pipe_cli 1.0.7 copy "pipe_cli: ^1.0.7" to clipboard
pipe_cli: ^1.0.7 copied to clipboard

Pipeline for everything.

Pipe CLI #

Why should I use it? #

Pipe goal's is help users automate everyday tasks and standardize codes. Pipe allow you create and document CLI commands and code templates using markdown and yaml. With Pipe you can create scripts that:

  • Generate code
  • Refactor code
  • Run commands

and much more.

Motivations #

You probably know a CLI command, but it takes care of everything you need?

Sometimes we need a very specific command or, that well know command with some changes, but sometimes these changes are not possible to config and there are no command that meet expectations available.

Pipe CLI allows you write CLI commands with flexible configurations using scripts yaml and pre-fabs commands.

Features #

Installation #

dart pub global activate pipe_cli

Usage #

Getting Stated #

  1. Create a pipe.md file, write your CLI command using yaml
  2. Run your CLI command
    pipe <your_created_cli>

Create CLI (Command Line Interface) #

To create a new CLI command simple add your script inside file pipe.md.


 name: 'hello'            # Name of command, used to call it on terminal
 abbr: 'h'                # Abbrev of command, used as an alias of Name
 description: 'Say hello'
  - print: 'Hello World'    # A pre-fab command called "print" that show 'Hello World' in terminal

to use just simple runs

pipe say hello

Create subcommands #

To create a subcommand write first your command and add a list named sub-commands with the name of cli that will work as subcommand, subcommands name must have command name and name separated by a dot.


  name: 'say'            # Name of command, used to call it on terminal
  abbr: 's'                # Abbrev of command, used as an alias of Name
  description: 'Say something'
    - say.hello
  name: 'hello'
  abbr: 'h'
  description: 'Say hello
    - print: 'Hello World'    # A pre-fab command called "print" that show 'Hello World' in terminal

to use just simple runs

pipe say hello

Add options to CLI #

To create a subcommand write first your command and add a list named sub-commands with the name of cli that will work as subcommand, subcommands name must have command name and name separated by a dot.

  name: 'say'              # Name of command, used to call it on terminal
  abbr: 's'                # Abbrev of command, used as an alias of Name
  description: 'Say something'
    - say.hello
  name: 'hello'
  abbr: 'h'
  description: 'Say hello
      help: "appends a word 'World' to phrase"   # help text showed when use --help flag
      abbr: w                                    # an alias to this flag (usage -w)
      negatable: true                            # create option --no-world that set world as false
      defaults: true                             # set defaults as true
      flag: world
        - print: 'Hello World'    # A pre-fab command called "print" that show 'Hello World' in terminal
        - print: 'Hello'          # A pre-fab command called "print" that show 'Hello' in terminal

to use just simple runs

pipe say hello --world


pipe say hello -w

Pipe.md #

Create a markdown file named pipe.md then write your first command.


 name: usecase
 abbr: u
 description: 'Creates an usecase in a custom template'

The command receive a pattern, extracts of this pattern two arguments `feature` and `name`, then
creates a usecase named `**name**_usecase.dart` in
`lib/**feature**/domain/usecases/` path from templates `interface_usecase` and `usecase`.

  - install:
    - get_it
  - capture:
     text: '{{rest}}'
     regex: '(?<feature>[A-z]*)@(?<name>[A-z]*)'
  - file_name: '{{name}}_usecase'
  - file_path: 'lib/features/{{feature}}/domain/usecase/{{file_name}}.dart'
  - build_usecase: '{{interface_usecase}}{{\n}}{{usecase}}'
  - generate:
     template: '{{build_usecase}}'
     path: '{{file_path}}'

# Templates

Creates a new line



Template of an interface for Usecases

abstract class I{{file_name|pascalCase}} {
  Future<void> call();

Template of an implementation of Usecase using interface

class {{file_name|pascalCase}} extends I{{file_name|pascalCase}} {
  Future<void> call() async {
    throw UnimplementedError();

Detailing #

  1. Name of your script

    You must declare the name of yaml script at least once, on first declaration.

  2. Script declaration named gen_usecase, where created a CLI command named usecase with abbrev u and description Creates an usecase in a custom template.

    Must be at next line after name.

     name: usecase
     abbr: u
     description: 'Creates an usecase in a custom template'
  3. Documentation of your script.

    Declaration of flags and options [Work In Progress].
  4. Execution steps declaration Note that there are Objects and Values, the objects are interpreted as a Command and the Values as a Variable.

      - install:
        - get_it
      - capture:
         text: '{{rest}}'
         regex: '(?<feature>[A-z]*)@(?<name>[A-z]*)'
      - file_name: '{{name}}_usecase'
      - file_path: 'lib/features/{{feature}}/domain/usecase/{{file_name}}.dart'
      - build_usecase: '{{interface_usecase}}{{\n}}{{usecase}}'
      - generate:
         template: '{{build_usecase}}'
         path: '{{file_path}}'
  5. Creates a dart template

    abstract class I{{file_name|pascalCase}} {
      Future<void> call();

Commands #

capture: Create variables with names equals named capturing groups ( regex) of gived regex with values matches in text.

 text: 'a CamelCase word'
 regex: '(?<word_with_camelCase>^[a-z]|[A-Z0-9])[a-z]*'

generate: Create a file path with content template.

 template: '{{build_usecase}}'
 path: '{{file_path}}'

print: Print the given value.

print: 'Hello World'

run: Run a command at terminal.

  executable: 'dart'
    - pub
    - add
    - dio
  show_outputs: true      # defaults true - show outputs of given command (dart) 
  provide_feedback: true  # defaults true - provide a feedback of success or error at end the command

Variables #

Declare variables using an yaml object with value String num bool, the variable name must not match an object name.

You can interpolate values using double mustache expression Hello {{name}}.

name: 'André'
hello_world: 'Hello {{André}}'
print: hello_world

Templates #

Dart code are saved as templates and can be used as parameter using eval sintax {{template_name}} passing the name of template that is the content before dart block between template name pattern **`name_of_template`**

  name: generate_class
  abbr: g
  description: Creates a Class.
    - class_name: 'some_class'
    - generate:
        template: '{{use_case.dart}}'
        path: 'lib/classes/{{class_name}}.dart'


class {{class_name|pascalCase}}{}
pub points


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Pipeline for everything.

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API reference


Apache-2.0 (LICENSE)


ansicolor, args, recase, yaml


Packages that depend on pipe_cli