openpgp 3.8.2 copy "openpgp: ^3.8.2" to clipboard
openpgp: ^3.8.2 copied to clipboard

library for use OpenPGP with support for android and ios, macOS, linux, windows and web

3.8.2 #

  • Updated Isolate spawn logic to close gracefully

3.8.1 #

  • Updated binaries to v1.10.3
  • Fix scenario when decrypt+verify using keys generated in a different tool

3.8.0 #

  • Updated binaries to v1.10.1
  • Add decrypt+verify and encrypt+sign using signed entity

3.7.3 #

  • Add android Namespace

3.7.2 #

  • Updated binaries to v1.9.4
  • Fixed issue with invalid generated keys

3.7.1 #

  • Updated binaries to v1.9.2
  • Fixed issue with bad armor encode
  • Add ArmorDecode method

3.7.0 #

  • Add SignData methods for compatibility with other platform implementations
  • Updated binaries to v1.9.0

3.6.1 #

  • Fixed macOS podspec issue when signing apps
  • Updated binaries to v1.8.2

3.6.0 #

  • Updated binaries to v1.8.1

3.5.4 #

  • Added support to linux ARM64 devices

3.5.3 #

  • Removed Hover support

3.5.2 #

  • Added unit test support macos, linux and windows

3.5.1 #

  • Fixed linux DynamicLibrary detection

3.5.0 #

  • Updated binaries to v1.6.0 to support ECC Key generation, see KeyOptions: Algorithm and Curve

3.4.3 #

  • Updated binaries to v1.5.5 to support mixed go libraries (openpgp and fast-rsa)

3.4.2 #

  • Added Identities(email, name, comment) to Metadata Private and Public
  • Updated binaries to 1.5.4

3.4.1 #

  • Updated binaries to 1.5.2

3.4.0 #

  • Updated ffi to 2.0 and min sdk version to 2.17.0

3.3.0 #

  • Added new methods: armorEncode, convertPrivateKeyToPublicKey, getPrivateKeyMetadata, getPublicKeyMetadata

3.2.8 #

  • Added fallback option when instantiateStreaming is not available

3.2.7 #

  • Updated binaries to 1.3.4

3.2.6 #

  • Updated binaries to 1.3.3

3.2.5 #

  • Updated binaries to 1.3.2

3.2.4 #

  • Updated binaries to 1.3.1

3.2.3 #

  • Added false_secrets to pubspec

3.2.2 #

  • Updated hover deps

3.2.1 #

  • Updated binaries to 1.3.0 using flatbuffers 2.0

3.2.0 #

  • Updated example and android requirements

3.1.1 #

  • Updated BUILD_BUNDLE_DIR for linux, using relative dir

3.1.0 #

  • Updated core library for openpgp

3.0.1 #

  • Fixed path import with spaces in cocoapods for ios

3.0.0 #

  • First version with flatbuffers, smaller binaries, please take a look

2.0.1 #

  • Support import .so for older android versions, thanks to @BobanLW

2.0.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • bump version to stable null_safety

1.2.0-nullsafety.5 #

  • macOS now use dylib instead of .a

1.2.0-nullsafety.4 #

  • Updated FFI to latest and removed deprecated methods

1.2.0-nullsafety.3 #

  • Format only

1.2.0-nullsafety.2 #

  • Using stable version

1.2.0-nullsafety.1 #

  • First version with initial support working

1.1.5 #

  • macOS now use dylib instead of .a

1.1.4 #

  • Added OpenPGPException to openpgp.dart

1.1.3 #

  • Added OpenPGPException

1.1.2 #

  • Tests CI and github actions for drive

1.1.1 #

  • Fixed web messenger

1.1.0 #

  • Added wasm + web worker support

1.0.0 #

  • just creating this version to replace old version

1.0.0-rc2 #

  • Added more options for encrypt and decrypt, including FileHints in order to encrypt files as binary
  • Fixed error in generate method that was returning invalid publicKey, sorry for that :/
  • Fixed typo on Cipher was Cypher before

1.0.0-rc1 #

  • Replaced GoMobile with binding for mostly platforms, now should be more easier add new methods and support platforms
  • Platforms supported right now: macOS, iOS, Android, Hover, Windows and Linux
  • Platforms partial supported: Web (need web workers)

0.9.9 #

  • Updated onAttachedToEngine now using getBinaryMessenger

0.9.8 #

  • Added integration tests

0.9.7 #

  • bytes method for macos, web and hover

0.9.6 #

  • fixed definition in dart

0.9.4 #

  • more bytes methods to android and ios

0.9.3 #

  • encrypt and decrypt bytes support, thanks @delaosa

0.9.2 #

  • Multikeys support for android and ios

0.9.1 #

  • Fixed web support

0.9.0 #

  • macOS support

0.8.5 #

  • Linux support

0.8.2 #

  • Better implementation registerWith for android, thanks to @irasekh3

0.8.1 #

  • Implemented registerWith for android

0.8.0 #

  • Web support

0.7.0 #

  • Single instance for ios

0.6.0 #

  • Now run on background on ios

0.5.0 #

  • Now run on background on android

0.4.0 #

  • Updated binary packages

0.3.0 #

  • Fixed ios include

0.2.0 #

  • Updated description

0.1.0 #

  • Fixed ios support

0.0.1 #

  • Initial release
pub points



library for use OpenPGP with support for android and ios, macOS, linux, windows and web

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


ffi, flat_buffers, flutter, flutter_web_plugins, path


Packages that depend on openpgp