org_parser 6.2.2
org_parser: ^6.2.2 copied to clipboard
A pure-Dart parser for Emacs Org Mode ( markup
import 'package:org_parser/org_parser.dart';
void main() {
// Parse a very simple document
const docString = '''* TODO [#A] foo bar
baz buzz''';
final doc = OrgDocument.parse(docString);
final section = doc.sections[0];
final title = section.headline.title!.children[0] as OrgPlainText;
final paragraph = section.content!.children[0] as OrgParagraph;
final body = paragraph.body.children[0] as OrgPlainText;
// Extract TODOs from a document
const docString = '''* TODO Go fishing
** Equipment
- Fishing rod
- Bait
- Hat
* TODO Eat lunch
** Restaurants
- Famous Ray's
- Original Ray's
* TODO Take a nap''';
final doc = OrgDocument.parse(docString);
doc.visitSections((section) {
if (section.headline.keyword?.value == 'TODO') {
final title = section.headline.title!.children
.map((plainText) => plainText.content)
print("I'm going to ${title.toLowerCase()}");
return true;
// Edit a document
final docString = '''* TODO [#A] foo bar
baz buzz''';
final doc = OrgDocument.parse(docString);
final newDoc = doc