orbitmenu 0.0.1 copy "orbitmenu: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
orbitmenu: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

It's a simple circular menu

OrbitMenu Flutter Package #

Description #

OrbitMenu is a Flutter package designed for creating interactive and visually appealing circular menus in mobile applications. It features a large central circle surrounded by smaller circles that function as buttons. This package enables Flutter developers to incorporate intuitive and aesthetically pleasing navigation in their apps.

Features #

  • Circular menu with a large central circle.
  • Smaller circles around the central circle acting as buttons.
  • Full customization of colors, sizes, and behaviors.
  • Ability to adjust the distance of the smaller circles from the central circle.

Installation #

To use OrbitMenu in your Flutter project, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  orbitmenu: ^latest_version

Then, run flutter pub get to install the package.

Usage #

To implement the circular menu in your Flutter app, follow these steps:

Import OrbitMenu in your Dart file:

import 'package:orbitmenu/orbitmenu.dart';

Use the OrbitMenu class to create the menu:

menuPositionX: 100,  // X position of the menu
menuPositionY: 100,  // Y position of the menu
menuColor: Colors.blue,  // Color of the central circle
radius: 60,  // Radius of the central circle
menuItems: [  // Menu items
Item(title: 'Home', onPressed: () {}),
// ... more items ...
itemSize: 20,  // Size of the item circles
itemColor: Colors.white,  // Color of the item circles
itemBorderColor: Colors.black,  // Border color of the item circles
borderCentralMenuColor: Colors.black,  // Border color of the central circle
animationOffset: 500,  // Animation offset
itemOffsetPercentage: 0.1,  // Item offset percentage

Contributions to this package are welcome. #

If you find a bug or have a suggestion, please open an issue or a pull request.

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It's a simple circular menu

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unknown (license)




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