openmensa 1.0.0 openmensa: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
A library which provides simple access to OpenMensa's API services for Dart.
import 'dart:developer';
import 'package:openmensa/openmensa.dart';
/// Provides some simple use-case examples.
Future<void> main() async {
// Initialize the API client
final api = OpenMensaAPI();
// Get the first page of canteens with a limit of 1
// Thanks to equatable, all objects can be easily
// printed out with a nice representation
final canteens11 = await api.getCanteens(page: 1, limit: 1);
// Get the second page of canteens with a limit of 1
final canteens21 = await api.getCanteens(page: 2, limit: 1);
// Get the first page of canteens with a limit of 4
final canteens14 = await api.getCanteens(page: 1, limit: 4);
// Thanks to equatable, all objects can be
// easily compared by using the == operator
log('${canteens21[0] == canteens14[1]}');
log('${canteens21[0] == canteens14[2]}');
// Get location data from the canteen 196
final canteen = await api.getCanteen(196);
// Get information about the current and upcoming days
// from the canteen 196
final days = await api.getDays(196);
// Get information about a specific day (2021-08-02)
// from the canteen 196
final day = await api.getDay(196, '2021-08-02');
// Get all meals on a specific day (2021-08-02)
// from the canteen 196
final mealsOfDay = await api.getMealsOfDay(196, '2021-08-02');
// Get all available information about the meals
// within the next few days from the canteen 196
final mealsOfCanteen = await api.getMealsOfCanteen(196);
// Get information about a specific meal (7865601) from
// a specific day (2021-08-02) from the canteen 196
final meal = await api.getMeal(196, '2021-08-06', 7865601);
// If I somehow forgot to include an endpoint, please open
// an issue in the GitHub. As a workaround, you can use
// the getResponse(...) function to get a response anyway.
// Just be sure to parse it yourself. For examples on how
// to parse correctly, see the class OpenMensaAPI.
final response = await api.getResponse(
page: 1,
limit: 9,