persistent_bottom_nav_bar_v2 5.0.0-beta.9 copy "persistent_bottom_nav_bar_v2: ^5.0.0-beta.9" to clipboard
persistent_bottom_nav_bar_v2: ^5.0.0-beta.9 copied to clipboard

A highly customizable bottom navigation bar for Flutter. It is shipped with 17 prebuilt styles you can choose from, but can also be used with your very own style without sacrificing any features. Base [...]

Changelog #

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

5.0.0-beta.9 - 2024-03-04 #

5.0.0-beta.8 - 2024-01-15 #

Fixed #

  • Make ItemConfig inactiveIcon of Type Widget

5.0.0-beta.7 - 2023-12-06 #

Fixed #

  • Upgrade go_router to 12.1.1
  • Make page switching transition rtl compatible
  • Fix _animation not initialized error
  • Switching tabs without stateManagement caused re-initializations of all loaded pages

5.0.0-beta.6 - 2023-09-12 #

Added #

  • Add animatedTabBuilder to customize the transition when switching tabs
  • Support for Router API

Fixed #

  • Tab slide animation no longer shows intermediate tabs in the slide animation when switching to non adjacent tabs

5.0.0-beta.5 - 2023-02-27 #

Added #

  • Tab history when using android back button

Fixed #

  • ScreenTransitionAnimation with was throwing an error in the animation phase

Removed #

  • Remove unused attribute _animateTabTransition on ScreenTransitionAnimation

5.0.0-beta.4 - 2023-02-12 #

Added #

  • Support drawerEdgeDragWidth

5.0.0-beta.3 - 2023-02-12 #

Added #

  • A drawer can be passed to the PersistentTabView to be usable in every tab

Changed #

  • Renamed ItemAnimationProperties to ItemAnimation
  • Made ScreenTransitionAnimation.animateTabTransition private
  • Improved Example

5.0.0-beta.2 - 2022-11-28 #

Fixed #

  • Migration Guide Link in the Readme

5.0.0-beta.1 - 2022-11-19 #

Breaking Changes #

  • itemAnimationProperties, neumorphicProperties and navBarDecoration now have to be applied to the NavBar Widget directly
  • navBarStyle now is a widget builder which also allows to pass a custom Widget instead of only the predefined ones
  • Remove PersistenTabView.custom (use PersistentTabView instead) constructor
  • Make items primary color the title and icon color and secondary the background color
  • backgroundColor now changes the color of the background
  • NavBarOverlap replaces the buttomScreenMargin

Changed #

  • Remove PersistentTabViewBase
  • Replace CupertinoPageScaffold with Scaffold
  • Trimmed the styles
  • Make inactiveIcon default to icon globally
  • Tabs Navigators inherit the settings of the root Navigator
  • Make null-safety safer

4.2.7 - 2022-11-13 #

Fixed #

  • Scroll to top on iOS (#34 via #72)
  • Fix text color in dark mode on iOS (#71)

4.2.6 - 2022-10-30 #

Fixed #

  • Fix text color issues with style 3

4.2.5 - 2022-08-16 #

Fixed #

  • Fix cast error when using onWillPop with handleAndroidBackButtonPress: false

4.2.4 - 2022-07-01 #

Fixed #

  • Using bottom item TextStyle on style3 caused cast error

4.2.3 - 2022-06-03 #

Fixed #

  • selectedTabScreenContext returned a wrong context after visiting the tabs the first time

4.2.2 - 2022-05-31 #

Fixed #

  • Using one border side in NavbarDecoration caused an error (see #21)

4.2.1 - 2022-05-29 #

Added #

  • Add basic tests

Fixed #

  • Change NavBarPadding.fromLTRB to use correct order

4.2.0 - 2022-05-23 #

Changed #

  • Fixed bug where the NavigatorObservers of a custom PersistenTabView threw errors when switching to another tab
  • Fixed using the correct navigatorKeys for the correct tab
  • Breaking Change: The CustomWidgetRouteAndNavigatorSettings.navigatorObservers are now a list of lists of NavigatorObservers, so each tab has its own list of NavigatorObervers. See the attribute for more information and an example

4.1.11 - 2022-05-13 #

Changed #

  • Support Flutter 3.0.0 without triggering warnings (see _ambiguate function for more)

