photo_manager 2.1.0+1 copy "photo_manager: ^2.1.0+1" to clipboard
photo_manager: ^2.1.0+1 copied to clipboard


A Flutter plugin that provides assets abstraction management APIs on Android, iOS, and macOS.


2.1.0+1 #

Migrate to Flutter 3, drop supports for previous Flutter versions.

2.0.9 #


  • (Not working) Ignore the null-aware operator for PaintingBinding's instance in order to solve the coming lint issues with Flutter 2.13, and keeps the compatibility of previous Flutter versions.
  • Fix dart docs generate issues.

2.0.8 #


  • Using ContentResolver as much as possible on Android. (#755)

2.0.7 #


  • Fix assets pagination issues on Android 29+. (#748)

2.0.6 #


  • Fix file caches clearing on iOS. (#743)

2.0.5 #


  • Improve AssetEntity.titleAsync's implementation on iOS. (#740)

2.0.4 #


  • Fix invalid InputStream when saving images on Android. (#736)

2.0.3 #


  • Improve getMediaUrl on iOS.
  • Read orientation when saving images on Android. (#730)
  • Improve generic type casts on Android. (#732)

2.0.2 #


  • Ensure file exists before reading EXIF on Android. (#728)

2.0.1 #


  • Update legacy external storage exception on Android.


  • Predicate more precise permissions requirements on Android <29. (#723)

2.0.0 #

A major version release for performance improvements, new features, issues fixed, and breaking changes. Also, the LICENSE has been updated with the new author FlutterCandies. To know more about breaking changes, see the Migration Guide.


  • Add mimeTypeAsync. (#717)
  • Add ThumbnailSize. (#709)
  • Add DurationConstraint.allowNullable. (#681)
  • Introduce AssetEntityImageProvider. (#669, #709)
  • Support "Live Photos" with obtaining and filtering. (#667, #670, #673, #719)
  • Support to obtain the first frame for the video thumbnail on Android. (#658)
  • Allow plugin to be mocked/overridden with tests. (#703)


  • Improve path modified injection and asset count fetching. (#712)
  • Make all entities immutable. (#708)
  • Improve the performance when using the file getter on iOS. (#705)
  • Force legacy storage on Android Q. (#701)
  • Enhance request types filtering.
  • Compile for API 31 on Android.
  • Throw when obtaining media URL that asset is not locally available on iOS.
  • Retrieve width/height from ExifInterface for fallback on Android. (#686)
  • Request WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE only when needed. (#675)
  • Provided a single-page example. (#672)
  • Improve the default sort order on all platforms. (#659)
  • Add equality comparison for various classes. (#657)
  • Run Glide on the current thread on Android. (#656)
  • Improve thread pool on Android. (#637)
  • Improved all documents and code formats. (#626, #660, #664, #671)
  • Reorganized all internal structures.
  • Rename org to com.fluttercandies. (#624)
  • ImageScanner -> PhotoManager. (#611)


  • Fix Activity leaks when detached on Android. (#716)
  • Fix potential NPE when moving assets on Android.
  • Fix edited images/videos are not returned correctly on iOS. (#622, #636)
  • Fix title argument causes saving methods failed. (#619, #635)
  • Fix PhotoManager.editor.copyAssetToPath returns null. (#619)
  • Fix sort order issues on iOS/macOS. (#603, #655)

1.3.10 #


  • Allow all kinds of PHAssetCollection which should expand the support for shared albums. (#641)

1.3.9+1 #


  • Fix compile error on Xcode 12 for iOS 14. (#630)

1.3.9 #


  • Fix presentLimited issues on iOS 14 real devices. (#627)

1.3.8 #


  • Improve sort orders on all platforms. (#623)

1.3.7 #


  • Improve sort orders on iOS. (#620)

1.3.6 #


  • Prettify file name on iOS. (#615)

1.3.5 #


  • Support presentLimited with the new API on iOS 15. (#609)

1.3.4 #


  • Obtain more albums on iOS/macOS. (#601)

1.3.3 #


  • Loosen comparison between AssetEntitys.

1.3.2 #


  • Apply more fields to compare between entities.

1.3.1 #


  • fetchPathProperties returned wrong isAll on iOS. (#580)
  • updateTimeCond not constructed correctly with FilterOptionGroup.

1.3.0 #


  • Repo cleanup.


