photox 0.2.1 photox: ^0.2.1 copied to clipboard
An all-in-one solution for displaying interactive images.
PhotoX #
An all-in-one solution for displaying interactive images
Features #
- Smoothly animate images into fullscreen and back
- Swipe to dismiss images
- Pinch to zoom
- Automatically generate swipeable gallery when given multiple images
Getting started #
Add photox
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file
flutter pub add photox
Import PhotoX:
import 'package:photox/photox.dart';
Usage #
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
height: 400,
width: 400,
child: PhotoX(
items: [
id: "1", resource: "assets/img1.jpg", isAsset: true),
id: "2", resource: "assets/img2.jpeg", isAsset: true),
Additional parameters #
dismissMode #
DismissMode.swipeAny |
DismissMode.swipeVertical |
⚠️ DismissMode.swipeAny
can only be used when provided with a single PhotoXItem
showPageIndicator #
Whether to show the page indicator in the thumbnail gallery for multiple PhotoXItems
pageIndicatorAlignment #
The alignment of the page indicator relative to the gallery
pageIndicatorActiveColor #
The color of the active bubble in the page indicator
pageIndicatorInactiveColor #
The color of the inactive bubbles in the page indicator
pageIndicatorBackgroundColor #
The background color of the page indicator
pageIndicatorBubbleRadius #
The radius of the indicator bubbles in the page indicator
pageIndicatorBubblePadding #
The padding between the bubbles in the page indicator
fullscreenGalleryTitleTextStyle #
The TextStyle for the AppBar title in the fullscreen gallery
fullscreenGalleryAppBarLeadingWidget #
A custom widget to use as the leading widget in the fullscreen gallery AppBar