overlay_lottie 1.0.2 copy "overlay_lottie: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
overlay_lottie: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard

A package that overlays a lottie animation over a widget, during the execution of long tasks

Overlay Lottie animation #

Showing interactivity is important for apps, even while executing blocking tasks like logging in, greeting successful tasks or notifying events. During these periods it is possible to show a fancy animation using the amazing Lottie Files.

Although it is easy to show build and show an animation, depending on the state of a StatefulWidget, it is easier not to have to build it ;) And it is better if it is not needed to control when to stop showing an animation (e.g. when the animation ends, it has been repeated a specific number of times, or even if the task for which the animation has been shown has ended).

This package provides a mixin that eases the task of overlaying a Lottie animation over an arbitrary widget, to show activity during the execution of long tasks.

Features #

The basic features of this mixing, where used in a widget are:

  1. Show a Lottie animation from the beginning of the animation to the end (i.e. 1 repetition)

    Overlay Lottie animation 1 repetition

  2. Show a Lottie animation from the beginning of the animation to the end (i.e. a repetition)

    Overlay Lottie animation 3 repetitions

  3. Show a Lottie animation for a limited time (e.g. 2 seconds)

    Overlay Lottie animation 2 seconds

  4. Show a Lottie animation during the execution of a function

    Overlay Lottie animation during the execution of a function

Getting started #

To start using this package, add it to your pubspec.yaml file:


Then get the dependencies (e.g. flutter pub get) and import them into your application:

import 'package:overlay_lottie/overlay_lottie.dart';

Usage #

You need to add the mixin to your StatefulWidget along with the TickerProviderStateMixin mixin, and then use the function buildWithLottieOverlay in your build override:

class _LottieOverlayHomeState extends State<LottieOverlayHome> with TickerProviderStateMixin, OverlayLottie {
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Scaffold(
            appBar: null,
            body: buildWithLottieOverlay(
                animationUrl: "https://assets6.lottiefiles.com/packages/lf20_fj8rlma5.json",
            child: Center(
                child: ElevatedButton(
                    onPressed: () => showLottieOverlay(repetitions: 1),
                    child: const Text("show Lottie")

That produces the next application:

Simple demo application

Additional information #

There are different mechanisms and options to control how and when to show the overlay: showing the animation until it is programmatically hidden (i.e. showLottieOverlay ... hideLottieOverlay), showing the animation while a function is being run, or showing the animation during a period.

The interface of the function to build the overlay is the next:

Widget buildWithLottieOverlay({ 
      required Widget child, 
      String? animationUrl, 
      Duration? durationPerRepetition, 
      int defaultNumberOfRepetitions = 1, 
      bool blurContent = false, 
      double opacity = 0.8,
      VoidCallback? onHide,
      fadeIn = true

The function somehow defines the default values for the process, but some of them may be overridden when showing the animation.

  • child: the content to show under the overlay.
  • animationUrl: the string that points to the Lottie file. If it starts with https:// or http://, it will be created using Lottie.network. Otherwise, it will be interpreted as an asset and thus is created using Lottie.asset.
  • durationPerRepetition: The duration of each repetition. This is useful if you have an animation of (e.g. 4 seconds), but you want it to run in 2 seconds.
  • defaultNumberOfRepetitions (defaults to 1): When showing the animation using showLottieOverlay, the number of repetitions that the animation has to be shown before it autocloses. If wanted to not to auto-close the animation and continue repeating it until hideLottieOverlay is called, please set this to double.maxFinite.toInt().
  • blurContent (defaults to false): If set to true, the child widget will be blurred (to give the feeling of being non-interactive).
  • opacity (defaults to 0.8): If set to a value different than 1, the child widget will be set to semi-transparent by this factor.
  • onHide: Callback to call whenever the animation is hidden (whether auto-closed or closed using hideLottieOverlay function)
  • fadeIn: Whether to add an effect to fade in the animation when it is shown (true fades in; false skips fading).

Showing the overlay #

There are multiple functions to show the overlay:

Future<bool> showLottieOverlay({bool? force, int? repetitions, String? animationUrl, VoidCallback? onHide})

This is the basic function that shows the animation animationUrl for a number of repetitions, and calls function onHide when the animation is hidden. If repetitions, animationUrl or onHide are not provided, they default to the values provided in the call to buildWithLottieOverlay.

If the animation was already being shown, the state of the widget will not change, and onHide will not be called. This happens unless the parameter force is set to true.

It is set as a Future<bool> to enable chaining function execution (e.g. using then). The result that receives the future refers to wether the animation has been shown or not (i.e. true) or it was already being shown (i.e. false).

void hideLottieOverlay([bool force = false])

This function hides the overlay and enables the usage of the child widget again. The function is intended to be called after showLottieOverlay is called, but it is advisable to use the auto-close feature (e.g. running the animation for a number of loops, or while the execution of a function).

If the animation was already hidden, the state of the widget will not change, unless the parameter force is set to true.

Future<bool> showLottieOverlayWhile(Function callback, {String? animationUrl,Duration? timeout, Function? onTimeout, VoidCallback? onHide})

This function shows the Lottie animation animationUrl during the execution of callback. It is possible to set a timeout for the execution. If the time for the execution exceeds that time, the execution of the callback is aborted, and the function onTimeout is called.

If animationUrl or onHide are not provided, they default to the values provided in the call to buildWithLottieOverlay.

The function returns a Future<bool> that is resolved after the callback is executed (or aborted). So it is possible to chain it with other functions using await or then procedures. This procedure is independent from the onHide callback, and so both onHide may be called and the chain to then may be executed.

The bool result is set to true is the animation has been shown and hidden. If the animations was already shown when calling showLottieOverlayWhile the result of the future will be set to false.

Future<bool> showLottieOverlayDuring(Duration period, {String? animationUrl, VoidCallback? onHide });

This function shows the Lottie animation animationUrl during the period period. If animationUrl or onHide are not provided, they default to the values provided in the call to buildWithLottieOverlay.

At the end, this is a shortcut for return showLottieOverlayWhile(() async => await Future.delayed(period), onHide: onHide, animationUrl: animationUrl).

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A package that overlays a lottie animation over a widget, during the execution of long tasks

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BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, lottie


Packages that depend on overlay_lottie