pgw_sdk 1.0.1 copy "pgw_sdk: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
pgw_sdk: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard


PGWSDK for Flutter.


The 2C2P Payment Gateway (PGW) SDK allows merchants to build an excellent payment experience within their mobile apps by integrating easily with 2C2P's payment gateway. As 2C2P provides omnichannel payment processing, the Payment Gateway SDK gives merchants access to a full suite of payment options.

With 2C2P's Payment Gateway SDK, merchants do not need to undertake a complex and time-consuming PCI-DSS certification process. All sensitive information is protected at 2C2P with the most advanced security that is compliant with PCI-DSS standards.

Table of Contents #

  1. Getting Started
  2. System Requirements
  3. Initializing the PGW SDK
  4. Payment Methods
  5. Constructing Transaction Requests
  6. Executing Transactions

Getting Started #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  pgw_sdk: ^0.0.3

System Requirements #

The SDK has been developed using Dart version >=2.12.0, iOS Deployment Target 12.0, and Android Version 6 (API Level 23). To ensure you can actually compile the sdk smoothly, we recommend to use the developed versions. However if needed, you can convert to your preferred version.

Platform Minimum Version
iOS 11.0
Android 6 (API Level 23)
Dart SDK 2.12.0

Initializing the PGW SDK #

Merchants must initialize the 2C2P PGW SDK in their main.dart file before performing any payment transactions. To do so, refer to the sample code below.

void main() {

** For testing purposes, use APIEnvironment.Sandbox to initialize the PGW SDK. For more info, please refer to this link.

Payment Methods #

Credit or Debit Card #

Import the following libraries into your file:

import 'package:pgw_sdk/builder/card_payment_builder.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/payment_code.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/payment_request.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/transaction_result_request_builder.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/transaction_result_response.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/pgw_sdk.dart';

Prepare a payment token request by referring to the guidelines here.

  "merchantID": "JT04",
  "invoiceNo": "1595219400",
  "description": "2 days 1 night hotel room",
  "amount": 10.0,
  "currencyCode": "THB",
  "nonceStr": "a8092512-b144-41b0-8284-568bb5e9264c",
  "paymentChannel": ["GCARD"],
  "request3DS" : "Y"

The payment token API will return response data that will contain the payment token ID which must be passed to the merchant application:

String paymentToken = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL";

Construct payment request and payment code:

PaymentCode paymentCode = PaymentCode(channelCode: 'CC');
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = CardPaymentBuilder(paymentCode: paymentCode, cardNo: '4111111111111111')

Use the payment token, payment code, and payment request to build a transaction request, which can be used to execute the transaction using card token payment.

Internet Banking #

Import the following libraries into your file:

import 'package:pgw_sdk/builder/internet_banking_builder.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/payment_code.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/payment_request.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/transaction_result_request_builder.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/transaction_result_response.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/pgw_sdk.dart';

Prepare a payment token request by referring to the guidelines here.

  "merchantID": "JT04",
  "invoiceNo": "1595219400",
  "description": "2 days 1 night hotel room",
  "amount": 10.0,
  "currencyCode": "THB",
  "nonceStr": "a8092512-b144-41b0-8284-568bb5e9264c",
  "paymentChannel": ["IMBANK"]

The payment token API will return response data that will contain the payment token ID which must be passed to the merchant application:

String paymentToken = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL";

Construct payment request and payment code:

PaymentCode paymentCode = new PaymentCode("123", "UOB", "IBANKING");
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new InternetBankingBuilder(paymentCode)

Use the payment token, payment code, and payment request to build a transaction request, which can be used to execute the transaction by calling proceed transaction.

QR Payment #

Import the following libraries into your file:

import 'package:pgw_sdk/builder/qr_payment_builder.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/payment_code.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/payment_request.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/transaction_result_request_builder.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/transaction_result_response.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/pgw_sdk.dart';

Prepare a payment token request by referring to the guidelines here.

  "merchantID": "JT04",
  "invoiceNo": "1595219400",
  "description": "2 days 1 night hotel room",
  "amount": 10.0,
  "currencyCode": "THB",
  "nonceStr": "a8092512-b144-41b0-8284-568bb5e9264c",
  "paymentChannel": ["QR"]

The payment token API will return response data that will contain the payment token ID which must be passed to the merchant application:

String paymentToken = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL";

Construct payment request and payment code:

PaymentCode paymentCode = new PaymentCode("VEMVQR");

PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new QRPaymentBuilder(paymentCode)

Use the payment token, payment code, and payment request to build a transaction request, which can be used to execute the transaction by calling proceed transaction.

Over the Counter #

Import the following libraries into your file:

import 'package:pgw_sdk/builder/pay_at_counter_builder.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/payment_code.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/payment_request.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/transaction_result_request_builder.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/transaction_result_response.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/pgw_sdk.dart';

Prepare a payment token request by referring to the guidelines here.

  "merchantID": "JT04",
  "invoiceNo": "1595219400",
  "description": "2 days 1 night hotel room",
  "amount": 10.0,
  "currencyCode": "THB",
  "nonceStr": "a8092512-b144-41b0-8284-568bb5e9264c",
  "paymentChannel": ["COUNTER"]

The payment token API will return response data that will contain the payment token ID which must be passed to the merchant application:

String paymentToken = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL";

Construct payment request and payment code:

PaymentCode paymentCode = new PaymentCode("123", "BIGC", "OVERTHECOUNTER");

PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PayAtCounterBuilder(paymentCode)

Use the payment token, payment code, and payment request to build a transaction request, which can be used to execute the transaction by calling proceed transaction.

Constructing Transaction Requests #

Use the payment request and code, along with the payment token to prepare the transaction request:

TransactionResultRequestBuilder request = TransactionResultRequestBuilder(
  paymentToken: paymentToken,
  paymentRequest: paymentRequest,

Merchants can use this request to call PGWSDK.paymentWithCardToken(request) or PGWSDK.proceedTransaction(request). More info in the next section.

Executing Transactions #

Execute the transaction request to receive a redirect URL.

Payment with Card Token #

TransactionResultResponse response = await PGWSDK.paymentWithCardToken(request);
String redirectUrl =;

Proceed Transaction #

TransactionResultResponse response = await PGWSDK.proceedTransaction(request);
String redirectUrl =;

2c2p supports a list of payment methods. Refer to this link for more payment options.

See the full 2c2p PGW SDK documentation here

Payment Features Examples #

An example app is also provided to test SDK functions and features.

Contributing #


License #