phone_numbers_parser 9.0.0 phone_numbers_parser: ^9.0.0 copied to clipboard
Dart library for parsing phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber and PhoneNumberKit for ios.
import 'package:phone_numbers_parser/phone_numbers_parser.dart';
void main(List<String> arguments) {
final frPhone0 = PhoneNumber.parse('+33 655 5705 76');
final inPhone0 = PhoneNumber.parse('+919955059057');
// raw caller in france calling another person in france
final frPhone1 =
PhoneNumber.parse('0 655 5705 76', callerCountry: IsoCode.FR);
// us calling to france
final frPhone2 =
PhoneNumber.parse('011 33 655-5705-76', callerCountry: IsoCode.US);
final frPhone3 =
PhoneNumber.parse('011 33 655 5705 76', destinationCountry: IsoCode.FR);
final isAllEqual =
frPhone0 == frPhone1 && frPhone0 == frPhone2 && frPhone0 == frPhone3;
print('all raw same: $isAllEqual');
// validation
final valid = frPhone1.isValid();
final validMobile = frPhone1.isValid(type:;
final validFixed = frPhone1.isValid(type: PhoneNumberType.fixedLine);
print('valid: $valid'); // true
print('valid mobile: $validMobile'); // true
print('valid fixed line: $validFixed'); // false
// utils
final text =
'hey my phone number is: +33 939 876 218, but you can call me on +33 939 876 999 too';
final found = PhoneNumber.findPotentialPhoneNumbers(text);
print('found: $found');
// Formatting
// formatting is region dependent
final phoneNumber =
PhoneNumber.parse('2025550119', destinationCountry: IsoCode.US);
final formattedNsn = phoneNumber.formatNsn();
print('formatted: $formattedNsn'); // (202) 555-0119
print('international: ${}');
// Ranges
final first = PhoneNumber.parse('+33 655 5705 00');
final last = PhoneNumber.parse('+33 655 5705 03');
final range = PhoneNumber.getRange(first, last);
print('nsn: ${first.nsn}');
print('Count: ${range.count}');
print('Expand: ${range.expandRange().join(',')}');
if (first > last) {
print("this shouldn't be.");
final one = PhoneNumber.parse('+33 655 5705 01');
final two = PhoneNumber.parse('+33 655 5705 02');
if (one.isAdjacentTo(two)) {
print('We are together');
if (one.isSequentialTo(two)) {
print('$two comes after $one');
/// treat the phone no. like an int
final three = two + 1;
print('Its still a phone No. $three');
two - 1 == one;
final another = one + 2;
print('$another == $three');