phone_input 1.0.0 copy "phone_input: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
phone_input: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

This package is designed to simplify the process of capturing phone numbers from users.

phone_input #

The Phone Input is a versatile package that provides cross-platform support for phone number input fields. This package is designed to simplify the process of capturing phone numbers from users.

It was based on the Phone Form Field package -

Features #

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility
  • Automated phone number formatting
  • Realm-Time phone number validation
  • Different methods for selecting countries with flexible customization
  • Integration with Customs Text Fields
  • Localization for different regions

Demo #

Getting Started #

Just create a PhoneInput widget and pass desired country selector that's it, you can already use it.

PhoneInput(countrySelectorNavigator: const CountrySelectorNavigator.dialog()),

Of course, you can pass any available params for customization of your Phone Input

  key: const Key('phone-field'),
  controller: null,     // Phone controller 
  initialValue: null,   // can't be supplied simultaneously with a controller
  shouldFormat: true    // default 
  defaultCountry: IsoCode.US, // default 
  decoration: InputDecoration(
  labelText: 'Phone',          // default to null
  border: OutlineInputBorder() // default to UnderlineInputBorder(),
  validator: PhoneValidator.validMobile(),   // default PhoneValidator.valid()
  isCountrySelectionEnabled: true, // default
  countrySelectorNavigator: CountrySelectorNavigator.bottomSheet(), // required 
  showFlagInInput: true,  // default
  flagShape:, // default
  showArrow: true,  // default
  flagSize: 16,           // default
  autofillHints: [AutofillHints.telephoneNumber], // default to null
  enabled: true,          // default
  autofocus: false,       // default
  onSaved: (PhoneNumber p) => print('saved $p'),   // default null
  onChanged: (PhoneNumber p) => print('changed $p'), // default null
// ... + other textfield params

Country selector #

You can choose from many different selectors to select a country. All of them are flexibly customizable, and the default appearance selectors like dialog and bottom sheets depend on your app's theme settings.

Here is the list of the parameters available for all built-in country selectors:

  • countries - The list of countries that will be available in the list view widget.
  • favorites - The list of countries to be displayed at the top of the list.
  • addFavouriteSeparator - The boolean value determines whether to display divider between favorite and default countries.
  • showCountryCode - The boolean value determines whether to display the country dial code.
  • showCountryName - The boolean value determines whether to display the country name.
  • showCountryFlag - The boolean value determines whether to display the country flag.
  • noResultMessage - The String value that will display when a search result is empty.
  • countryCodeStyle - The text style of a country code.
  • countryNameStyle - The text style of a country name.
  • flagSize - Flag icon size.
  • flagShape - The BoxShape that determines if the displayed flags should be circular.

Built-in country selector #

Name Description
Search Delegate Open a page for choosing the country
Dialog Open a dialog for choosing the country
Bottom Sheet Open a bottom sheet that expands to occupy all available space in both the horizontal and vertical axes.
Modal Bottom Sheet Open a modal bottom sheet that is expanded in the horizontal direction.
Draggable Bottom Sheet Open a modal bottom sheet that is expanded horizontally and can be dragged from a minimum to a maximum height based on the currently available space.
Dropdown Open a dropdown menu under text input with customizable height.

Extra parameters #

  • CountrySelectorNavigator.searchDelegate

    No extra parameters.

  • CountrySelectorNavigator.dialog

    Extra parameters:

    • showSearchInput Whether to show the search input
    • searchInputDecoration The [InputDecoration] of the Search Input
    • searchInputTextStyle The [TextStyle] of the Search Input
    • defaultSearchInputIconColor The [Color] of the Search Icon in the Search Input
    • searchInputHeight The height of the search input field, if specified.
    • searchInputWidth The width of the search input field, if specified.
  • CountrySelectorNavigator.bottomSheet

    Extra parameters:

    • bottomSheetDragHandlerColor The [Color] of the divider at the top on the bottom sheet
    • and other extra params as in the dialog
  • CountrySelectorNavigator.modalBottomSheet

