pexels 0.1.1 pexels: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard
Unofficial wrapper of Pexels REST API for the Dart Language.
pexels #
Pexels REST client for Dart
Usage #
To use this library, add pexels
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Getting Started #
// import pexels
import "package:pexels/pexels.dart";
// create client instance
var client = PexelsClient('your_key_here');
// get a photo from ID
Photo photo = await client.getPhoto(id);
// get a random photo
Photo photo = await client.getPhoto(); // notice that the getPhoto method is called with no arguments.
// get the photo's url
String photoUrl = photo.sources['original'].link
// equivalent to:
String photoUrl = photo.get(ImageFormats.original);
// search photos
SearchResult<Photo> result = await client.searchPhotos(query,collection: Collection.Popular,page: 1,resultsPerPage:15);
Photo photo = result[0]; // get the first photo found.
// get a video from ID
Video video = await client.getVideo(id);
// get a random video
Video video = await client.getVideo(); // notice that the getVIdeo method is called with no arguments.
// get a video source url
String videoUrl = video.sources[0].link;
// equivalent to:
String videoUrl = video.get(0);
// search videos
SearchResult<Video> result = await client.searchVideos(query,collection: Collection.Regular,page: 1,resultsPerPage:15);
Video video = result[0]; // get the first video found.
// get Quota - bundles statistics about the API usage.
Quota quota = await client.getQuota();