pdfrx 1.0.82
pdfrx: ^1.0.82 copied to clipboard
pdfrx is a rich and fast PDF viewer implementation built on the top of PDFium. The plugin supports Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, and Web.
1.0.82 #
- collection/rxdart dependency workaround (#211)
1.0.81 #
- Introduces PdfViewerController.useDocument to make it easy to use PdfDocument safely
- Introduces PdfViewerController.pageCount to get page count without explicitly access PdfViewerController.pages
- PdfViewerController.document/PdfViewerController.pages are now deprecated
1.0.80 #
- BREAKING CHANGE: PdfViewerParams.viewerOverlayBuilder introduces third parameter named handleLinkTap, which is used with GestureDetector to handle link-tap events on user code (#175)
- Fix typos on README.md
1.0.79 #
- FIXED: RangeError on PdfViewer.uri when missing "Expires" header (#206)
1.0.78 #
- Add packagingOptions pickFirst to workaround multiple libpdfium.so problem on Android build (#8)
- FIXED: _relayoutPages may cause null access
- Update README.md to explain PdfViewerParam.linkHandlerParams for link handling
1.0.77 #
- #175: Woops, just missing synchronized to call loadLinks causes multiple load invocations...
1.0.76 #
- Add several tweaks to reduce PdfLink's memory footprint (Related: #175)
- Introduces PdfViewerParam.linkHandlerParams and PdfLinkHandlerParams to show/handle PDF links without using Flutter Widgets (#175)
1.0.75 #
- PDF.js 4.4.168
1.0.74 #
- Introduces PdfViewerController.getPdfPageHitTestResult
- Introduces PdfViewerController.layout to get page layout
1.0.73 #
- Introduces PdfViewerParams.onViewSizeChanged, which is called on view size change
- The feature can be used to keep the screen center on device screen rotation (#194)
1.0.72 #
- FIXED: Example code is not compilable
- FIXED: Marker could not be placed correctly on the example code (#189)
- FIXED: Updated podspec file not to download the same archive again and again (#154)
- Introduces chromium/6555 for all platforms
- Darwin uses pdfium-apple-v9 (chromium/6555)
Improves memory consumption by pdfium's internal caching feature (#184)
1.0.71 #
- Introduces withCredentials for Web to download PDF file using current session credentials (Cookie) (#182)
- FIXED: Re-download logic error that causes 416 on certain web site (#183)
1.0.70 #
- PdfViewer calls re-layout logic on every zoom ratio changes (#131)
- Add PdfViewerParams.interactionEndFrictionCoefficient (#176)
- Minor fix for downloading cache
- rxdart gets back to 0.27.7 because 0.28.0 causes incompatibility with several other plugins...
1.0.69 #
- FIXED: Small Page Size PDF Not Scaling to Fit Screen (#174)
1.0.68 #
- Introduces PdfViewerController.setCurrentPageNumber (#152)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Current page number behavior change (#152)
- BREAKING CHANGE: PdfPageAnchor behavior changes for existing PdfPageAnchor enumeration values.
- Introduces PdfPageAnchor.top/left/right/bottom
- Introduces PdfViewerController.calcMatrixToEnsureRectVisible
1.0.67 #
- FIXED: LateInitializationError: Field '_cacheBlockCount@1436474497' has not been initialized (#167)
1.0.66 #
- FIXED: PdfException: Failed to load PDF document (FPDF_GetLastError=3) (#166)
- Add explicit HTTP error handling code (to show the error detail)
- bblanchon/pdfium-binaries 127.0.6517.0 (chromium/6517) (iOS/macOS is still using 6406)
1.0.65 #
- Remove dependency to intl (#151)
1.0.64 #
- Android: minSdkVersion to 21 (related #158)
1.0.63 #
- Workaround for SelectionEventType.selectParagraph that is introduced in master (#156/PR #157)
- The code uses
to handle the case but we should update it with the "right" code when it is introduced to the stable
- The code uses
1.0.62 #
1.0.61 #
- Introduces PdfViewerParams.pageDropShadow
- Introduces PdfViewerParams.pageBackgroundPaintCallbacks
1.0.60 #
- bblanchon/pdfium-binaries 125.0.6406.0 (chromium/6406)
- default_min_sdk_version=21 to support lower API level devices (#145)