  • Removed recursive calls with progress handler. (#577)

We're bumping the minor version because we've achieved recent goals and applied multiple Fixes: which make this plugin as the most solid ever.

1.2.9 #


  • Add orientated getters. (#575)

1.2.8 #


  • Saving methods return null. (#573)

1.2.7 #


  • Improve AssetEntity.getMediaUrl() behaviors.


  • Merge all fields for FilterOptionGroup.
  • Make AssetEntity.isLocallyAvailable as a Future getter.

1.2.6+1 #


  • Apply further fix to #559 .
  • Repo cleanup.

1.2.6 #


  • #558
  • #559
  • #560

1.2.5 #


  • Fix open setting for macOS.
  • Fix setLog for iOS and macOS.

1.2.4 #


  • saveImage method missing file extension for the fallback title.
  • openSettings method.

1.2.3 #


  • Change notify issue on remove callback.
  • Reply result for presentLimited method.


  • Add assets count change when notify on iOS.
  • Add some properties and methods for change notify.

1.2.2 #


  • Add request permissions result listener when activity re-attached. (#515)

1.2.1 #


  • An error of iOS. See #509 and #510 .

1.2.0 #


  • Add requestPermissionExtend code to support iOS 14 permission.
  • Add update limited photos method for iOS 14.


  • Permissions dialog of launch on old iOS versions. (#503)

1.1.6 #

  • The MEDIA_LOCATION permission of android can be removed through configuration.

1.1.5 #

  • Revert #478 .
  • Fix thumbnail size of the entity on iOS/macOS.

1.1.4 #

  • Merged #478 .

1.1.3 #

  • Merged the code of macOS and ios.

1.1.2 #

  • Updated the code in the macOS part.

1.1.1 #


  • thumbWithSize of AssetEntity.

1.1.0 #


  • modified of AssetPathEntity.
  • Update constructor of FilterOptionGroup.


  • Order option of the FilterOptionGroup.

1.0.6 #

  • Add relative path when saving files to the MediaStore on Android 29+ (#462)
  • Fix deleteWithIds typecast issue with Android 29- (#460)

1.0.4 #

  • Add mime type for android.

1.0.3 #

  • Fix serious code usage issue in convert utils.

1.0.2 #

  • Improve the constructor for AssetEntity.

1.0.1 #

  • Fix orientation bug.

1.0.0 #

Breaking changes:

  • Migrate to null safety.
  • Correct type in PMRequestState .

0.6.0 #


  • Support android API 30.
  • Support show empty album in iOS (#365).
  • User can ignore check permission(User can choose favorite permission plugin, but at the same time user have to bear the risks corresponding to the permission).
  • Support clean file cache.
  • Experimental
    • Preload image (Use PhotoCachingManager api.)
  • Add OrderOption as sort condition. The option default value is order by create date desc;
  • Support icloud asset progress.


  • #362
  • Delete assets in androidQ.
  • Edited image data in iOS.
  • Fix delete error in androidR.

Breaking change:

  • Support multiple sorting conditions, and the asc of DateTimeCond is removed.

0.5.8 #


  • Delete assets in androidQ.

0.5.7 #


  • Audio asset error for androidQ. See #340 and #341 .

0.5.6 #

  • Fix save image with path for android.

0.5.5+1 #

  • Remove verbose log.

0.5.5 #

  • Add merge for FilterOptionGroup and FilterOption .

0.5.4 #

  • Add copyWith for FilterOption .

0.5.3+1 #

  • Support android v2 model.

0.5.3 #


  • Cannot get audio problem in androidQ.

0.5.2 #

  • Support macOS.
  • From the version, Starting from this version, 1.9 or earlier versions are not supported.

0.5.1 #


  • Save image asset with file path.
  • Copy asset to another album.
  • Create AssetEntity with id.
  • Create AssetPathEntity from id.
  • Only iOS
    • Create folder or album.
    • Remove assets in album.
    • Delete folder or album.
    • Favorite asset.
  • Only android
    • move asset to another path.
    • Remove all non-existing rows.
    • add relativePath for android.


  • Problem of AssetPathEntity.refreshPathProperties.
  • Open setting in iOS.
  • Edited asset in iOS.
  • Audio properties of FilterOption.
  • Android onlyAll assetCount bug.


  • Modified AssetEntity.file's behavior on iOS, it will return a picture in jpg format instead of heic/gif/png currently. Now more in line with the description in the doc, this is suitable for uploading images (theoretically, no Exif information will be included).
  • Update android change media url from file scheme to content scheme.
  • Clean up some unused code.

