pilisp_cli 1.0.0-alpha.15 copy "pilisp_cli: ^1.0.0-alpha.15" to clipboard
pilisp_cli: ^1.0.0-alpha.15 copied to clipboard

Shared code for running a command-line interface to the PiLisp programming language.

v1.0.0-alpha.15 #

  • Adds --source-only option to compile exe command
  • Supports targeting either pilisp (core) or pilisp_native
  • Better compilation failure reporting
  • Use new public method for logging exceptions during PiLisp eval

v1.0.0-alpha.14 #

  • Adds compile command.
  • For load command, changes --evalBefore and --evalAfter to --eval-before and --eval-after respectively.
  • Adds --[no-]print flag, to control whether eval and load commands print their final expressions.
  • Corrects some async/await call sites.

v1.0.0-alpha.13 #

  • Ensure that PLAwait values are Dart awaited in the load and eval command paths.

v1.0.0-alpha.12 #

  • When no command provided, start the REPL.

v1.0.0-alpha.11 #

  • Completely revamped CLI arguments, using command-based syntax now. Run help for top-level and help <command> for command-specific help.
  • If --env-vars provided to any of the sub-commands, PiLisp bindings are created for every entry in Platform.environment, prefixed with env/ (e.g., env/HOME).

v1.0.0-alpha.10 #

  • Improved auto-complete
    • Moving the cursor or typing characters clears auto-complete results.
    • Entering TAB in the middle of a line does not clear already-entered text from the display (never did so from the actual buffer).
    • When all completion results share a further prefix than what the user typed, that shared prefix is proactively inserted.
      • Example: mat followed by entering TAB will automatically insert math/ into the line and show all completion results for it.

v1.0.0-alpha.9 #

  • Richer cli_repl with more editing commands and TAB completion for in-scope PiLisp bindings
  • Repo changes to make pub.dev output more useful.

v1.0.0-alpha.8 #

  • Initial inclusion of cli_repl for richer REPL experience
  • Supports -e or --eval as CLI parameter for evaluating PiLisp forms directly

v1.0.0-alpha.7 #

  • Initial version, set to same version as the version of PiLisp it relies on.
pub points


verified publisherpilisp.dev

Shared code for running a command-line interface to the PiLisp programming language.

Repository (GitHub)
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EPL-2.0 (license)


args, async, chalkdart, js, pilisp


Packages that depend on pilisp_cli