pdf_js_viewer 1.0.8 pdf_js_viewer: ^1.0.8 copied to clipboard
a pdf viewer base pdf.js for flutter.
Features #
only support android and iOS, Based on the PDF file browser encapsulated in pdf.js, this plugin can help you find out how the PDF you are using cannot display relevant information such as signatures.
Features #
- Support changing the background color
- Support removing the default shadow of pdf.js
- Support hiding the scrollbar
- Support getting the current page and total pages
- Support listening to the page change event
- Support setting display mode and scroll mode
- Support navigating to the previous page, next page, or a specified page
- 支持修改背景颜色
- 支持移除pdf.js默认阴影
- 支持隐藏滚动条
- 支持获取当前page和totalPage
- 支持监听pageChange事件
- 支持设置显示模式和滚动模式
- 支持跳转上一页,下一页,跳转指定页
Getting started #
import 'package:pdf_js_viewer/pdf_js_viewer.dart';
iOS config ATS for info.plist file #
android config #
AndroidManifest.xml requires configuring HTTP access permissions
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
or custom network_security_config.xml in res/xml directory
Usage #
Include short and useful examples for package users. Add longer examples
to /example
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:pdf_js_viewer/pdf_js_viewer.dart';
class PdfViewerPage extends StatefulWidget {
const PdfViewerPage({super.key});
State<PdfViewerPage> createState() => _PdfViewerPageState();
class _PdfViewerPageState extends State<PdfViewerPage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('PDF Detail'),),
// body: PDFViewerWidget.data(data),
// body: PDFViewerWidget.file(path),
// body: PDFViewerWidget.network(path),
body: PDFViewerWidget.assets(
onControllerCreated: (PDFViewerController controller) {
// PDFViewerController