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A Flutter package that provides a customizable circular/radial context menu

Flutter Pie Menu 🥧 #

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A Flutter package that provides a customizable circular/radial context menu similar to Pinterest's

Usage #

Wrap the widget that will react to gestures with PieMenu widget, and give the menu a list of PieActions to display as menu buttons.

  onTap: () => print('tap'),
  actions: [
      tooltip: 'like',
      onSelect: () => print('liked'),
      child: const Icon(Icons.favorite), // Not necessarily an icon widget
  child: YourWidget(),

💡 Note that you can only use PieMenu in the sub-hierarchy of a PieCanvas widget.

Wrap your page (or any other widget you want to draw pie buttons and background overlay on) with PieCanvas widget.

For example, if you want the menu to be displayed at the forefront, you can wrap your Scaffold with a PieCanvas like following:

  child: Scaffold(
    body: YourScaffoldBody(

Using with scrollable and interactive widgets #

⚠️ If you want to use PieMenu inside a scrollable view like a ListView, or your widget is already interactive (e.g. it is clickable), you may need to pay attention to this section.

PieCanvas and PieMenu widgets have functional callbacks named onMenuToggle and onToggle respectively, which are triggered when PieMenu visibility changed. Using these callbacks, you can prevent your scrollable or interactive widget's default behavior in order to give the control to PieMenu.

💡 You can use onTap callback defined in PieMenu to handle tap events without using an additional widget like GestureDetector.

💡 As for the scrollables, there is an issue with Flutter framework related to ScrollConfiguration, so automatically disabling scroll may not be an option until this issue is resolved.

Store the active parameter of the callbacks in your state.

bool _menuActive = false;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return PieCanvas(
    onMenuToggle: (active) {
      setState(() => _menuActive = active);

For example, you can decide whether scrolling should be enabled or not using this variable.

  // Disable scrolling if a PieMenu is active
  physics: _menuActive
      ? NeverScrollableScrollPhysics()
      : null, // Uses the default physics

Customization #

You can customize the appearance and behavior of menus using PieTheme.

Using the theme attribute of PieCanvas widget, you can specify a theme for all the PieMenus that inherit the canvas.

  theme: PieTheme(),
    PieMenu(), // Uses the canvas theme
    PieMenu(), // Uses the canvas theme

But if you want to specify menu specific themes, you can also use the theme attribute of PieMenu widget.

  theme: PieTheme(), // Overrides the canvas theme

It is also possible to copy the canvas theme with custom parameters, but make sure you are accessing it with the right context.

  theme: PieTheme.of(context).copyWith(

Button themes #

Buttons' background and icon colors are defined by theme's buttonTheme and buttonThemeHovered. You can create a custom PieButtonTheme instances for your canvas and menu themes.

  buttonTheme: PieButtonTheme(),
  buttonThemeHovered: PieButtonTheme(),

Custom button widgets #

If you wish to use custom widgets inside buttons instead of just icons, it is recommended to use PieAction.builder() with a builder which provides whether the action is hovered or not.

  tooltip: 'like',
  onSelect: () => print('liked'),
  builder: (hovered) {
    return Text(
      style: TextStyle(
        color: hovered ? Colors.green : Colors.red,

Display the menu on tap instead of long press #

If you wish to show the menu as soon as the child is pressed, you may set delayDuration of your theme to Duration.zero.

  delayDuration: Duration.zero,
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A Flutter package that provides a customizable circular/radial context menu

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