overseerr 0.0.1-pre.4 copy "overseerr: ^0.0.1-pre.4" to clipboard
overseerr: ^0.0.1-pre.4 copied to clipboard


Facilitate the communication to and from Overseerr's API, a request management and media discovery tool for the Plex ecosystem

overseerr (pre-release) #

Pubdev License

Dart library package to facilitate the connection to and from Overseerr's API.

Getting Started #

In order to use this package, you need to have to fetch your API key from within Overseerr. Please ensure you do not publicly reveal your API key, as it will give any user with access full control of your Overseerr instance. To get started simply import the Overseerr package, and initialize a connection to your instance:

Overseerr overseerr = Overseerr(host: '<your instance URL>', apiKey: '<your API key>');

Once initialized, you can access any of the command handlers to quickly and easily make calls to Overseerr. For most calls that return data, model definitions have been created. Typings have also been created for parameters that have a set, finite list of options.

Optional Parameters #

There are a few optional parameters when initializing a Overseerr instance.

headers | Map<dynamic, String> (default: null) #

Allows you to add on any custom headers to each request.

    host: '<your instance URL>',
    apiKey: '<your API key>',
    headers: {
        'authorization': '<auth_token>',

followRedirects | Boolean (default: true) #

Allows you to define if the HTTP client should follow redirects.

    host: '<your instance URL>',
    apiKey: '<your API key>',
    followRedirects: false, // Disables following redirects

maxRedirects | Integer (default: 5) #

Allows you to define the maximum amount of redirects the HTTP client should follow. If followRediects is set to false, then this parameter does nothing.

    host: '<your instance URL>',
    apiKey: '<your API key>',
    maxRedirects: 1, // Only follow 1 redirect at most

Custom Dio HTTP Client #

This package uses dio to make all HTTP connections. The default constructor will create the HTTP client for you, or you can create your own Dio instance and create a Overseerr instance from it using the factory constructor:

Dio dio = Dio(
        baseUrl: '<your instance URL>',
        queryParameters: {
            'apikey': '<your API key>',
Overseerr overseerr = Overseerr.from(dio);

You must ensure you set the BaseOptions specified above, specifically baseUrl and queryParameters otherwise the instance will not be able to create a successful connection to your machine.

pub points


verified publishercomet.tools

Facilitate the communication to and from Overseerr's API, a request management and media discovery tool for the Plex ecosystem

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unknown (LICENSE)


dio, json_annotation


Packages that depend on overseerr