palace 0.0.1+4 copy "palace: ^0.0.1+4" to clipboard
palace: ^0.0.1+4 copied to clipboard

minimal server side dart micro-framework for building REST api easily

Queen Palace 🏰👑 #

Introduction #

server side dart micro-framework to handle incoming http requests

hello world app #

Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
  final palace = Palace();
  palace.get('/greet_the_queen', (req, res) => res.send('Long Live The Queen 👑'));
  await palace.openGates();

hello world with decoration #

decoration will help you split your code to parts or modules easily making the application easy to maintain

void main(List<String> args) async {
  final palace = Palace();
  await palace.openGates();

class MainController extends PalaceController {
  MainController() : super('/');

  void greeTheQueen(Request req, Response res) {
    return res.send('Long Live The Queen 👑');

Core Parts #

Palace class #

  • register routes and the call back for each route
  • use guards 'palace.use(CORSGuard())' for example
  • open the server
  • close the server

Request class #

wrapper class around dart:io HttpRequest with extra functions and getters to make your life easier.

Response class #

wrapper class around dart:io HttpResponse with extra functions and getters also to make the same life easier .

some of these functions are

  • res.json(data?) will convert the given data to JSON and sent it back to the user
  • res.file(path) give it path and it will give the file to the user
  • res.notFound(data?) => 404
  • res.internalServerError(data?) => 500
  • res.accepted(data?) => 200
  • res.created(data?) => 201

and so on....

Middleware aka Guard 💂‍♂️ #

a simple function

  • return void
  • takes any parameters you want starting from 0 parameters or the entire parameters list (see the parameters list down below)
  • guards considered as extra layer before the Handlers layers
  • they can be registered for specific route or as global guard for any kind of requests
  • they can response to incoming requests since they have access to the incoming request
  • they can preform any kind of logic before or after the handler be triggered

PalaceException class #

you can throw them from any where from your application so guards can and handlers can or even the services can throw them

but what will happened then ? the palace will catch the exception format it to json including the given data object - if one was provided - and end the request life cycle

  • here some of them
  • BadRequest(data?)
  • NotFound(data?)
  • Unauthorized(data?)

Callback Parameters #

if you are using the decoration you can get extra push to your endpoint callback or the guards you can extract these type of data from the incoming request

  • without decorations you can get access to the incoming request or the response by declaring the type of them
  void sayHi(Request req,Response Res) {

need to aces the request body directly and strong typed ? use @Body() decorator

class SignUpBody{
  late String name;
  late String email;
  late String password;
  void signUp(Request req,Response Res,@Body() SignUpBody body) {

need to access specific value from the body ?

@Body('key') String email

the same goes for


if you are building a guard use


to get access to the next callback



unverified uploader

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minimal server side dart micro-framework for building REST api easily

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API reference


MIT (license)


mime_type, palace_validators, path, path_to_regexp


Packages that depend on palace