photo_card_swiper 0.0.6 copy "photo_card_swiper: ^0.0.6" to clipboard
photo_card_swiper: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard

A simple flutter package for creating a swiping card layout for list of photos.

photo_card_swiper #

Language: English

A simple flutter package for creating a swiping card layout for list of photos.

photo_card_swiper is a photo slider resembling card stack. Card comprises options to reflect like, dislike and favorite feature. The card elements are highly customisable. This layout is quite common in social media apps like Instagram, tinder etc.

Technical Notes: #

The layout for pages is built using stack of draggable widgets using LayoutBuilder. This package supports cards to be tapped too. Dev have options show 2 or 3 buttons, change the color, icon name and icon color of those buttons too.

How to use it. #

the usage is very simple, just use the following code for default rendering of photos. Default values for Icons and Colors are taken care for easy usage.

     photos: widget._photos,
     showLoading: false,
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or use the following with customizations

     photos: widget._photos,
     showLoading: true,
     hideCenterButton: false,
     leftButtonIcon: Icons.close,
     rightButtonIcon: Icons.check,
     centerButtonIcon: Icons.favorite,
     rightButtonBackgroundColor: Colors.lightGreen[100],
     centerButtonBackgroundColor: Colors.lightBlue[50],
     rightButtonIconColor: Colors.lightGreen[700],
     centerButtonIconColor: Colors.lightBlue[600],
     leftButtonAction: _leftButtonClicked,
     rightButtonAction: _rightButtonClicked,
     centerButtonAction: _centerButtonClicked,
     onCardTap: _onCardTap,
     cardSwiped: _cardSwiped,
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Parameters for photo_card_swiper #

parameter description value
photos Array of Photo data to be rendered as cards, Use PhotoCard object to group card details. [PhotoCard]()
showLoading Toggle the value to show/hide loading card This is a optional parameter. value cane be true/false
hideCenterButton Use this to have only 2 action buttons. This is a optional parameter. Pass either true/false
leftButtonIcon Left button Icon This is a optional parameter. Pass IconData type value
rightButtonIcon Right button Icon This is a optional parameter. Pass IconData type value
centerButtonIcon Center button Icon This is a optional parameter. Pass IconData type value
leftButtonBackgroundColor Left button Background Color This is a optional parameter. Pass Color type value
rightButtonBackgroundColor Right button Background Color This is a optional parameter. Pass Color type value
centerButtonBackgroundColor Center button Background Color This is a optional parameter. Pass Color type value
leftButtonIconColor Left button Icon Color This is a optional parameter. Pass Color type value
rightButtonIconColor Right button Icon Color This is a optional parameter. Pass Color type value
centerButtonIconColor Center button Icon Color This is a optional parameter. Pass Color type value
leftButtonAction Left button click handler This is a optional parameter. Pass method to be called on click.
rightButtonAction Right button click handler This is a optional parameter. Pass method to be called on click.
centerButtonAction Center button click handler This is a optional parameter. Pass method to be called on click.
onCardTap Background color of Tabbar This is a optional parameter. Example pass method with completion handler. (int _index) { }
cardSwiped Background color of Tabbar This is a optional parameter. Example pass method with completion handler. (CardActionDirection _direction, int _index) { }

Attributes/Properties of PhotoCard #

parameter description default
title String to be displayed in title Text widget empty string
description String to be displayed in description Text widget empty string
imagePath Image path of image, either local assets folder image or http image path empty string
isLocalImage Value is true if imagePath is local assets folder image, Value is true if imagePath is http image path true

Please note try to load max of 10 photos at one time. This helps stack to be neat. To show more photos load them on pagination basis using cardSwiped method.

The usage is well described in the example code.

git repo here

Made with ❤ and dedicated with respect to the Saviour Sonu Sood




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2024.08.20 - 2025.03.04

A simple flutter package for creating a swiping card layout for list of photos.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)




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