pip_services3_rpc 1.2.3 copy "pip_services3_rpc: ^1.2.3" to clipboard
pip_services3_rpc: ^1.2.3 copied to clipboard


This framework is a part of the [Pip.Services] project. It provides the following synchronous communication components over HTTP RPC

Pip.Services Logo
Remote Procedure Calls for Dart Changelog #

1.0.0 #

  • Initial version, created by Sergey Seroukhov and Dmitry Levichev

1.0.1 #

  • Fix loop in Call method of RestClient, clean code in tests.

1.0.2 #

  • Fix close methods of RestService and HttpEndpoint.

1.0.3 #

  • Fix work with time, convert to UTC

1.0.4 #

  • Add instrument functions in RestOperations

1.0.5 #

  • Add safe invocation method in RestOperations

1.0.6 #

  • Fix asynchronous authorization issues

1.0.7 #

  • Fix service interceptor call and error responding issues

1.0.8 #

  • Add swagger OpenAPI support

1.1.0 #

  • Migrate RPC from angel to shelf framework
  • Added null-safety support

1.1.1 #

  • Added configuration of CORS headers to HttpEndpoint
  • Fixed HttpConnectionResolver resolve uri

1.1.2 #

  • Fixed params req, res for StatusService and RestOperations

1.1.3 #

  • Fixed prepearing empty POST requests

1.2.0 #

  • services Added RegRxp supporting to interceptors Examples:

    • the interceptor route "/dummies" corresponds to all of this routes "/dummies", "/dummies/check", "/dummies/test"
    • the interceptor route "/dummies$" corresponds only for this route "/dummies". The routes "/dummies/check", "/dummies/test" aren't processing by interceptor Please, don't forgot, route in interceptor always automaticaly concateneted with base route, like this service_base_route + route_in_interceptor. For example, "/api/v1/" - service base route, "/dummies$" - interceptor route, in result will be next expression - "/api/v1/dummies$"
  • services Fixed bug with formatting ArraySchema in swagger document

1.2.1 #

  • Fixed types of register routes
  • Fixed working with auth routes

1.2.2 #

  • Fixed Swagger support

1.2.3 #

  • Fixed async middleware errors
pub points


verified publisherentinco.com

This framework is a part of the [Pip.Services] project. It provides the following synchronous communication components over HTTP RPC

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unknown (license)


http, pip_services3_commons, pip_services3_components, shelf, shelf_router


Packages that depend on pip_services3_rpc