pious_squid 0.3.0 pious_squid: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard
An astrodynamics library for the Dart ecosystem, covering orbital mechanics and satellite mission analysis logic.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:pious_squid/pious_squid.dart';
void main() {
// Optionally, load Earth Orientation Parameter (EOP) data.
// Optionally, load Space Weather (SW) data.
// Create a new J2000 inertial satellite state.
final startState = J2000(
EpochUTC.fromDateTimeString('2017-02-03T06:26:37.976Z'), // utc
Vector3D(-3134.15877, 7478.695162, 1568.694229), // km
Vector3D(-5.227261462, -3.7717234, 2.643938099), // km/s
// Define some spacecraft properties.
final massArea = 87.5; // kg/m²
// Create a perturbation force model.
final forceModel = ForceModel()
// Model a 36x36 geopotential.
..setEarthGravity(36, 36)
// Model Moon and Sun gravity.
..setThirdBodyGravity(moon: true, sun: true)
// Model solar radiation pressure, with reflectivity coefficient 1.2.
..setSolarRadiationPressure(massArea, reflectCoeff: 1.2)
// Model atmospheric drag, with drag coefficient 2.2.
..setAtmosphericDrag(massArea, dragCoeff: 2.2);
// Create a Runge-Kutta 8(9) propagator.
final rk89Prop = RungeKutta89Propagator(startState, forceModel);
// Propagate the start state to 1 day in the future.
final oneDay = 86400.0; // seconds
final finalState = rk89Prop.propagate(startState.epoch.roll(oneDay));
// ->[J2000]
// Epoch: 2017-02-04T06:26:37.976Z
// Position: [5704.152590, -5470.867067, -3040.596164] km
// Velocity: [4.554130436, 4.557924086, -2.152201166] km/s
// Create a observer location.
final observer = Geodetic.fromDegrees(-15, 80, 0.05);
// Calculate look-angles from the observer to the satellite.
final razel = Razel.fromStateVectors(
finalState, observer.toITRF(finalState.epoch).toJ2000());
// => [RazEl]
// Epoch: 2017-02-04T06:26:37.976Z
// Azimuth: 141.6525°
// Elevation: 60.3304°
// Range: 2318.580 km