oneroot 0.0.9 copy "oneroot: ^0.0.9" to clipboard
oneroot: ^0.0.9 copied to clipboard

Introducing our innovative root & jailbreak detection plugin called OneRoot, a powerful tool that allows you to check the part of your device security.

logo oneroot #

Introducing our innovative root & jailbreak detection plugin called OneRoot, a powerful tool that allows you to check the part of your device security.

As per the logo OWAPS standard, we have to create a way for programmatic detection.

Android IOS
  • File Existence Checks
  • Executing Su And Other Commands
  • Checking Running Processes
  • Checking Installed App Packages
  • Checking For Writable Partitions And System Directories
  • Checking The Debuggable Flag In Application info
  • Timer Checks
  • Messing With Jdwp Related Data structures
  • Checking Tracer pid
  • File-based Checks
  • Checking File Permissions
  • Checking Protocol Handlers
  • Frida Detection
  • Emulator Detection
  • Features #

    • Android Root Detection
    • IOS JailBreak Detection

    Getting started #

    To use this package, add oneroot as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

    Usage #

    • On pubspeck.yaml
    oneroot: ^0.0.9
    • On Dart Import
    import 'package:oneroot/oneroot.dart';
    • On implementation of Root Detection
    //init plugin object
    final _onerootPlugin = Oneroot();
    //Method will return "ROOTED" as a string value if you are running on a rooted environment.
    String platformRootStatus = await _onerootPlugin.getRootChecker();
    //Method will return the OS version.
    String platformVersion = await _onerootPlugin.getPlatformVersion();
    One Root - Android Root Detection One Root - IOS JailBreak Detection
    root root

    logo logo logo logo

    pub points



    Introducing our innovative root & jailbreak detection plugin called OneRoot, a powerful tool that allows you to check the part of your device security.

    Repository (GitHub)
    View/report issues


    #oneroot #android #ios #root-detection #jailbreak-detection


    unknown (license)


    flutter, plugin_platform_interface


    Packages that depend on oneroot