passcode_biometric_auth 0.0.1 passcode_biometric_auth: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
A Flutter package that combines both passcode and biometric authentications effectively.
Passcode Biometric Authe #
A Flutter package that combines both passcode and biometric authentications effectively.
Passcode Demo #
Usage #
Create an instance:
final authUI = PasscodeBiometricAuthUICached(
forceCreatePasscode: true,
title: 'Passcode',
checkConfig: const CheckConfig(
content: 'Input Passcode',
'This passcode is incorrect (max: @{counter}/@{maxRetries} times)\n'
'You\'ll be locked in @{retryInSecond}s when the max number of retries is reached',
forgotButtonText: 'Forgot your passcode?',
useBiometricCheckboxText: 'Use biometric authentication',
maxRetries: 5,
'Maximum number of retries is reached\nPlease try again in @{second}s',
biometricReason: 'Please authenticate to use this feature',
createConfig: const CreateConfig(
content: 'Create Passcode',
subcontent: 'Please remember your passcode. '
'When you forget your passcode, you can reset it but '
'all your cards will be removed from your local storage '
'and your Google account will be signed out.',
repeatConfig: const RepeatConfig(
content: 'Repeat Passcode',
incorrectText: 'This passcode is not correct',
onForgotPasscode: (context, authUI) async {
final isAllowed = await _forgotPassword(context);
if (isAllowed) {
await Future.wait([
return true;
return false;
dialogBuilder: (context, title, content, actions) {
return BoxWDialog(
showCloseButton: true,
backgroundColor: generalController.backgroundColor,
title: title,
content: content,
Future<bool> _forgotPassword(BuildContext context) async {
final result = await boxWDialog<bool>(
backgroundColor: generalController.backgroundColor,
context: context,
title: 'Reset Passcode',
content: const Text(
'When your passcode is reset, all your cards will be '
'removed from your local storage and your Google account '
'will be signed out.\n\n'
'Do you want to continue?',
textAlign: TextAlign.justify,
buttons: (ctx) => [
axis: Axis.horizontal,
buttons: [
backgroundColor: generalController.appBarColor,
child: const Text('No'),
onPressed: () {
Navigator.pop(ctx, false);
backgroundColor: generalController.buttonRiskyColor,
child: const Text('Yes'),
onPressed: () {
Navigator.pop(ctx, true);
return result == true;
Basic methods:
// Basic authentication
// Change the passcode