parse_args 0.5.0 copy "parse_args: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
parse_args: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard


A Dart package to parse command-line options simple way and in a portable style (bash, find, java, PowerShell)

A getopts-like Dart package to parse command-line options simple way and in a portable style (bash, find, java, PowerShell).

Features #

Comprises a function parseArgs and several custom exception classes. The function recognises options, i.e. any word prefixed with а dash -, then accumulates all possible values (every arg until the next option), validates against the user-defined format and calls a user-defined function handler.

It might either accept any option and treat all its possible values as strings (compatibility with older versions) or validate those using an options definitions string (the first parameter). This string can be multi-line, as all blank characters will get removed. Let's have a look at an example of such string:


  • Every option definition is separated by the pipe | character.
  • If the whole string starts with +|, it means we need an extra run through the list of arguments. For instance, getting a list of input files, you'd like to know what is the start-in directory (if you allow that as an option too).
  • You can pass multiple option names: as many as you wish. The user-defined handler called in a loop for every option with its values detected in the arguments. The handler is guaranteed to be called for every option in the order of their appearance in the definitions string. It will be receiving the last name of each option (most likely, it will be the longest and the most descriptive one). That name will be normalized: all spaces and dashes removed, the rest converted to lowercase.
  • At the end of the name list for a given option add a single colon : if you expect a value. And in the case of one or more values, double that.
  • The last, but not the least, is the value type: b - binary int, f - double-precision float, h - hexadecimal int, i - decimal int, o - octal int. Default is string.

The function allows a 'weird' and even an 'incorrect' way of passing multiple option values. However, this simplifies the case and makes obsolete the need to have plain arguments (the ones without an option). You can override this behaviour by passing the value separator. It will force to split just the next argument after an option instead of accumulating all arguments before the next option. You can pass plain arguments, but you should place those in front of the first option.

The function allows an equal sign: -name=["']value["'] or -name=["']value1,value2,...["']. In this case though the following arguments will not be considered as additional values of that option

The function does not allow bundling for short (single-character) option names, but this generally encourages the use of long option names for better clarity.

The function also does not support negation by the use of plus + rather than dash -.

Usage #

The same can be found in the example folder of the GitHub repository.

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:parse_args/parse_args.dart';

/// Application options
class Options {
  /// Application name
  static const appName = 'sampleapp';

  /// Application version
  static const appVersion = '0.1.2';

  /// Application configuration path
  get appConfigPath => _appConfigPath;
  var _appConfigPath = '';

  /// Compression level
  get compression => _compression;
  var _compression = 6;

  /// Force otherwise incremental processing
  get isForced => _isForced;
  var _isForced = false;

  /// Quiet mode (no print)
  get isQuiet => _isQuiet;
  var _isQuiet = false;

  /// Verbose mode (print extra detailed info)
  var _isVerbose = false;
  get isVerbose => _isVerbose;

  /// Directory to start in (switch to at the beginning)
  get startDirName => _startDirName;
  var _startDirName = '';

  /// The list of input files
  get inputFiles => _inputFiles;
  final _inputFiles = <String>[];

  /// The list of output files
  get outputFiles => _outputFiles;
  final _outputFiles = <String>[];

  /// General-purpose method to add file paths to destinaltion list
  void addPaths(List<String> to, List from) {
    for (var x in from) {
      to.add(p.isAbsolute(x) ? x : p.join(_startDirName, x));

  /// Sample application's command-line parser
  void parse(List<String> args) {
''', args, (isFirstRun, optName, values) {
      if (isFirstRun) {
        switch (optName) {
          case 'compression':
            _compression = values[0];
          case 'help':
          case 'dir':
            _startDirName = values[0];
          case 'force':
            _isForced = true;
          case 'quiet':
            _isQuiet = true;
          case 'verbose':
            _isVerbose = true;
      } else {
        printVerbose('Parsing $optName => $values');

        // No need to assign any option value which does not depend on another one, just
        // printing the info. Essentially, these cases can be omitted for the second run
        switch (optName) {
          case '':
            printInfo('...plain arg count: ${values.length}');
          case 'appconfig':
            _appConfigPath = p.join(_startDirName, values[0]);
            printInfo('...appConfigPath: $_appConfigPath');
          case 'compression':
            printInfo('...compression: $_compression');
          case 'dir':
            printInfo('...startDirName: $_startDirName');
          case 'force':
            printInfo('...isForced: $_isForced');
          case 'inpfiles':
            addPaths(_inputFiles, values);
            printInfo('...inp file(s): $_inputFiles');
          case 'outfiles':
            addPaths(_outputFiles, values);
            printInfo('...out file(s): $_outputFiles');
          case 'quiet':
            printInfo('...quiet: $_isQuiet');
          case 'verbose':
            printInfo('...verbose: $_isVerbose');

  /// A very simple info logger
  void printInfo(String line) {
    if (!_isQuiet) {

  /// A very simple verbose logger
  void printVerbose(String line) {
    if (!_isQuiet && _isVerbose) {

  /// Displaying the help and optionally, an error message
  Never printUsage([String? error]) {

${Options.appName} ${Options.appVersion} (c) 2022 My Name

Long description of the application functionality


${Options.appName} [OPTIONS]

OPTIONS (case-insensitive and dash-insensitive):

-?, -h, -[-]help                     - this help screen
-c, -[-]app[-]config FILE            - configuration file path/name
-d, -[-]dir DIR                      - directory to start in
-f, -[-]force                        - overwrite existing output file
-i, -[-]inp[-files] FILE1 [FILE2...] - the input file paths/names
-o, -[-]out[-files] FILE1 [FILE2...] - the output file paths/names
-p, -[-]compression INT              - compression level
-v, -[-]verbose                      - detailed application log


${Options.appName} -AppConfig default.json --dir somedir/Documents -inp a*.txt ../Downloads/bb.xml --out-files ../Uploads/result.txt -- -result_more.txt

${(error == null) || error.isEmpty ? '' : '*** ERROR: $error'}


/// Sample application entry point
void main(List<String> args) {
  try {
    var o = Options();
    // the rest of processing
  } on Exception catch (e) {
  } on Error catch (e) {
pub points



A Dart package to parse command-line options simple way and in a portable style (bash, find, java, PowerShell)

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


Packages that depend on parse_args