paynow 1.0.5 copy "paynow: ^1.0.5" to clipboard
paynow: ^1.0.5 copied to clipboard


Paynow Client helper package.

paynow #

Getting Started #

Make sure to add the paynow dependency to your pubspec.yaml file

paynow: ^latest_version

Import the paynow package #

    import 'package:paynow/paynow.dart' show Paynow;

Initialise Paynow #

    Paynow paynow = Paynow(integrationKey: "INTEGRATION_KEY", integrationId: "INTEGRATION_ID", returnUrl: "", resultUrl: "");

Create Payment Instance #

    Payment payment = paynow.createPayment("Client", "");

Add item(s) to cart #

    payment.add("Banana", 1.9);

Initiate Paynow Transaction (Web Checkout) #

    InitResponse response  = await paynow.send(payment);

Initiate Express Checkout #

    InitResponse response = await paynow.sendMobile(payment, "0784442662", "ecocash"); // defaults to ecocash if blank

Check Response results #

    // Display results

    // Print Instructions
    // For Web Checkout, you get your [redirect_url] to redirect your client to
    String redirectuUrl = response.redirectUrl

Check Transaction Status #

    StatusResponse statusResponse = await paynow.checkTransactionStatus(response.pollUrl);

    if (statusResponse.paid){
        print("Client Paid");
        print("Transaction was unsuccessful");

NB: This is an unofficial API for Paynow. The paynow community does not host a Paynow SDK for Flutter so I put up this project for those who want to implement in-app purchases in their flutter apps. All contributions and PR requests are welcome. YES even a typo fix.

Experimental.......... #

On this branch the Paynow package will automatically open a webview for you

All contributions and PRs are welcome :) AND don't be shy to open issues.

Coded with love by SuperCode