pilisp 1.0.0-alpha.7 copy "pilisp: ^1.0.0-alpha.7" to clipboard
pilisp: ^1.0.0-alpha.7 copied to clipboard

An interpreted Lisp inspired by Clojure. Runs on all Dart targets.

v1.0.0-alpha.7 #

  • Adds PLAwait value that signals to Dart code evaluating PiLisp programs that the final value should be awaited.
    • This will be leveraged in pilisp-cli for both repl and loadFile use-cases.

v1.0.0-alpha.6 #

  • Renames corePiLisp to piLispCore
  • Documentation updates

v1.0.0-alpha.5 (GitHub Pre-Release Only) #

  • Extended cd to allow traversing nested structures
  • Nascent Future support (see pilisp-native for more)
  • Makes defmacro accept metadata like defn
  • Adds apropos-full which searches by full symbol name
  • Fixes bugs where reduce could return a PLReduced
  • Reimplements butlast using reduce

v1.0.0-alpha.4 (GitHub Pre-Release Only) #

  • Exposed functions for read-string, load-string, and eval
  • Ported clojure.string forms
  • Implemented zipmap, min, max
  • Corrected map, partition behavior for lists vs. vectors
  • Improved exception handling and stack trace printing
  • assoc now accepts vectors
  • Implemented test/throws to test functions that throw an exception
  • Bindings for mathematical constants available via dart:math, namely: math/e math/ln10 math/ln2 math/log10e math/log2e math/pi math/sqrt1-2 math/sqrt2
  • Removed uri function. That was hand-written before Dart code gen for core classes was introduced, and is now available directly via dart/Uri.parse and dart/Uri.parse-full
  • Ported clojure.template forms
  • cd with no args now works in first position of pl> (and hence, at the REPL)
  • Varargs are now bound as a list, rather than a vector

v1.0.0-alpha.3 (GitHub Pre-Release Only) #

  • Impl. resolve in Dart for performance
  • Support def in pl>
  • Support -l/--load for PiLisp CLI, bind *command-line-args*
  • In pl>, support passing (.) to initial form if fn with no args provided
  • Rename bindings -> bindings* for rebinding in core
  • Impl. partition-by w/reduce
  • Impl. partition w/reduce
  • Correct (conj nil ,,,)
  • Add fnil
  • Impl. interleave w/reduce, add ibool
  • Impl. str/join using reduce w/StringBuffer
  • Impl. take-while via reduce
  • Impl. reduced for short-circuiting reduce
  • Impl. take-while with while
  • Impl. take with while
  • Impl. iterate with while
  • Impl. repeat using while
  • Impl. time macro for timing execution
  • Alias ! for write-state
  • Impl. while special form
  • Support @ for deref
  • Impl. drop with nthrest
  • Impl. nthrest with range and reduce
  • Implement range
  • Impl. concat with reduce
  • Implement map via reduce to avoid stack consumption
  • Correct comp implementation for >2 args
  • Fix stateful bug for nested, closed-over bindings
  • Implement filter via reduce to avoid stack overflow
  • Port rest of clojure.walk

v1.0.0-alpha.2 (GitHub Pre-Release Only) #

  • ⚡️ Features
    • This release is the first compatible with the under-development inf-pilisp Emacs package, for developing in PiLisp using Emacs' "Inferior Lisp" facilities.
    • conj now works with maps, e.g., (conj {.a 1} {.b 2}) and is more nil-tolerant
    • get more tolerant (to match Clojure)
    • get-in ported from Clojure
    • Implementations from clojure.set now ported: set/union set/intersection set/difference set/select set/project set/rename-keys (also bound to rename-keys) set/rename set/index set/join set/subset? set/superset?
    • reverse ported, but vectors return vectors (not seq)
    • resolve, doc implemented
    • arglists function returns arglists of functions, terms/keywords, vectors, maps
    • repl/load-file which is available only at the REPL, since the core PiLisp package does not support dart:io usage.
  • 💔 Notable Breaking Changes
    • piped renamed to pl>, but also fixed behavior.
    • values renamed to vals to match Clojure name
    • Empty invocations now return the empty list, rather than nil

v1.0.0-alpha.1 (GitHub Pre-Release Only) #

  • Initial version.
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verified publisherpilisp.dev

An interpreted Lisp inspired by Clojure. Runs on all Dart targets.

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build, fast_immutable_collections, source_gen


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