0.5.0 #


  • Add getSubPathEntities for AssetPathEntity.
  • Add quality for AssetEntity.thumbDataWithSize.
  • Add orientation for AssetEntity.
  • Add onlyAll for getAssetPathList.
  • Support audio type(Only android, iOS Photos have no audio)
  • Breaking change, Add date condition to filter datetime
    • Add class DateTimeCond
    • Add dateTimeCond to FilterOptionGroup
    • Remove fetchDateTime from getAssetPathList
    • Remove param dt from AssetPathEntity.refreshPathProperties, and add refreshPathProperties params to the method.


  • Breaking change, Split video filter and image filter
  • iOS code is running background thread.
  • getThumb is running in background thread.


  • exists error on android.
  • use edited origin file on iOS.
  • galleryName maybe is null in android.
  • thumb of android 10.

0.4.8 #


  • #169
  • #170

0.4.7 #

New feature:

  • Add FilterOption for method getAssetPathList.

0.4.6 #


  • originFile of AssetEntity


  • location(latitude,longitude) of AssetEntity
  • title of AssetEntity
  • originBytes of AssetEntity
  • param format in thumbDataWithSize of assetEntity.

0.4.5 #


  • Can't get thumb/file of video on androidQ.

0.4.4 #


  • Compatibility code, when the width and height of the video is empty, it can still be scanned.
  • Add a default value to type of getAssetPathList.

0.4.3 #


  • Delete asset.
  • Add Image.
  • Add Video.
  • Add modifyDate property.
  • Fix videoDuration error.


  • CreateDate error.

0.4.2 #

  • Fix ios get full file size error.

0.4.1 #

  • Fix ios build error.

0.4.0 #

Breaking change.

  • Some properties in the entity were modified from asynchronous to synchronous.
  • Remove isCache params. Now, getAssetPathList will reload info everytime. If user want to cache List<AssetPathEntity>, then user must do it manually.


  • Added a method getAssetListPaged for paging loading resources to path. The paging implementation is lazy loading, that is, the resource corresponding information is loaded when requested. The entity corresponding to the path is no longer placed in the memory, but is implemented by PHPhoto (ios) and sqlite's limit offset (android).
  • Support AndroidQ privacy.

0.3.5 #

  • Fix iCloud image problem.

0.3.4 #

  • Support flutter 1.6.0 android's thread changes for channel.

0.3.3 #

  • Fix customizing album containing folders on iOS.

0.3.2 #

  • AssetEntity add property: originFile.

0.3.1 #

  • AssetEntity add property: exists.

0.3.0 #

  • Support Android X.
  • Breaking change: Migrate from the deprecated original Android Support Library to AndroidX. This shouldn't result in any functional changes, but it requires any Android apps using this plugin to also migrate if they're using the original support library.
  • Fix NPE for image crash on android.
  • Add a method to create AssetEntity with id.
  • Add isCache for method getImageAsset,getVideoAsset or getAssetPathList.
  • Add observer for photo change.
  • Add field createTime for AssetEntity.

0.2.1 #

  • Add getVideoAsset and getImageAsset to load video / image.

0.2.0 #

  • Add asset size field.
  • Add cache release method.

0.1.10 #

  • Fix when number of photo/video is 0, will crash.

0.1.9 #

  • Add video duration.

0.1.8 #

  • Sort asset by date.

0.1.7 #

  • Fix Android's latest picture won't be found.
  • Update gradle wrapper version.
  • Update kotlin version.

0.1.6 #

  • Fix Android to get pictures that are empty bug.

0.1.5 #

  • Support ios icloud image and video.

0.1.4 #

  • Update all path hasVideo property.

0.1.3 #

  • Add a params to help user disable get video.

0.1.2 #

  • iOS get video file is async.

0.1.1 #

  • Fix 'ios video full file is a jpg' problem.

0.1.0 #

  • Support video in android.
  • Change API from ImageXXXX to AssetXXXX.

0.0.3 #

  • Update for the issue #1. (NPE when request other permission on android)

0.0.2 #

  • Update README.

0.0.1 #

First version.

  • API for photo.
pub points



A Flutter plugin that provides assets abstraction management APIs on Android, iOS, and macOS.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)




Packages that depend on photo_manager