opus_flutter_ios 3.0.1 copy "opus_flutter_ios: ^3.0.1" to clipboard
opus_flutter_ios: ^3.0.1 copied to clipboard


iOS implementation of the opus_flutter plugin.

opus_flutter_ios #

The iOS implementation of opus_flutter.

Usage #

Import the package #

This package has been endorsed, meaning that you only need to add opus_flutter as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml. It will be automatically included in your app when you depend on package:opus_flutter.

This is what the above means to your pubspec.yaml:

  opus_flutter: ^3.0.0

If you wish to use the iOS package only, you can add opus_flutter_ios as a dependency:

  opus_flutter_ios: ^3.0.1

How opus is contained in this package #

opus_xcframework is incorporated into this plugin.