pickled_cucumber 1.1.0
pickled_cucumber: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
A simple cucumber implementation for Dart, Dart Frog and Flutter.
đĨ Pickled cucumber đĨ #
A simple Dart engine for Cucumber scenarios.
Works with đ¯ Dart, đ¸ Dart Frog and đĻ Flutter projects.
âšī¸ Note:
This is a non official package, not affiliated with the Cucumber nor the Dart project.
The goal of this project is to provide a simple way to run Cucumber scenarios in Dart and Flutter projects.
This project does not aim to be a full Cucumber implementation. It only supports the most common features of Cucumber.
Table of contents #
Getting started #
Add it to your pubspec.yaml
dart pub add pickled_cucumber
or add it manually:
pickled_cucumber: ^1.0.0 # use the latest version
Usage #
Dart usage #
Write your first feature file in any directory
# features/counter.feature
Feature: Counter
Scenario: Increment counter
Given a variable set to 1
When I increment the variable by 1
Then the variable should contain 2
Create your Dart step definitions file
// features/step_definitions/counter_steps.dart
class CounterStepDefs {
int _counter;
@Given("a variable set to {int}")
void aVariableIsSetTo(int value) {
_counter = value;
@When("I increment the variable by {int}")
void iIncrementTheVariableBy(int value) {
_counter += value;
@Then("the variable should contain {int}")
void theVariableShouldContain(int value) {
expect(_counter, value);
Create your entry point in test
// test/cucumber_test.dart
import 'package:pickled_cucumber/pickled_cucumber.dart';
import 'package:counter/features/step_definitions/counter_steps.dart';
void main() {
final stepDefsDartFile = CounterStepDefs();
Run your tests
dart test test/cucumber_test.dart
Dart Frog usage #
Pickled cucumber works the exact same way as Dart with Dart Frog.
Write your first feature file in any directory
# test/features/index.feature
Feature: index
Scenario: GET index route
Given my app is running
When I visit the index route
Then I should see "Welcome to Dart Frog!"
And receive a 200 status code
Create your Dart Frog step definitions file
// test/step_definitions.dart
import 'package:pickled_cucumber/pickled_cucumber.dart';
import 'package:dart_frog/dart_frog.dart';
import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart' as mocktail;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../routes/index.dart' as route;
class MockRequestContext extends mocktail.Mock implements RequestContext {}
class DartFrogStepDefinition {
late MockRequestContext context;
Response? response;
@Given('my app is running')
void myAppIsRunning() {
context = MockRequestContext();
@When('I visit the index route')
void iVisitTheIndexRoute() {
response = route.onRequest(context);
@Then('I should see {string}')
Future<void> iShouldSee(String string) async {
expect(response!.body(), completion(equals(string)));
@And('receive a {int} status code')
void receiveStatusCode(int statusCode) {
expect(response!.statusCode, equals(statusCode));
Create your entry point in test
// test/cucumber_test.dart
import 'package:pickled_cucumber/pickled_cucumber.dart';
import 'step_definitions.dart';
void main() {
Flutter usage #
With Pickled cucumber, you can make Flutter integration tests and Widget tests using Cucumber scenarios.
Pickled cucumber works with code generation for Flutter projects.
Please add build_runner
dependency to your project
flutter pub add dev:build_runner
Write your first feature file in test/features
# test/features/counter.feature
Feature: counter
counter should increment
Scenario: increment counter
Given counter is 0
When I increment counter
Then counter should be 1
Create your Dart step definitions file in test/
â ī¸ IMPORTANT: only import annotations â ī¸
// test/counter_steps.dart
// IMPORTANT: â ī¸ only import annotations â ī¸
import 'package:pickled_cucumber/src/annotations.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_example/main.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
class CounterSteps {
@Given('counter is {int}')
Future<void> counterIs(WidgetTester tester, int counter) async {
debugPrint('counter is $counter');
await tester.pumpWidget(const MyApp());
expect(find.text('$counter'), findsOneWidget);
@When('I increment counter')
Future<void> iIncrementCounter(
WidgetTester tester,
) async {
debugPrint('I increment counter');
await tester.tap(find.byIcon(Icons.add));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
@Then('counter should be {int}')
Future<void> counterShouldBe(WidgetTester tester, int counter) async {
debugPrint('counter should be $counter');
expect(find.text('$counter'), findsOneWidget);
Run build_runner
to generate the step definitions file
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Create your entry point in test
// test/cucumber_test.dart
import 'counter_steps.pickled.dart';
main() => runFeatures();
Run your tests as Widget tests
flutter test test/cucumber_test.dart
# or
flutter test
Run your tests as Integration tests
Create your entry point in integration_test
// integration_test/app_test.dart
import 'package:integration_test/integration_test.dart';
import '../test/counter_step_definitions.g.dart';
void main() {
Run your tests
flutter test integration_test/app_test.dart