pie_timer 1.0.0 copy "pie_timer: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
pie_timer: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard


Customizable Timer package with a pie animation.

Customizable Timer package with a pie animation for Flutter.

This package can render a circular countdown timer with animated pie-shaped progress.

Preview #


Please check the bottom for more previews.

Features #

  • Countdown any duration.
  • Change progress direction, forward or reverse.
  • Customizable colors, widths, radius, shadow and text style.
  • Callback functions when animation is completed or dismissed.
  • Custom AnimationController to reach the controller functions.
  • Built-in GestureDetector. Tap to alternate between play and pause. Long tap to reset the animation.

Parameters #

Name Type Default Value Description
key Key null Key for PieTimer.
pieAnimationController PieAnimationController? null Controls (Start, Pause, Restart) for external buttons.
duration Duration required Countdown duration.
radius double required To determine the size of the pie.
pieColor Color required Background (fill) color of the pie.
fillColor Color required Pie progress color.
borderColor Color? null Sets borderColor. If null then there will be no border.
borderWidth double? null Sets borderWidth. If null then there will be no border
enableShadow bool? false If this option enabled only, defult shadow values are used
shadowColor Color? Colors.black Sets shadowColor.
shadowBlur double? 5.0 Sets shadowBlur.
shadowRadius double? 0.0 Sets shadowRadius. Adds extra radius to original radius of the pie.
isReverse bool false Sets the direction of pie progress. False is Clockwise, True is Anti-Clockwise.
textStyle TextStyle? null TextStyle of timer text.
enableTouchControls bool? false Enable start, stop, etc. on touch of Pie Widget.
onCompleted VoidCallback? null Function to run when animation status is completed.
onDismissed VoidCallback? null Function to run when animation status is dismissed.

Getting started #

Add pie_timer as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Usage #

Without the PieAnimationController. #

    duration: const Duration(seconds: 10),
    radius: 150,
    fillColor: Colors.red,
    pieColor: Colors.black,
    borderColor: Colors.yellow,
    borderWidth: 15,
    enableShadow: true,
    shadowColor: Colors.black,
    shadowBlur: 5.0,
    shadowRadius: 1.0,
    textStyle: const TextStyle(
        color: Colors.white,
        fontSize: 40,
        fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
    isReverse: false,
    onCompleted: () => {},
    onDismissed: () => {},
    enableTouchControls: true,

With PieAnimationController #

Please refer to /example folder to see how to use.

Additional information #

Please feel free to contribute.

A video on how did this package is developed will be uploaded on Youtube soon.

Previews With Controllers #

GestureDetector Preview #


Controls With Buttons Preview #




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Customizable Timer package with a pie animation.

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