4.1.10 - 2022-04-25 #

Changed #

  • Remove label top padding in most styles because it broke layout for custom image icons (see #20)

4.1.9 - 2022-04-02 #

Changed #

  • Add navBarHeight to PersistentTabView.custom

4.1.8 - 2022-03-19 #

Fixed #

  • Fix animation repeating when dependencies change

4.1.7 - 2022-03-19 #

Added #

  • Re-add example
  • Add more documentation

4.1.6 - 2022-03-19 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed empty tabs when fastly switching tabs with animations enabled

4.1.5 - 2022-03-17 #

Fixed #

  • Fix issue with navbarDecoration.borderRadius being null but expected to not be null by styles 15 and 16

4.1.4 - 2022-03-17 #

Added #

  • Adding interactive example

Changed #

  • PersistentTabView.custom passes hideNavigationBarWhenKeyboardShows to super
  • Breaking resizeToAvoidBottomInset defaults to true as per docs

Fixed #

  • hideNavigationBarWhenKeyboardShows no longer depends on resizeToAvoidBottomInset to work properly

4.1.3 - 2022-03-05 #

Fixed #

  • Respect background color config in navbar

4.1.2 - 2022-03-02 #

Fixed #

  • Remove old debugging print

4.1.1 - 2022-01-20 #

Fixed #

  • Hotfix for popAllScreensOnTapOfSelectedTab of PersistentTabView.custom
  • PersistentTabView.custom now also needs the items
  • You have to call navBarEssentials.onItemSelected(index) to trigger navigator stack clearing
  • Breaking: customWidget now is a builder that receives navBarEssentials
  • Breaking: To make popAllScreensOnTapOfSelectedTab work, specify your onItemSelected function of the CustomWidget like this:

4.1.0 - 2022-01-20 #

Added #

  • PersistentTabView.custom now supports popAllScreensOnTapOfSelectedTab

Fixed #

  • Breaking: CutsomWidgetRouteAndNavigatorSettings got renamed to CustomWidgetRouteAndNavigatorSettings

4.0.3 - 2022-01-20 #

Changed #

4.0.2 - 2021-03-27 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed error while pushing new screens through the included Navigator functions.

4.0.1 - 2021-03-27 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed type cast error with NavigatorObserver.

4.0.0 - 2021-03-22 #

Changed #

  • Null safety migration.

3.2.0 - 2021-03-21 #

Added #

  • inactiveIcon is now available in PersistentBottomNavBarItem.
  • Fixed the bug where all screens of a tab would be popped while switching between tabs.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Breaking Changes
  • onWillPop function now will return the selected screen's context.
  • PersistentBottomNavBarItem
  • routeAndNavigatorSettings has been removed for non-custom navigation bar. Instead, you must now declare routeAndNavigatorSettings in PersistentBottomNavBarItem.
  • activeColor is now activeColorPrimary.
  • inactiveColor is now inactiveColorPrimary.
  • activeColorAlternate is now activeColorSecondary.
  • onPressed now returns context of the selected screen.

3.1.0 - 2020-12-06 #

Added #

  • Argument routeAndNavigatorSettings added to handle Navigator.pushNamed(context, 'routeName'). Please define your routes and other navigator settings like navigator observers here as well.
  • Breaking Changes
  • Arguments initalRoute, navigatorObservers and navigatorKeys removed and shifted to routeAndNavigatorSettings.

3.0.0 - 2020-12-06 #

Added #

  • Added new arguments navigatorObservers and navigatorKeys for the main navigation bar widget.
  • No need to call setState when updating active tab using the PersistentTabController.
  • Function argument selectedTabScreenContext exposes context of the selected tab.
  • Bug fixes and code refactoring.
  • Breaking Changes
  • context is now required in the constructor.
  • For custom widget, use this constructor PersistentTabView.custom().
  • NavBarStyle.custom has been removed. Please use PersistentTabView.custom().
  • Argument iconSize has been shifted to PersistentBottomNavBarItem.
  • PersistentBottomNavBarItem argument activeContentColor's name has been changed to activeColorSecondary. Functionality remains the same.
  • PersistentBottomNavBarItem argument titleStyle's name has been changed to textStyle. Functionality remains the same.

2.1.0 - 2020-10-02 #

Added #

  • Added TextStyle property for title in the PersistentBottomNavBarItem.
  • Added margin property for the navigation bar.
  • Bug fixes.