1.0.59 #
- Fixes concurrency issue on PdfDocument dispose (#143)
- FIXED: Null check operator used on _guessCurrentPage (#147)
1.0.58 #
- Any API calls that wraps PDFium are now completely synchronized. They are run in an app-wide single worker isolate
- This is because PDFium does not support any kind of concurrency and even different PdfDocument instances could not be called concurrently
1.0.57 #
- FIXED: possible double-dispose on race condition (#136)
- Add mechanism to cancel partial real size rendering (#137)
- WIP: Custom HTTP header for downloading PDF files (#132)
- Text search match color customization (#142)
1.0.56 #
- Reduce total number of Isolates used when opening PDF documents
- Add PdfViewerParams.calculateCurrentPageNumber
- FIXED: Could not handle certain destination coordinates correctly (#135)
1.0.55 #
- Improve memory consumption by opening/closing page handle every time pdfrx need it (PR #125)
1.0.54 #
- Improves [End] button behavior to reach the actual end of document rather than the top of the last page
- PdfViewerParams.pageAnchorEnd for specifying anchor for the "virtual" page next to the last page
- PdfViewerParams.onePassRenderingScaleThreshold to specify maximum scale that is rendered in single rendering call
- If a page is scaled over the threshold scale, the page is once rendered in the threshold scale and after a some delay, the real scaled image is rendered partially that fits in the view port
- PdfViewerParams.perPageSelectionAreaInjector is introduced to customize text selection behavior
1.0.53 #
- Fixes flicker on scrolling/zooming that was introduced on 1.0.52
- Revival of high resolution partial rendering
1.0.52 #
- Fixes memory consumption control issues (Related: #121)
1.0.51 #
- FIXED: memory leak on _PdfPageViewState (#110)
- Remove dependency on dart:js_util (#109)
- FIXED: Crash on _PdfViewerScrollThumbState (#86)
1.0.50 #
- Introduces PdfViewerParams.useAlternativeFitScaleAsMinScale but it's not recommended to set the value to false because it may degrade the viewer performance
1.0.49 #
- iOS minimum deployment target 12.0
1.0.11 #
- intl 0.18.1 (#87)
1.0.10+1 #
- Add note for Flutter 3.19/Dart 3.3 support on 1.0.0+
1.0.10 #
- FIXED: calcZoomStopTable hangs app if zoom ratio is almost 0 (#79)
1.0.9 #
- PdfRect.toRect: scaledTo -> scaledPageSize
- FIXED: PdfJsConfiguration.cMapUrl/cMapPacked does not have correct default values
1.0.8 #
- Condition analysis warnings on auto-generated pdfium_bindings.dart
1.0.7 #
- Requires Flutter 3.19/Dart 3.3 again (pub.dev is upgraded to the stable🎉)
- dart:js_interop based pdf.js interop implementation (remove dependency on package:js)
1.0.6 #
- Due to the pub.dev version issues, the version introduces a "temporary workaround", which downgrades several packages:
sdk: '>=3.3.0-76.0.dev <4.0.0'
flutter: '>=3.19.0-0.4.pre'
web: ^0.4.2
I'll update them as soon as pub.dev upgrades their toolchains
- pdf.js interop refactoring
1.0.5 #
NOTE: On pub.dev, 1.0.0+ versions gets [ANALYSIS ISSUE]. It does not affect your code consistency but API reference is not available until pub.dev upgrades their toolchains.
- Requires Flutter 3.19/Dart 3.3
1.0.4 #
- Rollback version constraints to the older stable versions...
- I've created an issue for pub.dev: https://github.com/dart-lang/pub-dev/issues/7484
1.0.3 #
- Again,
flutter: '>=3.19.0-0.4.pre'
1.0.2 #
- To make the pub.dev analyzer work, we should use
sdk: '>=3.3.0-76.0.dev <4.0.0'
as version constraint...
1.0.1 #
- PdfViewerController.addListener/removeListener independently has listener list on it to make it work regardless of PdfViewer attached or not (#74)
1.0.0 #
- Requires Flutter 3.19/Dart 3.3
- Update Web code to use package:web (removing dependency to dart:html)
0.4.44 #
- FIXED: PdfViewerParams.boundaryMargin does not work correctly.
0.4.43 #
- Add note for dark/night mode support on README.md; the trick is originally introduced by pckimlong on #46.
