photo_widget 0.0.3 copy "photo_widget: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
photo_widget: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


Used to quickly build a library based on photo_manager. Quickly build the album UI you want.

photo_widget #

Flutter widgets.

Base on photo_manager, wraps up some UI components to quickly display the photo_manager as a usable widget, inserting it wherever you need it.

Feature #

Unlike photo, this library extracts various widget units so that any widget can be extracted and put into its own project. It can also be used to quickly create your own style of image/video picker.

Currently in the development stage, the API may change at any time.

Import #

import 'package:photo_manager/photo_manager.dart';
import 'package:photo_widget/photo_widget.dart';

Widgets #

AssetPathWidget #

Display AssetPathEntity

name type requied default value description
path AssetPathEntity true Concepts in photo_manager, used to describe albums
buildItem AssetWidgetBuilder false AssetWidget.buildWidget Build items in the list
rowCount int false 4 There are several items in a row, see GridView for details
thumbSize int false 100 The size of each item thumbnail
scrollingWidget Widget false const ScrollingPlaceholder() Since loading an image is a resource-consuming operation, you only start loading images when the scrolling stops, with a placeholder before loading the image.

AssetWidget #

Display AssetEntity

name type requied default value description
asset AssetEntity true Concepts in photo_manager, used to describe asset
thumbSize int false 100 The item thumb size.

PickAssetWidget #

A widget with a selection box for displaying assets is generally used in scenes where you need to select an image.

name type requied default value description
asset AssetEntity true Concepts in photo_manager, used to describe asset
thumbSize int false 100
provider PickerDataProvider true This is a provider for picker scenes, and internally maintains the data needed by picker
onTap Function false Callback when item is clicked, exception, there is a separate response in checkbox area
pickColorMaskBuilder typedef Widget PickColorMaskBuilder(BuildContext context, bool picked) false PickColorMask.buildWidget Used to mask the image when selected or unselected
pickedCheckboxBuilder typedef Widget PickedCheckboxBuilder(BuildContext context, int checkIndex) false Whether to build the checked flag, the default is a PickedCheckbox

PickColorMask #

Colored mask

PickedCheckbox #

A default white background, the blue selection box is selected, and the selected serial number will be selected after selection.




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Used to quickly build a library based on photo_manager. Quickly build the album UI you want.

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Apache-2.0 (license)


flutter, photo_manager


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