ory_client 0.0.1-alpha.120 ory_client: ^0.0.1-alpha.120 copied to clipboard
OpenAPI API client
ory_client #
Documentation for all public and administrative Ory APIs. Administrative APIs can only be accessed with a valid Personal Access Token. Public APIs are mostly used in browsers.
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: v0.0.1-alpha.120
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioClientCodegen
Requirements #
Dart 2.7.0 or later OR Flutter 1.12 or later
Installation & Usage #
Github #
If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
name: ory_client
version: 0.0.1-alpha.120
description: OpenAPI API client
git: https://github.com/ory/sdk.git
version: 'any'
Local #
To use the package in your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/ory_client
Getting Started #
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:ory_client/api.dart';
final api = MetadataApi();
try {
final response = await api.getVersion();
} catch (e) {
print("Exception when calling MetadataApi->getVersion: $e\n");
Documentation for API Endpoints #
All URIs are relative to https://playground.projects.oryapis.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
MetadataApi | getVersion | GET /api/kratos/public/version | Return Running Software Version. |
MetadataApi | isAlive | GET /api/kratos/public/health/alive | Check HTTP Server Status |
MetadataApi | isReady | GET /api/kratos/public/health/ready | Check HTTP Server and Database Status |
V0alpha0Api | createProject | POST /backoffice/public/projects | Create a Project |
V0alpha0Api | getActiveProject | GET /backoffice/public/console/projects/active | Returns Your Active Ory Cloud Project |
V0alpha0Api | getProject | GET /backoffice/public/projects/{project_id} | Get a Project |
V0alpha0Api | getProjectMembers | GET /backoffice/public/projects/{project_id}/members | Get all members associated with this project. |
V0alpha0Api | listProjects | GET /backoffice/public/projects | List All Projects |
V0alpha0Api | purgeProject | DELETE /backoffice/public/projects/{project_id} | Irrecoverably Purge a Project |
V0alpha0Api | removeProjectMember | DELETE /backoffice/public/projects/{project_id}/members/{member_id} | Remove a member associated with this project. This also sets their invite status to `REMOVED`. |
V0alpha0Api | setActiveProject | PUT /backoffice/public/console/projects/active | Sets Your Active Project |
V0alpha0Api | updateProject | PUT /backoffice/public/projects/{project_id} | Update a Project |
V0alpha0Api | updateProjectConfig | PUT /backoffice/public/projects/{project_id}/configs | Update an Ory Cloud Project Configuration |
V0alpha2Api | adminCreateIdentity | POST /api/kratos/admin/identities | Create an Identity |
V0alpha2Api | adminCreateSelfServiceRecoveryLink | POST /api/kratos/admin/recovery/link | Create a Recovery Link |
V0alpha2Api | adminDeleteIdentity | DELETE /api/kratos/admin/identities/{id} | Delete an Identity |
V0alpha2Api | adminDeleteIdentitySessions | DELETE /api/kratos/admin/identities/{id}/sessions | Calling this endpoint irrecoverably and permanently deletes and invalidates all sessions that belong to the given Identity. |
V0alpha2Api | adminGetIdentity | GET /api/kratos/admin/identities/{id} | Get an Identity |
V0alpha2Api | adminListIdentities | GET /api/kratos/admin/identities | List Identities |
V0alpha2Api | adminListIdentitySessions | GET /api/kratos/admin/identities/{id}/sessions | This endpoint returns all sessions that belong to the given Identity. |
V0alpha2Api | adminUpdateIdentity | PUT /api/kratos/admin/identities/{id} | Update an Identity |
V0alpha2Api | createSelfServiceLogoutFlowUrlForBrowsers | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/logout/browser | Create a Logout URL for Browsers |
V0alpha2Api | getJsonSchema | GET /api/kratos/public/schemas/{id} | |
V0alpha2Api | getSelfServiceError | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/errors | Get Self-Service Errors |
V0alpha2Api | getSelfServiceLoginFlow | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/login/flows | Get Login Flow |
V0alpha2Api | getSelfServiceRecoveryFlow | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/recovery/flows | Get Recovery Flow |
V0alpha2Api | getSelfServiceRegistrationFlow | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/registration/flows | Get Registration Flow |
V0alpha2Api | getSelfServiceSettingsFlow | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/settings/flows | Get Settings Flow |
V0alpha2Api | getSelfServiceVerificationFlow | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/verification/flows | Get Verification Flow |
V0alpha2Api | getWebAuthnJavaScript | GET /api/kratos/public/.well-known/ory/webauthn.js | Get WebAuthn JavaScript |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceLoginFlowForBrowsers | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/login/browser | Initialize Login Flow for Browsers |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceLoginFlowWithoutBrowser | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/login/api | Initialize Login Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ... |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceRecoveryFlowForBrowsers | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/recovery/browser | Initialize Recovery Flow for Browsers |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceRecoveryFlowWithoutBrowser | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/recovery/api | Initialize Recovery Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ... |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceRegistrationFlowForBrowsers | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/registration/browser | Initialize Registration Flow for Browsers |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceRegistrationFlowWithoutBrowser | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/registration/api | Initialize Registration Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ... |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceSettingsFlowForBrowsers | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/settings/browser | Initialize Settings Flow for Browsers |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithoutBrowser | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/settings/api | Initialize Settings Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ... |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceVerificationFlowForBrowsers | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/verification/browser | Initialize Verification Flow for Browser Clients |
