pay_unit_sdk 2.0.12 copy "pay_unit_sdk: ^2.0.12" to clipboard
pay_unit_sdk: ^2.0.12 copied to clipboard


Library flutter of the most complete payment aggregator of Cameroon, pay integrate ORANGE, MTN, PAYPAL and EXPRESS UNION in some click in your Flutter application

pay_unit_sdk #

A Pay unit sdk package.


NEW Pay_unit_sdk VERSION 2.0.7 ==> Support Flutter 2.x . #

FOR FLUTTER VERSION < 2.x ==> 2.0.4 without Cupertino package because the package already has it . #

To use this package, all you need to do is follow the instruction bellow , Please Download the recent version of the SDK . #

Use flutter sdk v.1.22.0 + #

minSdkVersion 19 #

Add mavenCentral() to your project . #

Add mavenCentral() to allprojects in gradle > build.gradle .

allprojects {
    repositories {
        mavenCentral() <---

Make sure the icon of your app is locate is like @mipmap/ic_launcher . to get the PayUnit sdk notification in your app after every transaction #

Add Pay unit to your app . #

Add // @dart=2.9 to your main.dart before importation list to avoid null-safety #


// @dart=2.9 <-- put this to your main.dart before importation list to avoid null-safety
import ....
              apiUser:"<Your apiuser>",
              apiPassword:  "<Your apiPassword>",
              apiKey: "<Your apiKey>",
              transactionId: "<The id of your transaction>",
              mode: 'sandbox' // sandbox or live,
              transactionCallBackUrl:"<Your transactionCallBackUrl url>",
              notiFyUrl: "<Your notification url>",
              transactionAmount:  "<Your transaction amount>",
              currency:"XAF", //// The currency of your transaction : XAF for FCFA or USD for $ ect ...
              buttonTextColor:  "<Custom the color of the text PayUnit button>",
              productName:"<The name of the product>",
              color: "<Custom the color of PayUnit button>",///the colors of the PayUnit Button text DEFAULT WHITE,
              actionAfterProccess: (transactionId, transactionStatus) {
               //here is the action who start after the end of the paiement , you can perform 	
               //some operation here , like display a alertDialog after the end of the payment.



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Library flutter of the most complete payment aggregator of Cameroon, pay integrate ORANGE, MTN, PAYPAL and EXPRESS UNION in some click in your Flutter application

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unknown (license)


auto_size_text, awesome_dialog, flutter, flutter_local_notifications, fluttertoast, font_awesome_flutter, get_version, http, intl, intl_translation, modal_bottom_sheet, native_progress_hud, pusher_websocket_flutter, simple_animations, webview_flutter


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