- FIXED: wrong PdfPageAnchor behavior with landscape pages
0.4.42 #
- FIXED: PdfDocumentRefData's operator== is broken (#66)
0.4.41 #
- Marker example for PdfViewerParams.onTextSelectionChange (#65)
- Add more explanation for sourceName (#66)
0.4.40 #
- Introduces PdfViewerParams.onTextSelectionChange (#65) to know the last text selection
0.4.39 #
- Minor updates on text selection (still experimental......)
0.4.38 #
- Minor updates on text selection (still experimental...)
- Minor fix on PdfPageView
0.4.37 #
- CMake version "3.18.1+" for #48, #62
0.4.36 #
- Introduces PdfJsConfiguration to configure pdf.js download URLs
0.4.35 #
- Download cache mechanism update (#57/#58)
0.4.34 #
- Document update
0.4.33 #
- Document update
0.4.32 #
- Add PdfViewerParams.calculateInitialPageNumber to calculate the initial page number dynamically
- Add PdfViewerParams.onViewerReady to know when the viewer gets ready
0.4.31 #
- Remove explicit CMake version spec 3.18.1
0.4.30 #
- FIXED: Link URI contains null-terminator
- Add support text/links on rotated pages
- Stability updates for PdfTextSearcher
- README.md/example updates
- Revival of PdfViewer.data/PdfViewer.custom
0.4.29 #
- Minor fixes to PdfTextSearcher
0.4.28 #
- README.md/example updates
0.4.27 #
- Minor updates and README.md updates
0.4.26 #
- Introduces PdfTextSearcher that helps you to implement search UI feature (#47)
- Example code is vastly changed to explain more about the widget functions
0.4.25 #
- FIXED: Able to scroll outside document area
0.4.24 #
- Huge refactoring on PdfViewerController; it's no longer TransformationController but just a
- This fixes an "Unhandled Exception: Null check operator used on a null value" on widget state disposal (#46)
0.4.23 #
- Introduces PdfDocumentViewBuilder/PdfPageView widgets
- Example code is super updated with index and thumbnails.
0.4.22 #
- Web: Now pdf.js is loaded automatically and no modification to index.html is required!
- Default implementation for PdfViewerParams.errorBannerBuilder to show internally thrown errors
- PdfPasswordException is introduced to notify password error
- PdfDocumentRef now has stackTrace for error
- PdfFileCache now uses dedicated http.Client instance
0.4.21 #
- Now PdfDocumentRef has const constructor and PdfViewer.documentRef is also const
0.4.20 #
- Removes PdfDocumentProvider (Actually PdfDocumentRef does everything)
- Fixes breakage introduced by 0.4.18
0.4.19 #
- firstAttemptByEmptyPassword should be true by default
0.4.18 #
- PdfDocumentProvider supercedes PdfDocumentStore (PR #42)
- PDFium 6259 for Windows, Linux, and Android
- FIXED: Bug: Tests fail due to null operator check on PdfViewerController #44
0.4.17 #
- Additional fixes to text selection mechanism
0.4.16 #
- Remove password parameters; use passwordProvider instead.
- Fixes several resource leak scenarios on PdfDocument open failures
- Restrict text selection if PDF permission does not allow copying
- Remove PdfViewer.documentRef; unnamed constructor is enough for the purpose
0.4.15 #
- Introduces PdfViewer.documentRef (#36)
- FIXED: PdfViewer.uri is broken on web for non relative paths #37
- FIXED: Don't Animate to initialPage #39
0.4.14 #
- Introduces PdfViewerParams.onDocumentChanged event
- Introduces PdfDocument.loadOutline to load outline (a.k.a. bookmark)
0.4.13 #
- Improves document password handling by async PasswordProvider (#20)
- Introduces PdfViewerParams.errorBannerBuilder
0.4.12 #
- Introduces PdfViewerParams.maxImageBytesCachedOnMemory, which restricts the maximum cache memory consumption
- Better than logic based on maxThumbCacheCount
- Remove the following parameters from PdfViewerParams:
- maxThumbCacheCount
- maxRealSizeImageCount
- enableRealSizeRendering
0.4.11 #
- Add support for PDF Destination (Page links)
0.4.10 #
- FIXED: isEncrypted property of document returns always true even the document is not encrypted (#29)
0.4.9 #
- FIXED: SelectionArea makes Web version almost unusable (#31)
0.4.8 #
