pingidsdk 0.0.3 copy "pingidsdk: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
pingidsdk: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


Flutter plugin for PingID SDK

pingidsdk plugin #

A Flutter plugin to use the PingID SDK.

pub package

Usage #

Add pingidsdk as as dependency and download the PingID SDK Integration Kit. You may need to create an account to do so.

To use the authentication flows, you will also need a linked Firebase project.

Import the package in your .dart file and get the PingIDSDK instance

import 'package:pingidsdk/pingidsdk.dart' as ping;

final ping.PingIDSDK _ping = ping.PingIDSDK.instance;

All PingID SDK events are available throught Streams, so you need to listen for them and after they are no longer needed, you should call .cancel() to prevent leaks.

StreamSubscription<ping.PairingCompleted> _pairingCompletedSub;

void initState() {

Future<void> init() async {
    _pairingCompletedSub = _ping.pairingCompleted.listen((args) async {
      //Pairing completed event called from native code

    //Calling SDK method from Flutter
    bool isTrusted = await _ping.deviceIsTrusted;

void dispose() {

For instructions on how does PingID SDK works, please check Ping Identity documentation.

Installation #

Android integration #

  1. Add the PingID_SDK.aar module as PingID_SDK to your project using this instructions.

  2. Update your [project]/android/ file with your PingID application.


If you wish to use authentication as well, you need to also make the following changes:

  1. Using the Firebase Console add an Android app to your project: Follow the assistant, download the generated google-services.json file and place it inside android/app.

  2. Add the classpath to the [project]/android/build.gradle file.

dependencies {
  // Add the google services classpath
  classpath ''
  1. Add the apply plugin to the [project]/android/app/build.gradle file.
apply plugin: ''
  1. Update your [project]/android/ file with your Firebase's project Push Sender ID.

iOS Integration #

Not yet supported