pgw_sdk 0.0.1 copy "pgw_sdk: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
pgw_sdk: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


PGWSDK for Flutter.

PGWSDK for Flutter #

A PGW SDK Flutter project.

Getting Started #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  pgw_sdk: ^0.0.1

System Requirements #

The SDK has been developed using Dart version >=2.12.0, iOS Deployment Target 12.0, and Android Version 6 (API Level 23). To ensure you can actually compile the sdk smoothly, we recommend to use the developed versions. However if needed, you can convert to your preferred version.

Platform Minimum Version
iOS 11.0
Android 6 (API Level 23)
Dart SDK 2.12.0

Initialize #

Add initialize to your main.dart file


** Change to APIEnvironment.Sandbox if test needed. For more information follow this link

Usage #

Import the library to your file

import 'package:pgw_sdk/builder/card_payment_builder.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/payment_code.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/models/transaction_result_request_builder.dart';
import 'package:pgw_sdk/pgw_sdk.dart';

After get payment token from merchant server then construct transaction request

var paymentCode = PaymentCode(channelCode: 'CC');
var paymentRequest = CardPaymentBuilder(paymentCode: paymentCode, cardNo: '4111111111111111')

var request = TransactionResultRequestBuilder(
  paymentToken: 'PAYMENT_TOKEN',
  paymentRequest: paymentRequest,

Execute Payment Request

var result = await PGWSDK.proceedTransaction(request);
var redirectUrl =;

Finally got a redirect url from result.

2c2p supported a list of payment methods. Refer to this link

For more information click here

Contributing #


License #