open_in_editor 0.1.0+1
open_in_editor: ^0.1.0+1 copied to clipboard
Quickly open a Flutter project in the requested editor for native code development
Quickly open a Flutter project in the requested editor for native code development
This tool is currently not supported on Windows
Features #
- Correctly open Flutter projects and plugins in Android Studio or Xcode
- This ensures that code analysis works, facilitating native development
- Much quicker than opening the project manually
Installation #
$ dart pub global activate open_in_editor
Usage #
$ oie [editor] [path]
Supported editors
Alias | Editor |
as | Android Studio |
asp | Android Studio Preview |
xc | Xcode |
xcb | Xcode Beta |
Path is the path to the flutter project folder. If path is not provided, the current directory will be used.