pact_dart 0.3.0 copy "pact_dart: ^0.3.0" to clipboard
pact_dart: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard


A Dart DSL for creating pact contracts

pact_dart #

ci codecov

⚠️ WIP Package - API is not yet confirmed ⚠️

This library provides a Dart DSL for generating Pact contracts. It implements Pact Specification v3 by taking advantage of the pact_ffi library.

Installation #

dart pub add pact_dart
dart run pact_dart:install

Example #

import 'package:pact_dart/pact_dart.dart';

final pact = PactMockService('test-ffi-consumer','test-ffi-provider');

    .newInteraction('request for betsy')
    .given('a alligator named betsy exists')
    .uponReceiving('a request for an alligator')
    .withRequest('GET', '/alligator')
    .willRespondWith(200, body: body: { 'name': 'Betsy' }}); false);

final uri = Uri.parse('http://localhost:1235/alligator');
final res = await http.get(uri);

expect(jsonDecode(res.body)['name'], equals('Betsy'));

pact.writePactFile(overwrite: true);

Matching #

pact_dart supports request/response matching techniques as defined in the Pact Specification v3.

    .newInteraction('create an alligator')
    .uponReceiving('a request to create an alligator named betsy')
    .withRequest('POST', '/alligator', body: {
        'alligator': {
            'name': PactMatchers.EqualTo('Betsy'),
            'isHungry': PactMatchers.SomethingLike(true),
            'countOfTeeth': PactMatchers.IntegerLike(80),
            'countOfHumansScared': PactMatchers.DecimalLike(12.5),
            'favouriteFood': PactMatchers.Includes('Pineapple'),
            'status': PactMatchers.Null(),
            'email': PactMatchers.Term(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$', ''),
            'friends': PactMatchers.EachLike(['Beth'], min: 1, max: 5)

    final uri = Uri.parse('http://localhost:1235/alligator');
    final res = await,
        headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
        body: jsonEncode({
              'alligator': {
                  'name': 'Betsy',
                  'isHungry': false,
                  'countOfTeeth': 78,
                  'countOfHumansScared': 100.5,
                  'favouriteFood': ['Pineapple', 'Kibble', 'Human'],
                  'status': null,
                  'email': '',
                  'friends': ['Beth', 'Susan', 'Graham', 'Michael', 'Chloe']

Feature support #

Feature Supported
HTTP Pacts 🔨
Asychronous message pacts
Regular expression matching
Type based matching ("like")
Flexible array length ("each like")
Verify a pact that uses the Pact specification v3 format
Pact specification v3 matchers 🔨
Pact specification v3 generators
Multiple provider states (pact creation)
Multiple provider states (pact verification)
Publish pacts to Pact Broker
Tag consumer version in Pact Broker when publishing pact
Dynamically fetch pacts for provider from Pact Broker for verification
Dynamically fetch pacts for provider with specified tags
Automatically tag consumer/provider with name of git branch
Use 'pacts for verification' Pact Broker API
Pending pacts
WIP pacts
JSON test results output
XML test results output
Markdown test results output
Run a single interaction when verifying a pact
Injecting values from provider state callbacks
Date/Time expressions with generators
  • ✅ -- Implemented
  • 🔨 -- Partially implemented
  • ❌ -- Not implemented
pub points


unverified uploader

A Dart DSL for creating pact contracts

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


ffi, http, logger, path


Packages that depend on pact_dart