origami 0.0.4 origami: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard
Origami is a Server-Driven UI (SDUI) library for Flutter that allow to build beautiful cross-platform applications with JSON in real time.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:origami/origami.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// Define your theme data
ThemeData appTheme = ThemeData(
appBarTheme: const AppBarTheme(
color: Colors.amber,
// Add more theme settings...
// Set the theme data in OrigamiBuilder
OrigamiBuilder.themeData = appTheme;
// Define controllers map in your main widget state
Map<String, dynamic> controllers = {
'username': TextEditingController(),
'password': TextEditingController(),
// Add more controllers as needed
// Example JSON data
Map<String, dynamic> jsonData = {
"type": "scaffold",
"appBar": {
"type": "appBar",
"title": {"type": "text", "text": "Login"},
"body": {
"type": "safeArea",
"child": {
"type": "column",
"crossAxisAlignment": "center",
"children": [
"type": "sizedBox",
"height": "20.0",
"type": "image",
"imageType": "network",
"height": "100.0",
"type": "container",
"padding": {
"edgeInsetsGeometry": "all",
"value": "16.0",
"child": {
"type": "column",
"crossAxisAlignment": "center",
"children": [
"type": "textFormField",
"decoration": {
"labelText": "Username",
"hintText": "Enter your username",
"controller": "username",
"onListeners": {
"onChanged": {"method": "usernameChanged"},
"onFieldSubmitted": {"method": "usernameSubmitted"}
"type": "textFormField",
"decoration": {
"labelText": "Password",
"hintText": "Enter your password",
"obscureText": "true",
"controller": "password",
"type": "sizedBox",
"height": "30.0",
"type": "elevatedButton",
"onPressed": {
"method": "loginButtonPressed",
"params": {
"username": "exampleUsername",
"password": "examplePassword",
"child": {"type": "text", "text": "Login"},
"type": "text",
"text": "Forgot password?",
"style": {"color": "#3366CC", "fontSize": "16.0"},
"type": "sizedBox",
"height": "30.0",
"type": "customWidget1",
"type": "customWidget2",
// Register default builders
"type": "customWidget1",
"builder": (BuildContext context, Map<String, dynamic> data,
{Map<String, dynamic>? controllers,
Function(dynamic params)? onMethodCall,
Map<String, Function(dynamic params)>? onListeners}) {
return const Text("Your Dynamic Widget");
"type": "customWidget2",
"builder": (BuildContext context, Map<String, dynamic> data,
{Map<String, dynamic>? controllers,
Function(dynamic params)? onMethodCall,
Map<String, Function(dynamic params)>? onListeners}) {
return const Text("Your Dynamic Widget 2");
// Add more custom widgets as needed
return MaterialApp(
home: OrigamiBuilder.buildFromJson(
json: jsonData,
controllers: controllers,
onListeners: {
'onChanged': (dynamic params) {
// Handle the 'onChanged' event
debugPrint('Text changed with parameters: $params');
'onFieldSubmitted': (dynamic params) {
// Handle the 'onFieldSubmitted' event
debugPrint('Text changed with parameters: $params');
onMethodCall: (dynamic params) {
// Handle different method calls based on the method name
if (params != null && params['method'] != null) {
String methodName = params['method'];
Map<String, dynamic>? methodParams = params['params'];
// Perform logic based on the method name
switch (methodName) {
case 'loginButtonPressed':
if (methodParams != null) {
String username = controllers['username']!.text;
String password = controllers['password']!.text;
"Login button pressed with username: $username, password: $password");
"Login button pressed with username: $username, password: $password");
// Add your login logic here using the provided parameters
// Add more cases for other method names as needed