2.0.5 - 2020-07-16 #

Fixed #

  • Bug fixes related to decoration border.

2.0.4 - 2020-07-16 #

Fixed #

  • Bug fixes.

2.0.3 - 2020-07-16 #

Fixed #

  • Bug fixes.

2.0.2 - 2020-07-15 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed hideNavigationBar animation jitter and updated Readme.

2.0.1 - 2020-07-15 #

Changed #

  • README updated.

2.0.0 - 2020-07-15 #

Added #

  • Added transition animations to the Navigator functions.
  • Padding simplified into a single property and uses NavBarPadding instead of EdgeInsets.
  • New property called 'decoration' where are decoration related properties have been moved like curveRadius, boxShadow etc.
  • New property to hide the Navigation Bar when keyboard appears.
  • For those wanting to display a custom dialog when user tries to exit the app on Android only, use onWillPop the callback function.
  • 8 new styles added.
  • Animation properties for all styles can now be controlled through the property itemAnimationProperties.
  • Ability to turn off state management.
  • Screen transition animation added. Can be controlled with the property screenTransitionAnimation.
  • Ability to use custom behavior on tapping of a navigation bar's tab/item through onPressed callback method in the PersistentBottomNavBarItem.
  • Removed platformSpecific property from Navigator functions to make it compatible with Flutter-Web.
  • Minor new features, bug fixes and stability improvements.

1.5.5 - 2020-05-11 #

Added #

  • Added property bottomScreenPadding to control a screen's bottom padding.
  • Added property navBarCurveRadius to change the nav bar curve's radius.
  • Added property popAllScreensOnTapOfSelectedTab to toggle between the ability to pop all pushed screens of a particular selected tab on the second press of the said tab.

1.5.4 - 2020-05-07 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed background shadow issue when translucency was turned on with showElevation == true.

1.5.3 - 2020-05-07 #

Changed #

  • Updated Readme file.

1.5.2 - 2020-05-07 #

Added #

  • Added an example for the navigator function pushDynamicScreen in the sample project.
  • Minor improvements to some styles.

Fixed #

  • Fixed nav bar background color consistency when translucency enabled.

1.5.1 - 2020-04-30 #

Changed #

  • Reverted changes to PersistentTabController.

1.5.0 - 2020-04-30 #

Added #

  • Added feature to pop back to first screen on tapping of an already selected tab.

Fixed #

  • Fixed the issue when new tab was added dynamically.
  • Fixed safe area issues.
  • Removed property selectedIndex as it was redundant. Use PersistentTabController to control it instead. Breaking Change
  • Bug fixes.

1.4.5 - 2020-04-29 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed nav bar translucency for provided styles.

1.4.4 - 2020-04-29 #

Changed #

  • Updated dependencies.
  • Removed allCorners value from NavBarCurve as it became redundant after a fix.

1.4.1 - 2020-04-29 #

Changed #

  • Improvements to readme.

1.4.0 - 2020-04-29 #

Added #

  • Implemented handling of the Android back button.

Changed #

  • Updated navigation bar height to give it the default platform look.
  • Updated styles to fix the issue where a tap would not be registered.

Fixed #

  • Fixed the issue where the app would not close at all on Android back button press.

1.3.0 - 2020-04-25 #

Added #

  • Incorporated the much requested ability to customize your own bottom navigation bar widget.
  • Android's back button will no longer close the app.

1.2.1 - 2020-03-23 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed centering of label text in style 1, 7, 9 and 10.

1.2.0 - 2020-03-20 #

Added #

  • Added navBarHeight and floatingActionWidget properties, some bug fixes and (BREAKING CHANGE) isCurved property is now replaced with navBarCurve which accepts NavBarCurve.

1.1.5 - 2020-03-04 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed issue for style 6 and 8 where a tap would not be registered occasionally.

1.1.4 - 2020-03-03 #

Fixed #

  • Bug fixes and improvements for style 6 and 8.

1.1.3 - 2020-03-02 #

Fixed #

  • Bug fixes.

1.1.2 - 2020-03-01 #

Changed #

  • Updated project description.

1.1.1 - 2020-03-01 #

Fixed #

  • Memory leakage improvements.

