particular 0.2.1
particular: ^0.2.1 copied to clipboard
The Particular is a high performance particle effects flutter widget.
Whether you're a designer or developer, Particular empowers you to bring your creative visions with ease.
- Some Presets: #
- Installation #
Add particular
to your pubspec.yaml file:
For detailed installation instructions, refer to the installation guide on
- Configurate your particles #
You have two options for configuring your particles:
- Using Editors:
Generate your particles system configurations by Particular Editor.
- Programmatic Configuration:
Manually configure your particle controller in code. Refer to the following steps for more details.
- Getting Started with Coding #
To use this library, import package:particular/particular.dart
Follow these steps to integrate the particles system into your Flutter app:
I. Initialize the Particles Controller in initState
final _particleController = ParticularController();
void initState() {
// Load particle configs file
String json = await rootBundle.loadString("assets/particle.json");
final configsData = jsonDecode(json);
// Load particle texture file
ByteData bytes = await rootBundle.load("assets/${configsData["textureFileName"]}");
ui.Image texture = await loadUIImage(bytes.buffer.asUint8List());
// Add particles layer
texture: frameInfo.image, // Remove in default-texture case
configsData: configsData, // Remove in programmatic configuration case
II. Add the Particular
widget in your widget three:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Particular(
controller: _particleController,
III. Live Update Particle Layer:
maxParticles: 100,
This revised README provides clear installation instructions, options for configuring particles, and steps for integrating and customizing the particle system in your Flutter app. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask!