paystack_gateway_payment 1.1.6 copy "paystack_gateway_payment: ^1.1.6" to clipboard
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Flutter integration for Paystack: easily initialize, verify payments, and use a customizable payment button.

Paystack Gateway Payment #

A Flutter package that integrates the Paystack payment gateway to facilitate online transactions. It provides easy-to-use services for initializing and verifying payments, along with a customizable button widget for triggering payments in your Flutter app.

Features #

  • Initialize payments securely using Paystack API.
  • Verify transaction status.
  • Customizable Paystack payment button.
  • WebView to handle Paystack payment flow.

Installation #

Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  paystack_gateway_payment: ^1.0.0

Then run:

flutter pub get

Usage #

    1. Set up Paystack Service To initialize the Paystack service, you need to provide your Paystack secret key:
import 'package:paystack_gateway_payment/services/paystack_service.dart';

final paystackService = PaystackService(secretKey: 'your-paystack-secret-key');
    1. Initialize Transaction To initialize a payment, call the initializeTransaction method with necessary parameters:
PaystackResponse response = await paystackService.initializeTransaction(
  email: '',
  amount: 1000,
  callbackUrl: '',

This will return a PaystackResponse with the transaction details, including an authorization URL to complete the payment.

    1. Payment Button Use the PaystackButton widget to provide a payment button in your app:
import 'package:paystack_gateway_payment/widgets/paystack_button.dart';

  paystackService: paystackService,
  email: '',
  amount: 1000,
  callbackUrl: '',
  onSuccess: (reference) {
    print('Payment successful: $reference');
  onError: (error) {
    print('Payment error: $error');
    1. WebView for Payment Flow The package includes a PaystackWebView that handles the Paystack payment process:
import 'package:paystack_gateway_payment/paystack_webview.dart';

// Navigate to the WebView page with the authorization URL
    builder: (context) => PaystackWebView(
      onSuccess: () {
        print('Payment successful');
      onError: (error) {
        print('Payment failed: $error');

Error Handling #

The package includes custom exceptions for error handling. If a transaction fails or there's an invalid parameter, it will throw a PaystackException with a relevant message.

Example: #

try {
  // Some payment-related operation
} catch (e) {
  if (e is PaystackException) {
    print('Error: ${e.message}');

License #

This package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Contributing #

Feel free to fork the repository and submit issues or pull requests. Contributions are welcome!

Contact #

For support or inquiries, please reach out to

### Key Sections:
1. **Overview**: A brief description of what the package does.
2. **Installation**: Instructions on how to add the package to a Flutter project.
3. **Usage**: Examples of how to use the package, including initializing transactions, using the `PaystackButton`, and handling the payment flow with `PaystackWebView`.
4. **Error Handling**: Explanation of how to catch and handle exceptions.
5. **License**: Information about the package’s license (you can adjust this based on your chosen license).

You can customize the "License" and "Contact" sections based on your needs.

9bb0b79 (Initial commit)




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Flutter integration for Paystack: easily initialize, verify payments, and use a customizable payment button.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, http, webview_flutter


Packages that depend on paystack_gateway_payment