optimizely_flutter_sdk 3.0.0
optimizely_flutter_sdk: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard
This repository houses the Flutter SDK for use with Optimizely Feature Experimentation, Optimizely Full Stack (legacy), and Optimizely Rollouts.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:optimizely_flutter_sdk/optimizely_flutter_sdk.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
String uiResponse = 'Unknown';
void initState() {
Future<void> runOptimizelySDK() async {
Set<OptimizelyDecideOption> defaultOptions = {
var flutterSDK = OptimizelyFlutterSdk("X9mZd2WDywaUL9hZXyh9A",
datafilePeriodicDownloadInterval: 10 * 60,
eventOptions: const EventOptions(
batchSize: 1, timeInterval: 60, maxQueueSize: 10000),
defaultLogLevel: OptimizelyLogLevel.debug,
defaultDecideOptions: defaultOptions);
var response = await flutterSDK.initializeClient();
setState(() {
uiResponse = "Optimizely Client initialized: ${response.success} ";
var rng = Random();
var randomUserName = "${rng.nextInt(1000)}";
// Create user context
var userContext =
await flutterSDK.createUserContext(userId: randomUserName);
// Set attributes
response = await userContext!.setAttributes({
"age": 5,
"doubleValue": 12.12,
"boolValue": false,
"stringValue": "121"
// To add decide listener
var decideListenerId =
await flutterSDK.addDecisionNotificationListener((notification) {
print("Parsed decision event ....................");
print("decide notification received");
Set<OptimizelyDecideOption> options = {
// Decide call
var decideResponse = await userContext.decide('flag1', options);
uiResponse +=
"\nFirst decide call variationKey: ${decideResponse.decision!.variationKey}";
// should return following response without forced decision
// flagKey: flag1
// ruleKey: default-rollout-7371-20896892800
// variationKey: off
// Setting forced decision
await userContext.setForcedDecision(
OptimizelyDecisionContext("flag1", "flag1_experiment"),
// Decide call
decideResponse = await userContext.decide('flag1');
uiResponse +=
"\nSecond decide call variationKey: ${decideResponse.decision!.variationKey}";
// should return following response with forced decision
// flagKey: flag1
// ruleKey: flag1_experiment
// variationKey: variation_a
// removing forced decision
await userContext.removeForcedDecision(
OptimizelyDecisionContext("flag1", "flag1_experiment"));
// Decide call
decideResponse = await userContext.decide('flag1');
uiResponse +=
"\nThird decide call variationKey: ${decideResponse.decision!.variationKey}";
setState(() {
uiResponse = uiResponse;
// should return original response without forced decision
// flagKey: flag1
// ruleKey: default-rollout-7371-20896892800
// variationKey: off
// To cancel decide listener
// await flutterSDK.removeNotificationListener(decideListenerId);
// To add track listener
var trackListenerID =
await flutterSDK.addTrackNotificationListener((notification) {
print("Parsed track event ....................");
print("track notification received");
// To add logEvent listener
var logEventListenerId =
await flutterSDK.addLogEventNotificationListener((notification) {
print("Parsed log event ....................");
print("log event notification received");
// Track call
response = await userContext.trackEvent("myevent", {
"age": 20,
"doubleValue": 12.12,
"boolValue": false,
"stringValue": "121"
// To cancel track listener
await flutterSDK.removeNotificationListener(trackListenerID);
if (!mounted) return;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Plugin example app'),
body: Center(
child: Text(uiResponse),