- FIXED: Unhandled Exception: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'PdfPageRenderCancellationTokenPdfium' in type cast (#26)
0.4.7 #
- FIXED: Android build broken? Cannot find libpdfium.so error (#25)
- PdfViewerParams.loadingBannerBuilder to customize HTTP download progress
- PdfViewerParams.linkWidgetBuilder to support embedded links
- WIP: Updated text selection mechanism, which is faster and stable but still certain issues
- Pan-to-scroll does not work on Desktop/Web
- Selection does not work as expected on mobile devices
- Support Linux running on arm64 Raspberry PI (#23/#24)
0.4.6 #
- Introduces PdfPage.render cancellation mechanism
- PdfPageRenderCancellationToken to cancel the rendering process
- BREAKING CHANGE: PdfPage.render may return null if the rendering process is canceled
- PdfPageRender.render limits render resolution up to 300-dpi unless you use getPageRenderingScale
- Even with the restriction, image size may get large and you'd better implement getPageRenderingScale to restrict such large image rendering
- PdfViewerParams default changes:
- scrollByMouseWheel default is 0.2
- maxRealSizeImageCount default is 3
- PdfViewerParams.scrollByArrowKey to enable keyboard navigation
0.4.5 #
- PdfViewerParams updates
- PdfViewerParams.onPageChanged replaces onPageChanged parameter on PdfViewer factories
- PdfViewerParams.pageAnchor replaces anchor parameter on PdfViewer factories
- pdfDocumentFromUri/PdfFileCache improves mechanism to cache downloaded PDF file
- ETag check to invalidate the existing cache
- Better downloaded region handling
0.4.4 #
- PdfPage.render can render Annotations and FORMS
- PdfFileCache: More realistic file cache mechanism
- Introduces PasswordProvider to repeatedly test passwords (only API layer)
0.4.3 #
- FIXED: cache mechanism is apparently broken (#12)
0.4.2 #
- PdfViewerParams.pageOverlayBuilder to customize PDF page (#17)
- Updating README.md
0.4.1 #
- Add PdfViewerParams.enableRenderAnnotations to enable annotations on rendering (#18,#19)
0.4.0 #
- Many breaking changes but they improve the code integrity:
- PdfDocument.pages supersedes PdfDocument.getPage
- PdfDocument.pageCount is removed
- PdfViewerParams.devicePixelRatioOverride is removed; use getPageRenderingScale instead
- Add PdfPageAnchor.all
- PdfViewerParams.viewerOverlayBuilder/PdfViewerScrollThumb to support scroll thumbs
0.3.6 #
- PageLayout -> PdfPageLayout
0.3.5 #
- PageLayout class change to ease page layout customization
- Add example use case in API document
0.3.4 #
- Rewriting page rendering code
- Due to the internal structure change, page drawing customization parameters are once removed:
- pageDecoration
- pageOverlaysBuilder
- Due to the internal structure change, page drawing customization parameters are once removed:
- Example code does not enables enableTextSelection; it's still too experimental...
0.3.3 #
- FIXED: Downloading of small PDF file causes internal loading error
0.3.2 #
- Support mouse-wheel-to-scroll on Desktop platforms
0.3.1 #
- Minor API changes
- Internal integrity updates that controls the viewer behaviors
- FIX: example code does not have android.permission.INTERNET on AndroidManifest.xml
- PdfViewerParams.devicePixelRatioOverride is deprecated and introduces PdfViewerParams.getPageRenderingScale
0.3.0 #
- Many renaming of the APIs that potentially breaks existing apps
0.2.4 #
- Now uses plugin_ffi. (Not containing any Flutter plugin stab)
0.2.3 #
- Fixed: #6 PdfPageWeb.render behavior is different from PdfPagePdfium.render
0.2.2 #
- Explicitly specify Flutter 3.16/Dart 3.2 as NativeCallable.listener does not accept non-static function (#5)
0.2.1 #
- Stabilizing API surface
- Introducing PdfViewer.asset/file/uri/custom
- PdfViewer has documentLoader to accept function to load PdfDocument
- Fixes minor issues on PdfViewer
0.2.0 #
- Introducing PdfDocument.openUri/PdfFileCache* classes
- Introducing PdfPermissions
- PdfPage.loadText/PdfPageText for text extraction
- Android NDK CMake to 3.18.1
0.1.1 #
- Document updates
- pdf.js 3.11.174
0.1.0 #
- First release (Documentation is not yet ready)