1.1.0 - 2020-03-01 #

Added #

  • Added Neumorphic design for the navigation bar.
  • Scale animations for style 7 and 8.
  • More control over translucency.
  • Bug fixes and improvements.

1.0.15 - 2020-01-27 #

Fixed #

  • bug fixes.

1.0.14 - 2020-01-27 #

Changed #

  • Fixed showElevation invisible shadow issue.

1.0.13 - 2020-01-27 #

Fixed #

  • bug fixes.

1.0.12 - 2020-01-27 #

Changed #

  • Increased space between icon and text for most styles (can be reverted by the use of bottomPadding property).

1.0.11 - 2020-01-27 #

Fixed #

  • bug fixes.

1.0.10 - 2020-01-26 #

Fixed #

  • bug fixes.

1.0.9+2 - 2020-01-26 #

Changed #

  • transparency color improvements.

1.0.9+1 - 2020-01-26 #

Fixed #

  • bug fixes.

1.0.9 - 2020-01-26 #

Added #

  • Added isTranslucent property for PersistentBottomNavBarItem.
  • Tweaked style8 and style9's magnification.

1.0.8 - 2020-01-24 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed error thrown if onItemSelected was not declared.
  • Wrapped screens with Material for material elements.

1.0.7+4 - 2020-01-23 #

Changed #

  • Updated README file.

1.0.7+3 - 2020-01-20 #

Changed #

  • Updated style10's and style7's shadow.

1.0.7+2 - 2020-01-20 #

Changed #

  • Updated style10's and style7's shadow.

1.0.7+1 - 2020-01-20 #

Changed #

  • Updated style10's borders.

1.0.7 - 2020-01-20 #

Changed #

  • Updated style8's text magnification and added new style10.

1.0.6+1 - 2020-01-20 #

Changed #

  • Updated navigator functions' arguments BREAKING CHANGE.

1.0.6 - 2020-01-20 #

Changed #

  • Updated navigator functions' arguments and added a new nav bar style.

1.0.5 - 2020-01-18 #

Changed #

  • Updated return type of navigator functions.

1.0.4 - 2020-01-16 #

Added #

  • Added function for pushing modal screens.

1.0.3+5 - 2020-01-16 #

Changed #

  • Updated style8's magnification.

1.0.3+4 - 2020-01-16 #

Added #

  • Added another style for the nav bar.
  • Added horizontalPadding property for the nav bar.

Changed #

  • Updated navigator functions.

1.0.3+3 - 2020-01-10 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed issue with bottomPadding.

1.0.3+2 - 2020-01-09 #

Changed #

  • Updated pushNewScreen functions.

1.0.3+1 - 2020-01-09 #

Changed #

  • Updated project description.

1.0.3 - 2020-01-09 #

Added #

  • 'bottomPadding` property for navigation bar items.

Changed #

  • Updated font sizes

1.0.2+1 - 2020-01-09 #

Fixed #

  • Fixes in pushNewScreen.

1.0.2 - 2020-01-09 #

Fixed #

  • Fixes in pushNewScreen.

1.0.1 - 2020-01-09 #

Changed #

  • Updated package's description.

1.0.0 - 2020-01-09 #

Added #

  • Stable version released.

0.0.5 - 2020-01-09 #

Fixed #

  • Fixed formatting.

0.0.4 - 2020-01-09 #

Added #

  • Example project added to repository.

0.0.3 - 2020-01-08 #

Changed #

  • Updated

0.0.2 - 2020-01-08 #

Changed #

  • Updated

0.0.1 - 2020-01-08 #

Added #

  • Persistent Bottom Navigation.
  • Ability to push new screen with or without bottom navigation bar.
  • 8 styles for the bottom navigation bar (includes BottomNavyBar style).
  • Includes function for pushing screen with or without the bottom navigation bar i.e. pushNewScreen() and pushNewScreenWithRouteSettings().
  • Includes platform specific behavior as an option (specify it in the two navigator functions).
  • Based on flutter's Cupertino(iOS) bottom navigation bar.
pub points


unverified uploader

A highly customizable bottom navigation bar for Flutter. It is shipped with 17 prebuilt styles you can choose from, but can also be used with your very own style without sacrificing any features. Based on persistent_bottom_nav_bar which currently is not continued.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, go_router


Packages that depend on persistent_bottom_nav_bar_v2