    Extra parameters:

    • height Provides the capability to define the height of the bottom sheet.
    • and other extra params as in the bottomSheet
  • CountrySelectorNavigator.draggableBottomSheet

    Extra parameters:

    • initialChildSize Defines the initial height of the bottom sheet.
    • minChildSize Defines the minimum height that the bottom sheet can occupy.
    • maxChildSize Defines the maximum height that the bottom sheet can occupy.
    • borderRadius Controls the rounded corner radius of the bottom sheet.
    • and other extra params as in the dialog
  • CountrySelectorNavigator.dropdown

    Since dropdown is implemented using overlay it is necessary to pass Layer Link.

    Extra parameters:

    • required layerLink The LayerLink for overlay positioning
    • borderRadius The dropdown's border-radius
    • listHeight The height of the dropdown list
    • backgroundColor The background color of the dropdown
    • and other extra params as in the dialog

Integration with Customs Text Fields #

You can utilize any country selectors with either a customized or standard text field, allowing you to obtain an instance of the chosen country. To achieve this, you only need to invoke the requestCountrySelector() function on the desired selector while providing the necessary parameters.

For example:

  onTap: () async {
    final country = await CountrySelectorNavigator.dialog().requestCountrySelector(context);

Note that with bottomSheet selector, you need to additionally wrap the TextField in Builder.


  builder: (context) {
    return TextField(
      onTap: () async {
      final country = await const CountrySelectorNavigator.bottomSheet().requestCountrySelector(context);

Also, note what you need to do with with dropdown selector:

  1. Start by wrapping your TextField with CompositedTransformTarget.
  2. Provide a LayerLink to CompositedTransformTarget.
  3. Wrap Your TextField with a Builder.

For example:

  link: layerLink,
    child: Builder(
      builder: (context) {
        return TextField(
        onTap: () {
        final country = CountrySelectorNavigator.dropdown(
          layerLink: layerLink,
          showSearchInput: true,

Validation #

With Phone Input widget you can use a number of build-it and your own custom validators for phone numbers.

  • You can customize validate behavior through autovalidateMode parameter in Phone Input widget.
  • Each validator can be customized with an optional errorText property to change the displayed error message.
  • Most of the validators have an optional allowEmpty property that prevents the field from being flagged as valid if it is empty. This can be useful if you want to display a different error message for empty fields.

Built-in validators #

Phone Input has the following built-in validators

Name Description
required This validator ensures that a phone number field is required and must be filled in.
valid This validator checks if the provided phone number is valid
valid country This validator checks if the provided phone number is valid within the specified country.
valid type This validator validates the phone number based on its type, such as mobile or fixed-line, ensuring it matches the specified type.
valid mobile number This validator verifies that the phone number provided is a valid mobile number
valid fixed line number This validator confirms the validity of the phone number as a fixed-line number
none Using this validator disables the default validation

Composing validators #

You can also create your own custom validators by using the PhoneValidator.compose() method. This method takes a list of built-in or custom validators as input and combines the functionality of all of the input validators.

Note that when composing validators, the sorting is important as the error message displayed is the first validator failing.

// ...
  validator: PhoneValidator.compose([
// list of validators to use
  PhoneValidator.required(errorText: "You must enter a value"),
// ..

Internationalization #

The following code demonstrates the integration of internationalization within your Flutter application using the MaterialApp widget:

    return MaterialApp(
      localizationsDelegates: [
      supportedLocales: [
      const Locale('en', ''),
      const Locale('es', ''),
      const Locale('fr', ''),
      const Locale('uk', ''),
      // Add more locales as needed

A bunch of languages are built-in:

- 'ar',
- 'de',
- 'en',
- 'el'
- 'es',
- 'fr',
- 'hin',
- 'it',
- 'nl',
- 'pt',
- 'ru',
- 'uk',
- 'tr',
- 'zh',
- 'sv',



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This package is designed to simplify the process of capturing phone numbers from users.

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diacritic, flutter, flutter_localizations, flutter_svg, intl, meta


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