More component added (ExpansionPanel)
0.0.5 #
- More component added (FutureBuider)
0.0.4 #
- More components added (Badge, GroupCheck, ListTile, ListView, ListView with Buttom Section, Radio Button, Range Slider, Visibility, Date Formatter for TextField))
0.0.3 #
- intl dependency issue fixed
0.0.2 #
- Initial Release (with Button, Column, DatePicker, Dropdown, Row, SingleDigitInputter, Text with Ellipsis, TextField)
0.0.1 #
- Test Release