openfoodfacts 0.1.12 openfoodfacts: ^0.1.12 copied to clipboard
dart package for the Open Food Facts API, a food products database made by everyone, for everyone.
[0.1.12] - 18.11.2019 #
- nutrient levels added
[0.1.11] - 9.10.2019 #
- additives management implemented
- added Nutriscore to product
- bugfix: ingredientText language dependent
[0.1.10] - 5.10.2019 #
- nutriments management implemented
[0.1.9] - 21.09.2019 #
- get product image by field, size and language
[0.1.8] - 13.09.2019 #
- http: 0.12.0
[0.1.7] - 13.09.2019 #
- Bugfix: search result page - json parse error fixed (string vs. int)
- json_annotation: 3.0.0
- build_runner: 1.6.9
- json_serializable: 3.2.2
[0.1.6] - 06.06.2019 #
- Bugfix: ingredients percent json parse error fixed (string vs. int)
[0.1.5] - 28.05.2019 #
- getProduct() fixed null-pointer for non existing product.
- searchProducts() english URL now working. (-> world)
[0.1.4] - 19.05.2019 #
- getProduct() chooses a language dependent host (world, de, ..)
- Bugfix: getProduct() won't fail if no images are provided
[0.1.3] - 5.05.2019 #
- searchProducts() with language support
[0.1.2] - 5.05.2019 #
- Ingredients.dart more type safe (THX to dynamic)
[0.1.1] - 5.05.2019 #
- class SearchResult now visible
[0.1.0] - 4.05.2019. #
- service method searchProducts() implemented.
[0.0.10] - 28.03.2019 #
the test package dependency has been moved to flutter_test.
[0.0.9] - 16.03.2019. #
dependency version upgrade to:
- json_annotation: 2.0.0
- build_runner: 1.2.6
- json_serializable: 2.0.2
[0.0.8] - 16.11.2018. #
- getProduct() provides ingredients and images for a given language.
- getProductRaw() provides all data fields without preparation.
[0.0.6] - 27.10.2018. #
- set dependency versions as range
[0.0.5] - 25.10.2018. #
- upgrade of http 0.12.0
- upgrade of build_runner 1.0.0
[0.0.4] - 16.10.2018. #
- class Image changed to ProductImage for a easier namespace resolving.
[0.0.3] - 12.10.2018. #
- model of selected product images changed.
[0.0.2] - 3.10.2018. #
- Service saveProduct() can handle to add and to edit a product.
- Added traces to a product
[0.0.1] - 18.09.2018. #
initial version with these API services:
- add a new product
- add a new product image
- get an existing product