opencv_dart 0.0.3-dev.0 copy "opencv_dart: ^0.0.3-dev.0" to clipboard
opencv_dart: ^0.0.3-dev.0 copied to clipboard


OpenCV4 bindings for Dart language

opencv_dart #

OpenCV Bindings for Dart Language.

!!!This package is experiment and APIs may change in the future!!!

Many tests unfinished, contributions are welcome!

Status #

module Binding status Test status description
aruco ArUco module
core Core module
features2d Features2D module
highgui HighGUI module
imgcodecs ImageCodecs module
imgproc ImageProc module
objdetect Object Detection module
svd SVD module
video Video module
videoio VideoIO module
asyncarray AsyncArray module
calib3d Calib3D module
dnn DNN module
photo Photo module
cuda CUDA module
contrib Contrib module


  • compile libs for android, linux
  • support for iOS, macOS
  • add more examples
  • modify C wrapper to catch exceptions
  • Native Assets

Develop #

This package is in heavy development, dynamic libraries for Windows have been compiled, for other platforms, you need to compile it yourself.

  1. compile opencv
  2. compile this package along with gocv
  3. copy libs

Acknowledgement #

License #

Apache-2.0 License