payable_ipg 1.1.1 copy "payable_ipg: ^1.1.1" to clipboard
payable_ipg: ^1.1.1 copied to clipboard


PAYable IPG - Flutter Integration #

Flutter Package - | Create Issue

Pub Build Status

Initialization #

1. Change the minSdkVersion as below from your app level build.gradle file.

android {
    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 20

2. Add the below package into your pubspec.yaml file.

payable_ipg: ^1.1.1

Implementation #

1. Import PAYable IPG SDK package.

import 'package:payable_ipg/payable_ipg.dart';

2. Create PAYable IPG client with PAYableIPGClient.

PAYableIPGClient ipgClient = PAYableIPGClient(
    merchantKey: "YOUR_MERCHANT_KEY",
    merchantToken: "YOUR_MERCHANT_TOKEN",
    refererUrl: "YOUR_REQUEST_URL",
    logoUrl: "YOUR_COMPANY_LOGO",
    environment: IPGEnvironment.sandbox, // optional

3. Call PAYableIPG into your application body.

    ipgClient: ipgClient,
    amount: 100.45,
    currencyCode: "LKR",
    orderDescription: "Netflix",
    customerFirstName: "Aslam",
    customerLastName: "Kasun",
    customerEmail: "",
    customerMobilePhone: "0777123456",
    billingAddressStreet: "Hill Street",
    billingAddressCity: "Dehiwala",
    billingAddressCountry: "LK",
    billingAddressPostcodeZip: "10350",
    onPaymentCompleted: (data) {
      print("onPaymentCompleted: $data");
    onPaymentCancelled: () {
    onPaymentError: (data) {
      print("onPaymentError: $data");

Shipping details and notification URL are optional.

Example Usage #

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:payable_ipg/payable_ipg.dart';

void main() {
  PAYableIPGClient ipgClient = PAYableIPGClient(
    merchantKey: "YOUR_MERCHANT_KEY",
    merchantToken: "YOUR_MERCHANT_TOKEN",
    refererUrl: "YOUR_REQUEST_URL",
    logoUrl: "YOUR_COMPANY_LOGO",
    environment: IPGEnvironment.sandbox,

      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text("PAYable IPG Demo"),
        body: PAYableIPG(
          ipgClient: ipgClient,
          amount: 100.45,
          currencyCode: "LKR",
          orderDescription: "Netflix",
          customerFirstName: "Aslam",
          customerLastName: "Kasun",
          customerEmail: "",
          customerMobilePhone: "0777123456",
          billingAddressStreet: "Hill Street",
          billingAddressCity: "Dehiwala",
          billingAddressCountry: "LK",
          billingAddressPostcodeZip: "10350",
          onPaymentCompleted: (data) {
            print("onPaymentCompleted: $data");
          onPaymentCancelled: () {
          onPaymentError: (data) {
            print("onPaymentError: $data");

Advanced Usage #

1. Pay with session uid without merchantKey and merchantToken.

    uid: "969077C7-EBB5-428A-9F09-FF195560F200",
    onPaymentCompleted: (data) {
      print("onPaymentCompleted: $data");
    onPaymentCancelled: () {
    onPaymentError: (data) {
      print("onPaymentError: $data");
    environment: IPGEnvironment.sandbox,

2. Check the status of the transaction using uid and resultIndicator.

var data = await ipgClient.getStatus("uid", "resultIndicator");

API Documentation #

This document contains all the HTTP APIs used in this package.

Demo #

If you want to do more customizations on this package you can get the source code from this repository and use it for further developments.

PAYable IPG SDK - Flutter Integration