V0alpha2Api | initializeSelfServiceVerificationFlowWithoutBrowser | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/verification/api | Initialize Verification Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ... |
V0alpha2Api | listIdentitySchemas | GET /api/kratos/public/schemas | |
V0alpha2Api | listSessions | GET /api/kratos/public/sessions | This endpoints returns all other active sessions that belong to the logged-in user. The current session can be retrieved by calling the `/sessions/whoami` endpoint. |
V0alpha2Api | revokeSession | DELETE /api/kratos/public/sessions/{id} | Calling this endpoint invalidates the specified session. The current session cannot be revoked. Session data are not deleted. |
V0alpha2Api | revokeSessions | DELETE /api/kratos/public/sessions | Calling this endpoint invalidates all except the current session that belong to the logged-in user. Session data are not deleted. |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceLoginFlow | POST /api/kratos/public/self-service/login | Submit a Login Flow |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceLogoutFlow | GET /api/kratos/public/self-service/logout | Complete Self-Service Logout |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceLogoutFlowWithoutBrowser | DELETE /api/kratos/public/self-service/logout/api | Perform Logout for APIs, Services, Apps, ... |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceRecoveryFlow | POST /api/kratos/public/self-service/recovery | Complete Recovery Flow |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceRegistrationFlow | POST /api/kratos/public/self-service/registration | Submit a Registration Flow |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceSettingsFlow | POST /api/kratos/public/self-service/settings | Complete Settings Flow |
V0alpha2Api | submitSelfServiceVerificationFlow | POST /api/kratos/public/self-service/verification | Complete Verification Flow |
V0alpha2Api | toSession | GET /api/kratos/public/sessions/whoami | Check Who the Current HTTP Session Belongs To |
Documentation For Models #
- ActiveProject
- AdminCreateIdentityBody
- AdminCreateIdentityImportCredentialsOidc
- AdminCreateIdentityImportCredentialsOidcConfig
- AdminCreateIdentityImportCredentialsOidcProvider
- AdminCreateIdentityImportCredentialsPassword
- AdminCreateIdentityImportCredentialsPasswordConfig
- AdminCreateSelfServiceRecoveryLinkBody
- AdminIdentityImportCredentials
- AdminUpdateIdentityBody
- ApiToken
- AuthenticatorAssuranceLevel
- CloudAccount
- CnameSettings
- CreateCustomHostnameBody
- CreateSubscriptionPayload
- ErrorAuthenticatorAssuranceLevelNotSatisfied
- GenericError
- HealthNotReadyStatus
- HealthStatus
- Identity
- IdentityCredentials
- IdentityCredentialsOidc
- IdentityCredentialsOidcProvider
- IdentityCredentialsPassword
- IdentityCredentialsType
- IdentityPreset
- IdentitySchema
- IdentitySchemaLocation
- IdentitySchemaValidationResult
- IdentityState
- InlineObject
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse503
- InvitePayload
- IsOwnerForProjectBySlug
- IsOwnerForProjectBySlugPayload
- JsonError
- NeedsPrivilegedSessionError
- NullPlan
- Pagination
- Project
- ProjectHost
- ProjectInvite
- ProjectRevision
- ProjectRevisionHook
- ProjectRevisionIdentitySchema
- ProjectRevisionThirdPartyLoginProvider
- ProjectSlug
- QuotaProjectMemberSeats
- RecoveryAddress
- RevokedSessions
- SQLNullString
- SchemaPatch
- SelfServiceBrowserLocationChangeRequiredError
- SelfServiceError
- SelfServiceFlowExpiredError
- SelfServiceLoginFlow
- SelfServiceLogoutUrl
- SelfServiceRecoveryFlow
- SelfServiceRecoveryFlowState
- SelfServiceRecoveryLink
- SelfServiceRegistrationFlow
- SelfServiceSettingsFlow
- SelfServiceSettingsFlowState
- SelfServiceVerificationFlow
- SelfServiceVerificationFlowState
- Session
- SessionAuthenticationMethod
- SessionDevice
- SettingsProfileFormConfig
- StripeCustomerResponse
- SubmitSelfServiceFlowWithWebAuthnRegistrationMethod
- SubmitSelfServiceLoginFlowBody
- SubmitSelfServiceLoginFlowWithLookupSecretMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceLoginFlowWithOidcMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceLoginFlowWithPasswordMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceLoginFlowWithTotpMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceLoginFlowWithWebAuthnMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceLogoutFlowWithoutBrowserBody
- SubmitSelfServiceRecoveryFlowBody
- SubmitSelfServiceRecoveryFlowWithLinkMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceRegistrationFlowBody
- SubmitSelfServiceRegistrationFlowWithOidcMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceRegistrationFlowWithPasswordMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceRegistrationFlowWithWebAuthnMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithLookupMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithOidcMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithPasswordMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithProfileMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithTotpMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceSettingsFlowWithWebAuthnMethodBody
- SubmitSelfServiceVerificationFlowBody
- SubmitSelfServiceVerificationFlowWithLinkMethodBody
- Subscription
- SuccessfulProjectConfigUpdate
- SuccessfulSelfServiceLoginWithoutBrowser
- SuccessfulSelfServiceRegistrationWithoutBrowser
- UiContainer
- UiNode
- UiNodeAnchorAttributes
- UiNodeAttributes
- UiNodeImageAttributes
- UiNodeInputAttributes
- UiNodeMeta
- UiNodeScriptAttributes
- UiNodeTextAttributes
- UiText
- UpdateCustomHostnameBody
- UpdateProjectConfigConfig
- UpdateSubscriptionPayload
- VerifiableIdentityAddress
- Version
- Warning
Documentation For Authorization #
oryAccessToken #
- Type: HTTP basic authentication