pascaldart 0.1.5 pascaldart: ^0.1.5 copied to clipboard
A dart library for PascalCoin. Supports key generation, encoding, encryption/decryption, signing, RPC.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:pascaldart/pascaldart.dart';
main() async {
// Generating a keypair
KeyPair kp = Keys.generate(curve: Curve.getDefaultCurve());
// RPC client
RPCClient rpc = RPCClient(rpcAddress: '');
// Creating transaction operation and signing it
TransactionOperation op = TransactionOperation(
sender: AccountNumber.fromInt(1234),
target: AccountNumber.fromInt(1000),
amount: Currency('10'))
..withPayload(PDUtil.stringToBytesUtf8('Hello Payload'))
// Executing operation
Uint8List encodedRawOp = RawOperationCoder.encodeToBytes(op);
ExecuteOperationsRequest request =
ExecuteOperationsRequest(rawOperations: PDUtil.byteToHex(encodedRawOp));
RPCResponse rawResp = await rpc.makeRpcRequest(request);
if (rawResp.isError) {
// Handling an error
ErrorResponse errResp = rawResp;
} else {
OperationsResponse opResp = rawResp;
opResp.operations.forEach((op) {